The Political Economy of Japanese Distant Water Tuna Fisheries
Haward, Marcus and Bergin, Anthony (2001) The Political Economy of Japanese Distant Water Tuna Fisheries. Marine Policy, 25 . pp. 91-101. ISSN 0308-597X ![[img]]( | PDF - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer 172Kb | |
Official URL: AbstractThis paper first describes the development of Japan’ tuna fisheries, outlines the constraints facing these fisheries, and identifies strategies to manage these constraints. A case study of the southern bluefin tuna fishery indicates the significance of the challenges facing Japanese tuna fisheries. . It is too early to pronounce that the sun has set on one of Japan’s most successful distant water fisheries – there are avenues available for adjustment. The difficult process of domestic restructuring is, however, occurring at the same time that Japan is having to address significant external constraints on this industry Repository Staff Only: item control page