Evaluation and Professional Development Practices in Tasmanian High Schools
Kertesz, John L. (2007) Evaluation and Professional Development Practices in Tasmanian High Schools. PhD thesis, University of Tasmania. AbstractThis study reports on teacher evaluation and professional development practices in Tasmanian
high schools. It was conducted within a context of increasing regulation of teachers through
legislated registration and directed standards. The thesis in this study is that there is insufficient
linkage between teacher evaluation and professional development. The study investigates
whether Tasmanian high schools monitor teaching, and verify whether teacher learning leads to
explicit pedagogical outcomes.
By considering factors such as organisational theory, teacher competence, evaluation objectives
and approaches, and the impact of change, a list of ideal objectives and characteristics for the
evaluation of teachers is established. By examining organisational support of new pedagogies,
the application of stage theory to determine individual needs, and validation of training to
ensure that learning has been applied, a similar list of ideal objectives and characteristics is
obtained for professional development.
A sample of 193 high school teachers was surveyed to determine the extent of teacher
evaluation by supervisors, and independent reflective pedagogical practices. It also examined
professional development participation, effectiveness, and satisfaction. Teacher perceptions of
their ability to affect their performance management were analysed. The state wide survey is
complemented by case studies of four high schools to reveal extant evaluation and professional
development practices and attitudes. Surveys of documentation and teacher attitudes are
supported by student focus group discussions to yield an insight into classroom realities.
The state wide survey revealed that formal evaluation and classroom observation were
uncommon, and that one third of the sample rarely engaged in scheduled discussions about
pedagogy. Teacher attitudes to professional development were positive, but one in four
teachers were dissatisfied with its management and outcomes. Surveyed teachers felt
collectively strong and individually weak to influence extant evaluation and professional
development practices. Only one case study school used evaluation as other than an
intermittent selection tool, but half of the teachers in this school felt no ownership of, and
lacked trust, in the process. Professional development choices in all case study schools were
often based on enjoyment, and outcomes for teaching and learning were rarely validated.
The research suggests that the establishment of evaluation or external implementation of
teacher standards may be undermined by current professional development practices that are
neither based on classroom needs, nor validated to ensure pedagogical outcomes. Collective
independent utilisation of established standards methodologies by teachers themselves to
establish reflective pedagogy could be the most effective way of enhancing teaching quality. Repository Staff Only: item control page