Moving Towards the USDA Food Guide Pyramid Food: Evidence from Household Food Group Choice in Vietnam
Ngwenya, Elkana (2007) Moving Towards the USDA Food Guide Pyramid Food: Evidence from Household Food Group Choice in Vietnam. Discussion Paper. School of Economics and Finance, University of Tasmania. Preview |
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Official URL: AbstractConsumption choices and behaviour of households influence well-being and demand for food
products. For healthy eating and well-being households make choices such that the
recommended daily calories are met. Such household choices are generally informed by a
Food Guide (FG). Evidence suggests that households’ daily calorie intake may differ
significantly from that suggested by their FG. In this paper, the extent to which Vietnamese
households’ consumption choices follow the US FGP guidelines is examined Factors that
determine the number of FGP food items and food groups, chosen by households in Vietnam,
are identified. Data from the Vietnamese Living Standards Survey (VLSS), for the periods
1992/93, 1997/98, 2002 and 2004 are used. In addition, household consumption choices are
analysed using a binary logit frameworks. Six food groups, namely: breads, cereals, rice and
pasta (F1), fruits (F2), vegetables (F3), meats, poultry, dry beans, eggs and nuts (F4); milk
and milk products (F5); and, fats, oils), drinks, sweets and cakes (F6), are considered.
Preliminary results suggest that the demographic and regional characteristics determine the
number of FGP food groups chosen, and the number of food items consumed by Vietnamese
households over the period 1992-2004. The observed changes in food group choices over the
four survey periods have implications for calorie intake and expenditure poverty,
malnourishment, income and wealth generation in Vietnam. Repository Staff Only: item control page