Newspapers production of common sense: the 'greenie madness' or why should we read editorials?
Rupar, Verica (2007) Newspapers production of common sense: the 'greenie madness' or why should we read editorials? Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 8 (5). ISSN 1464-8849 (In Press) | PDF - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer 302Kb |
Official URL: AbstractThis article examines editorial discourse and the newspaper's production of ' common sense' in relation to issues of public concern. Using a case study of editorials published on genetic engineering in New Zealand, the article discusses how discursive characteristics of one journalistic practice (reporting facts in the 'news') influence another journalistic practice (expressing opinion in the 'editorial'). Focusing on the newspaper genre that communicates 'views', the paper investigates the manner in which editorials achieve their persuasive goals, and examines how particular components of journalistic discourse, such as headlines, topics and the editorial structure, contribute to public discussion about important issues in society. Repository Staff Only: item control page