person_idsurnameother_namescontact_phonecontact_addressemailusername 1234567 Dyson Sang Russell 02139414116 74 Patmos Avenue dyssa123 1234569 Kwak Patricia Helen 02137254888 28 Cherry Drive kwapa999 1234568 Soto Teresa Stephanie 02737076169 21 Elwyn Crescent sotte123 1234570 Reed John Clifford 02136507402 45 Pine Hill Road reejo282 1234571 Barajas Charles William 02232104933 34 Scobie Road barch087
student_idhome_phonehome_addressinternationalsupervisor_id 1234568 +16461234567 Los Angeles ##TRUE_VALUE## 1234570 02136507402 45 Pine Hill Road ##FALSE_VALUE## 1234571 02232104933 34 Scobie Road ##FALSE_VALUE##
paper_codetitledescriptionpointsperiod ACCT112 Introduction to Accounting A whole lotta text going on. 18 S1 BSNS106 Information and Communication in Organisations A whole lotta text going on. 18 S1 COMP160 General Programming A whole lotta text going on. 18 SS INFO214 Business ICT Infrstructure A whole lotta text going on. 18 S2 INFO321 Enterprise Data Management A whole lotta text going on. 18 S2
assessment_idassessment_yearnamedescriptiontypereleaseweightmaximum_markpaper_code 1234567890 2012 Assignment 1 Database Implementation A ##FALSE_VALUE## 10 100 INFO214 1234567891 2012 Practical Test A nasty, nasty test. T ##FALSE_VALUE## 10 100 INFO214 1234567892 2012 Final Examination Ooh, scary... X ##TRUE_VALUE## 50 100 INFO321
enrolment_iddescriptionyear_enrolledcommentsstudent_idpaper_code 1234567890 Some random description. 2012 1234568 INFO214 1234567891 Some random description. 2012 1234570 INFO214 1234567892 Some random description. 2012 1234571 INFO214 1234567893 Some random description. 2013 1234570 INFO321 1234567894 Some random description. 2012 1234571 INFO321
assessment_idenrolment_idraw_markweighted_markpercentage_mark 1234567890 1234567890 50 5 50 1234567890 1234567891 67 6.7 67 1234567892 1234567894 83 41.5 83