Natural Heritage Management
Kirkpatrick, J.B. and Kiernan, K. (2006) Natural Heritage Management. In: Managing Protected Areas: A Global Guide. . Earthscan, London, UK, pp. 421-447. | PDF - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer 4Mb |
Official URL: AbstractThe process of natural area management
commences with a vision, progresses through
planning and allocating resources, and culminates
in a range of outcomes (Hockings et al, 2000).
Management to conserve natural heritage
involves assessing the significant qualities of an
area, and ensuring the survival or restoration of
these qualities, ideally in a self-sustaining condition
rath er than one that requires continual
intervent ion. Achieving this end typically requires
protection of functioning natural systems, rather
than merely localized features and sites
(AC IUCN,2002). Repository Staff Only: item control page