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Different file formats that can be used with EPrints

University of Otago ( 2004 ) Different file formats that can be used with EPrints

The full text is available as:

Audio ( MP3 ) - Requires an audio player, such as WinAMP, iTunes, VLC player or MPlayer
1 KB
Executable ( VideoLan Player )
11,216 KB
HTML ( Links to useful software ) - Viewable in any web browser
6 KB
Image ( JPEG ) - Requires an image viewer (most operating systems have built-in support for standard image types such as JPEG, GIF and PNG)
7 KB
Other ( Any other digital file type )
11,216 KB
PDF - Requires a PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader, GSview, xpdf or Adobe Reader
38 KB
Plain text
11 KB
PostScript - Requires a PostScript viewer, such as GSview
1 KB
Presentation ( MS PowerPoint ) - Requires the appropriate presentation software, such as Microsoft Powerpoint, OpenOffice Impress or KeyNote
1,736 KB
Spreadsheet ( MS Excel ) - Requires the appropriate spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc
14 KB
Word processor ( MS Word ) - Requires an appropriate word processor, such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer
48 KB
Video ( AVI ) - Requires a video player, such as MPlayer, VLC, QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player
12,013 KB

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This page illustrates what types of files can be used with EPrints.

It also illustrates the fact that one item may have a variety of different files attached to it.

Item Type: Other
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords go here
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
ID Code: 10
Deposited By: Archive Administrator
Deposited On: 05 April 2006

Repository Staff Only: edit this item

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