Recognition? Trust? Support? Presence? What really counts in early childhood leadership?
Boardman, Margot (2003) Recognition? Trust? Support? Presence? What really counts in early childhood leadership? Journal of Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, 10 (1). pp. 1-11. Official URL: AbstractNineteen school principals, twenty-one senior staff leaders (including assistant
principals and advanced skills teachers) and one hundred and one
Kindergarten to Grade 2 (K-2) teachers responded to a survey concerning the
relative importance of thirteen attributes of early childhood leadership. Each
participant was asked to rank in importance five attributes of successful school
leadership from the thirteen aspects provided. Demonstration of trust and
support for K-2 teachers was perceived to be the central aspect of successful
leadership by both leaders and teachers. Ensuring adequate resourcing
provisions for K-2 education was seen to be the second most important aspect
of leadership by teachers, whilst leaders perceived helping to improve
teaching practice to be the second critical aspect of successful leadership.
Conflicting perceptions between the two groups were seen in relation to the
aspects of sharing leadership with K-2 teachers and encouraging innovation
by teachers, with leaders placing greater emphasis on these two aspects than
teachers. Conversely, teachers perceived that demonstration of positive
leadership presence in K-2 and possession of sound conflict and negotiation
skills to be crucial to a leaders role in K-2. Repository Staff Only: item control page