2006/01: P. Chhanabhai, A. Holt and I. Hunter. Consumers, security and electronic health records. Abstract | Download (291 KB)

2006/02: G. Burrows. Ubiquitous interactive art displays: Are they wanted, are they intuitive? Abstract | Download (496 KB)

2006/03: M. Middlemiss. Positive and negative selection in a multilayer artificial immune system. Abstract | Download (444 KB)

2006/04: B.T.R. Savarimuthu, M. Purvis and M. Purvis. Agent based web service composition in the context of a supply-chain based workflow. Abstract | Download (565 KB)

2006/05: M. Purvis, M. Purvis and B.T.R. Savarimuthu. Facilitating collaboration in a distributed software development environment using P2P architecture. Abstract | Download (360 KB)

2006/06: N. Foukia and P.-E. Mallet. Establishing dynamic trust in virtual organization by means of MAS. Abstract | Download (336 KB)