Glaciation and cave sediment aggradation around the margins of the Mt Field Plateau, Tasmania
Kiernan, Kevin and Lauritzen, S-E. and Duhig, N. (2001) Glaciation and cave sediment aggradation around the margins of the Mt Field Plateau, Tasmania. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,, 48 (2). pp. 251-263. ISSN 1440-0952 ![[img]]( | PDF - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer 1364Kb | |
Official URL: AbstractLandform evolution around the Mt Field Plateau has been strongly influenced by multiple stages of cold glacial climate. Only small glaciers were present during the late Last Glacial or Global Isotope Stage 2, but degraded moraines and the distribution of erratics indicate that ice cover was more extensive earlier when ice and meltwater invaded neighbouring karst areas and meltwater streams deposited gravel in caves. Weathering evidence suggests a significant glacial advance during Global Isotope Stage 4. Uranium-thorium dating of speleothems associated with gravels in proglacial caves suggests a major phase of gravel aggradation that post-dates Global Isotope Stage 5 and pre-dates Global Isotope Stage 2 Repository Staff Only: item control page