The Term Spread and GDP Growth in Australia
Poke, Jacob and Wells, Graeme (2007) The Term Spread and GDP Growth in Australia. Discussion Paper. School of Economics and Finance, University of Tasmania. Preview |
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Official URL: AbstractThis paper analyses the e¤ectiveness of the spread between short and
long term interest rates for predicting GDP growth in Australia, and
whether the predictive relation deteriorates, as theory suggests, with the
adoption of a credible ination-targeting regime. We test whether predic-
tive power is sensitive to inclusion of other conditioning variables which
may be useful in forecasting GDP growth, and whether forecasting sig-
cance is due primarily to the expected change in short-term interest
rates, the term premium, or a combination of the two. In a simple bivari-
ate model, results strongly suggest that the shift to a credible ination-
targeting regime has reduced the predictive content of the term spread.
However, extensions to this basic model tend to undermine this result.
The predictive power of the term spread in Australia may have been over-
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