diff --git a/Repositories/otago_eprints/otago_eprints/cfg/phrases-en.xml b/Repositories/otago_eprints/otago_eprints/cfg/phrases-en.xml
index 6f1dd53..67727de 100755
--- a/Repositories/otago_eprints/otago_eprints/cfg/phrases-en.xml
+++ b/Repositories/otago_eprints/otago_eprints/cfg/phrases-en.xml
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
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This options enables you to view your items in the repository, and to duplicate existing items so that you can deposit updated versions.
You currently have no undeposited items.
You currently have no pending items.
You have no accepted items.
Select this option to change your subscriptions. The repository will automatically email you every day, week or month with lists of deposited documents that match your criteria.
Change the email address that EPrints currently has for you.
This option allows you to view, edit and approve items that users have submitted but have not yet been approved for the repository. You may only edit items within your editorial scope.
This option allows you to create, delete, unlink and link items in the subject tree.
You have not finished yet!
Please verify that all of the details about your deposit are correct, and that all necessary files have been correctly uploaded, including any figures.
When you are satisfied click the Deposit Item Now button at the foot of this page.
Below are listed your items in the repository. Click on the title of an item to view it.
New Version: This button makes a copy of the item in your workspace. Do this if you are going to submit an updated version of the item. Any attached files will also be copied.
Use as template: If you want to submit a similar item this button will create a new item in your workspace using the current item as a template. This option will not link the new item to the old one. Any attached files will not be copied.
WARNING! This is the EPrints subject editor tool. You should be aware that it can make major changes that cannot be undone. If you remove a subject that is the only subject of an eprint then you will no longer be able to find that eprint via the browse views, only by the search.
Be careful. Think before deleting anything.
(Of course, if this is not a live repository, then it doesn't matter.)
Enter the ID of an existing child that is NOT an ancestor of the subject, or enter an unused subject id to create a new subject.
You may configure subscriptions to this repository. A subscription is a stored search that will be run every day, week or month. Any matching items that have been added or modified since last time will be mailed to you.
Item successfully moved back into editorial review.
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