A Regular Demand System with Commodity-Specific Demographic Effects
Blacklow, Paul and Cooper, Russell and Ham, Roger and McLaren, Keith (2006) A Regular Demand System with Commodity-Specific Demographic Effects. Discussion Paper. University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. Preview |
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AbstractRegular consumer demand systems almost invariably employ specifications that
involve common functional forms in all equations. When applications involve crosssectional
data it is often the case that demographic effects are important. However it
is plausible that demographic effects are commodity-specific. In this case, there may
be a loss of efficiency if a common functional form across commodities is imposed
artificially by entering redundant explanators in demand equations for which specific
demographic influences are unwarranted. This paper explores an approach to
specifying a complete system of demand equations which is fully regular but which
nevertheless allows for commodity-specific variation in the functional form of the
demand equations. Repository Staff Only: item control page