Facies architecture and Late Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of a felsic volcanic island, Milos, Greece
Stewart, A.L. and McPhie, J. (2006) Facies architecture and Late Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of a felsic volcanic island, Milos, Greece. Bulletin of Volcanology, 68 (7-8). pp. 703-726. ![[img]](http://eprints.utas.edu.au/style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png) | PDF - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer 3973Kb | |
Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00445-005-0045-2 AbstractThe volcanic island of Milos, Greece, comprises
an Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene, thick (up to 700 m),
compositionally and texturally diverse succession of calcalkaline, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks that record a
transition from a relatively shallow but dominantly belowwave-base submarine setting to a subaerial one. The volcanic activity began at 2.66 plus-minus 0.07 Ma and has been more or less continuous since then. Subaerial emergence probably occurred at 1.44 plus-minus 0.08 Ma, in response to a combination of volcanic constructional processes and faultcontrolled volcano-tectonic uplift. The architecture of the dominantly felsic-intermediate volcanic succession reflects contrasts in eruption style, proximity to source, depositional environment and emplacement processes. The juxtaposition of submarine and subaerial facies indicates that for part of the volcanic history, below-wave base to abovewave base, and shoaling to subaerial depositional environments coexisted in most areas. The volcanic facies architecture comprises interfingering proximal (near vent), medial and distal facies associations related to five main volcano
types: (1) submarine felsic cryptodome-pumice cone volcanoes; (2) submarine dacitic and andesitic lava domes;
(3) submarine-to-subaerial scoria cones; (4) submarine-tosubaerial dacitic and andesitic lava domes and (5) subaerial lava-pumice cone volcanoes. The volcanic facies areinterbedded with a sedimentary facies association comprising sandstone and/or fossiliferous mudstone mainly derived from erosion of pre-existing volcanic deposits. The main facies associations are interpreted to have conformable, disconformable,and interfingering contacts, and there are no mappable angular unconformities or disconformities within the volcanic succession. Repository Staff Only: item control page