2009/01: S. Savarimuthu, M. Purvis and M. Purvis. Tag based model for knowledge sharing in agent society. Abstract | Download (424 KB)

2009/02: S. Cranefield and G. Li. Monitoring social expectations in Second Life. Abstract | Download (188 KB)

2009/03: B. T. R. Savarimuthu, M. Bruce and M. Purvis. A software framework for application development using ZigBee protocol. Abstract | Download (168 KB)

2009/04: J. D. Deng. Automatic sapstain detection in processed timber through image feature analysis. Abstract | Download (884 KB)

2009/05: J. D. Deng and M. K. Purvis and M. A. Purvis. Software effort estimation: Harmonizing algorithms and domain knowledge in an integrated data mining approach. Abstract | Download (260 KB)

2009/06: T. Ebadi and M. A. Purvis and M. K. Purvis. A collaborative Web-based issue based information system (IBIS) framework. Abstract | Download (500 KB)

2009/07: F. Aderohmu and J. D. Deng. (Pending.)

2009/08: M. Middlemiss. 2009 Global Network Interconnectivity (GNI) Symposium. Abstract | Download (632 KB)