Olive Pink Collection. Watercolour and colured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum
Pink, Olive (1930) Olive Pink Collection. Watercolour and colured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum. University of Tasmania Library, Special & Rare Materials Collections, Hobart. (Unpublished) Official URL: http://www.utas.edu.au/library/exhibitions/olive_pink/index.html AbstractWatercolour and colured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum (Dimensions 19x26cm) (File No. p6-3-17) Repository Staff Only: item control page