, which has the advantage of the image
+% being loaded only once, but makes it harder to dynamically change the
+% appearance of markers. The amount of data generated will still be
+% proportional to the number of points (one
per point).
This technique also involves plotting points onto a base map image, but
it differs from the image generation technique in that the points are
not plotted directly onto the base map image. Rather, the points are
@@ -383,40 +354,39 @@
This technique uses the client-side Google Maps API
\cite{Goog-M-2006-maps} to both generate the base map and plot points on
-it, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig-google}. The output and interaction is
-therefore significantly different in nature from that provided by the
-other two techniques. Google Maps requires JavaScript support at the
-client and the Google Maps software must be installed on the client.
-However, since the latter happens automatically when the corresponding
-web page is loaded, this technique meets our requirements.
+it; an example of the output is shown in Figure~\ref{fig-google}. The
+output and interaction is significantly different in nature from that
+provided by the other two techniques. Google Maps requires JavaScript
+support at the client and the Google Maps software must be installed on
+the client. However, since the latter happens automatically when the
+corresponding web page is loaded, this technique meets our requirements.
+Google Maps inherently uses a distributed architecture, as shown in
+Figure~\ref{fig-google-architecture}. Data are generated at the server,
+while all map display and manipulation occurs at the client.
- \caption{Example output from the Google Maps technique.}
+ \caption{Sample output from the Google Maps technique.}
-Google Maps by definition uses a distributed architecture, as shown in
-Figure~\ref{fig-google-architecture}. Data are generated at the server,
-while all map display and manipulation occurs at the client.
\caption{Distributed architecture of the Google Maps technique.}
-The primary advantage of this technique is that it provides an appealing
-visual display and powerful functionality for interacting with the map.
-Users may pan the map in any direction and zoom in and out to many
-different levels. A satellite imagery view is also available. In
-addition, further information about each point plotted (such as the name
-of the city, for example) can be displayed in a ``speech bubble'' next
-to the point, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig-google}.
+The primary advantage of this technique is the powerful functionality it
+provides for generating and interacting with the map. Users may pan the
+map in any direction and zoom in and out to many different levels. A
+satellite imagery view is also available. In addition, further
+information about each point plotted (such as the name of the city, for
+example) can be displayed in a ``speech bubble'' next to the point, as
+shown in Figure~\ref{fig-google}. The display is also visually appealing.
However, there are also some significant disadvantages compared to the
previous two techniques. As a distrbiuted applicatiopn, it is more
@@ -432,16 +402,92 @@
Google will implement this feature in a later version of the API).
Interestingly, the Google Earth application addresses several of these
-issues, but this is clearly outside the scope of our work, as it
-requires the manual installation of extra software and runs outside the
-web browser entirely. (Just for fun, however, we will do an informal
-comparison in Section~\ref{sec-results} between Google Earth and the
-three techniques discussed here.)
+issues, but falls outside the scope of this work, as it requires the
+manual installation of extra software and runs outside the web browser
+entirely. (Just for fun, however, we will do an informal comparison in
+Section~\ref{sec-results} between Google Earth and the three techniques
+discussed here.)
\section{Experimental design}
+After some preliminary experimentation and testing with live data from
+the Otago School of Business repository, we proceeded with a more formal
+series of experiments to test the scalability of the three techniques.
+Each technique was tested using progressively larger sets of synthetic
+data. The first data set comprised one point at the South Pole (latitude
+\(-90^{\circ}\), longitude \(0^{\circ}\)). Each successive data set was twice
+the size of its preceecssor, and comprised a regular grid of
+latitude/longitude points at one degree intervals. A total of twenty-one
+data sets were created in this way, with the number of points ranging
+from one to 1,048,576 (\(=2^{20}\)).
+Beacuse of the focus on scalability, we were primarily interested in
+measuring page load times, memory usage, and the amount of data
+generated (which impacts on both storage and network bandwidth). The
+page load time can be further broken down into the time taken to
+generate the map data, the time taken to transfer the map data to the
+client across the network, and the time taken by the client to display
+the map.
+Unfortunately, the Google Maps technique requires an active Internet
+connection, so we were unable to run the experiments on an isolated
+network. This meant that traffic on the local network could be a
+confounding factor. We therefore decided to eliminate network
+performance from the equation by running both the server and the client
+on the same machine\footnote{A Power Macintosh G5 1.8\,MHz with 1\,GiB
+RAM, running Mac OS X 10.4.7, Apache 2.0.55, PHP 4.4 and Perl 5.8.6.}.
+This in turn enabled us to measure the time taken for data generation
+and page display independently of each other, thus simplifying the
+process of data collection and also reducing the impact that the client
+and server processes would have on each other.
+It could be argued that network performance would still have a
+confounding effect on the Google Maps technique, but this would only be
+likely for the intial download of the API (which comprises about
+155\,KiB of JavaScript source), as the API will be locally cached
+thereafter. The API key verification occurs every time the map is
+loaded, but the amount of data involved is very small, so it seems
+unlikely that this would be significantly affected by network
+For each data set, we recorded the size of the data set, the time taken
+to generate it, the time taken to display the resultant map in the
+browser, and the amount of memory used during the test by both the
+browser and the web server. The data set generation time and memory
+usage were measured using the \texttt{time} and \texttt{top} utilities
+respectively. The map display time was measured using the ``page load
+test'' debugging feature of Apple's Safari web browser, which can
+repetitively load a set of pages while recording various statistics, in
+particular the time taken to load the page. Tests were run up to twenty
+times each, where feasible, in order to reduce the impact of random
+%%!! confused!
+The image generation technique was implemented as a server-side
+architecture. A dispatcher page written in PHP called a Perl script,
+which generated a JPEG-compressed map image and returned this to the
+The HTML overlay technique was implemented in two ways:
+ \item as a server-side architecture that worked in much the same way
+ as the image generation technique, except that the Perl script
+ returned an HTML file containing the \verb|
| elements for the
+ overlay, and an \verb|
| element to load the base map image; and
+ \item as a distributed architecture, where client-side JavaScript
+ code made an asynchronous call to the server-side Perl script, which
+ returned
+and Google Maps techniques were implemented as a server-side
+and a distributed architecture respectively. The HTML overlay technique
+was implemented twice; once as a server-side architecture and once as a
+distributed architecture.