Number of items by type: select type, count(*) from eprint where eprint_status='archive' group by type order by type; Same, but for theses only: select thesis_type, count(*) from eprint where eprint_status='archive' and type = 'thesis' group by thesis_type order by thesis_type; Same, but added by month: select datestamp_year, datestamp_month, type, count(*) from eprint where eprint_status='archive' group by datestamp_year, datestamp_month, type order by datestamp_year, datestamp_month, type; Number of items with full text (all/theses): select type, count(distinct eprintid) from eprint inner join document using (eprintid) where eprint_status='archive' and security <> 'staffonly' group by type order by type; select thesis_type, count(distinct eprintid) from eprint inner join document using (eprintid) where eprint_status='archive' and security <> 'staffonly' and type = 'thesis' group by thesis_type order by thesis_type; Same, but the full text is publicly available: select type, count(distinct eprintid) from eprint inner join document using (eprintid) where eprint_status='archive' and security = 'public' group by type order by type; select thesis_type, count(distinct eprintid) from eprint inner join document using (eprintid) where eprint_status='archive' and security = 'public' and type = 'thesis' group by thesis_type order by thesis_type; Number of items affiliated with each organisational unit (all items): select affiliations, count(*) from eprint inner join eprint_affiliations using (eprintid) where eprint_status='archive' group by affiliations order by affiliations; Downloads and abstract views by country (excluding search engines): select country_name, view_type, count(*) from view where archive_name='otago_eprints' and view_type='download' and country_code not like 'X@%' group by country_name, view_type order by country_name, view_type; Downloads by search engine: select country_name, count(*) from view where archive_name='otago_eprints' and view_type='download' and country_code like 'X@%' group by country_name order by country_name; Items by author: select creators_name_family, creators_name_given, count(*) from eprint inner join eprint_creators_name using (eprintid) inner join eprint_affiliations using (eprintid) where affiliations in ('INFO', 'ACCT', 'MANT', 'MART', 'ECON', 'TOUR', 'FINC', 'SoB_Dean') and eprint_status = 'archive' group by creators_name_family, creators_name_given order by creators_name_family, creators_name_given; Abstract/download views by month: select year(request_date) as yyyy, month(request_date) as mm, count(*) from view where view_type = 'abstract' and archive_name = 'otago_eprints' group by yyyy, mm order by yyyy, mm; select year(request_date) as yyyy, month(request_date) as mm, count(*) from view where view_type = 'download' and archive_name = 'otago_eprints' group by yyyy, mm order by yyyy, mm;