Tertiary and Quaternary fossil wood from Kerguelen (southern Indian Ocean)
Philippe, Marc and Giret, Andre and Jordan, Gregory J. (1998) Tertiary and Quaternary fossil wood from Kerguelen (southern Indian Ocean). Contes Rendus Acadamie des Sciences, Sciences de la terre et des planetes, 326 (12). pp. 901-906. Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1251-8050(98)80030-X AbstractKerguelen is now treeless but forest grew there during the Tertiary. Tertiary fossil wood is common there and was recorded and described by 19th Century workers. Recently discovered wood from a Pleistocene moraine shows that trees persisted into the Quaternary. A xylological study helps clarify the history and palaeoecology of the woody vegetation on Kerguelen. Repository Staff Only: item control page