Standardization, innovation and IPR
Iversen, Eric J. and Oversjoen, Esten and Thue Lie, Haakon (2004) Standardization, innovation and IPR. Telektronikk, 100 (2). pp. 65-79. Preview |
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AbstractPatents and other industrial IPRs have the potential to undermine the collective pursuit of a technical standard that might serve the common interests of the sector or industry. This tension between the individual and the collective, between the development of technology and its diffusion, is by no means new; it is an inherent feature of standard development as an institution of innovation. The premise for this article is that the scope for conflict has increased over time. The increasing prevalence of the conflict raises a set of challenges for policymakers, patent offices, standards development organizations, and businesses. The article contributes to increasing awareness in these environments. Item Type: | Article |
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Keywords: | Standardization; innovation; Intellectual property; IPRs; patents |
Subjects: | 350000 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services > 350200 Business and Management > 350211 Innovation and Technology Management 390000 Law, Justice and Law Enforcement > 390100 Law > 390114 Intellectual Property |
ID Code: | 1357 |
Deposited By: | Ms Sophie Jerrim |
Deposited On: | 25 Jul 2007 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jan 2008 02:30 |
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