Boundary element methods in the prediction of the acoustic damping of ship whipping vibrations
Holloway, Damien S. and Thomas, Giles A. and Davis, Michael R. (2004) Boundary element methods in the prediction of the acoustic damping of ship whipping vibrations. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 45 (E). pp. 845-856. ISSN 1446-8735 | PDF - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer 165Kb | |
Official URL: AbstractDamping of ship whipping vibrations following a slam due to wave
impact is traditionally assumed to be primarily of material or structural
origin. However, several mechanisms of energy dissipation to the
surrounding water exist, including gravity and acoustic waves. Neither
transports much energy for the lowest frequency modes, in which
the acoustic wavelength may be an order or magnitude greater than
the ship length whereas the gravity wavelength is at least an order of
magnitude shorter than the ship beam. However, the acoustic damping
ratio increases as the fourth power of frequency, becoming significant
for higher frequency modes. Repository Staff Only: item control page