Aquatic biological survey of Pencil Pine Creek: 2005
Davies, P.E. and Cook, L.S.J. and Sloane, T. (2005) Aquatic biological survey of Pencil Pine Creek: 2005. Project Report. DPIWE and Freshwater Systems, Hobart. Preview |
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AbstractA survey of the status of instream biota was required for Pencil Pine Creek, Cradle Valley, in relation to the discharge of wastewater from a proposed new wastewater treatment plant, collection and discharge system (Figure 1). This document describes the approach, methods and results of the survey which was conducted in late September 2005. The survey assessed the current status and condition of instream biota â benthic macroinvertebrate, fish and aquatic vegetation â at sites at and downstream of the proposed new discharge point in Pencil Pine Creek (i.e. receiving water sites). Several reference sites were also sampled to provide a local context for the biota observed at the receiving water sites â both upstream in Pencil Pine Creek and in the Dove River. These latter data will also serve as future reference/control data for any ongoing monitoring of changes in Pencil Pine Creek once the proposed WWTP discharge commences.
Additional sampling was also requested of aquatic biota at two sites associated with the discharge from the Cradle Mountain Lodge complex, which discharges into an unnamed tributary of Pencil Pine Creek. Repository Staff Only: item control page