Flows and boundaries: small island discourses and the challenge of sustainability, community and local environments
Stratford, Elaine (2003) Flows and boundaries: small island discourses and the challenge of sustainability, community and local environments. Local Environment, 8 (5). pp. 495-499. ISSN 1354-9839 Preview |
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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1354983032000143653 AbstractIslands (also islets, isles)—paradoxical spaces: absolute entities surrounded by water but not large enough to be a continent, territories, territorial; relational spaces—archipelagos, (inter dependent, identifiable; relative spaces—bounded but porous; isolated, connected, colonized, postcolonial; redolent of the performative imaginary; vulnerable to linguistic, cultural, environmental change; robust and able to absorb and modify; placed in regions,(part of) nation states and global life; paradisiacal, utopian and dystopian, tourist meccas, ecological refugia; frames within which interdisciplinary scholarship and dialogue can be constituted and deployed … Repository Staff Only: item control page