Changing Times: Changing Challenges for Early Childhood Leaders
Boardman, Margot (2003) Changing Times: Changing Challenges for Early Childhood Leaders. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 28 (2). AbstractRapid change resulting from the devolution of responsibility to schools and
their communities as part of school-based management practices, has created
substantial leadership challenges across all sectors of education, with school leaders
facing more role changes than any other group involved in school reform (Blase &
Blase 1997, p.30). The early childhood area of education has not been exempt from
the impact of these changes, experiencing many pressures to accommodate rapid
social change and develop services and programs that are adaptive and flexible and
responsive to community needs (Rodd 1998, p. 126). Subsequently, these significant
changes have necessitated the expansion of the leadership role for early childhood
leaders. No longer is it desirable or appropriate for these leaders to be seen in a
mothering, nurturing role but rather they must become administrators, advocates,
trainers, supervisors and educators (Rodd 1998). Repository Staff Only: item control page