// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information. using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using HoloToolkit.Unity; namespace HoloToolkit.Sharing { public static class SharingMenu { [MenuItem("Mixed Reality Toolkit/Sharing Service/Launch Sharing Service", false, 100)] public static void LaunchSessionServer() { string filePathName = @"External\HoloToolkit\Sharing\Server\SharingService.exe"; if (!File.Exists(filePathName)) { Debug.LogError("Sharing service does not exist at location: " + filePathName); Debug.LogError("Please enable the Sharing Service via HoloToolkit -> Configure -> Apply Project Settings."); return; } ExternalProcess.FindAndLaunch(filePathName, @"-local"); } [MenuItem("Mixed Reality Toolkit/Sharing Service/Launch Session Manager", false, 101)] public static void LaunchSessionUI() { string filePathName = @"External\HoloToolkit\Sharing\Tools\SessionManager\x86\SessionManager.UI.exe"; if (!File.Exists(filePathName)) { Debug.LogError("Session Manager UI does not exist at location: " + filePathName); Debug.LogError("Please enable the Sharing Service via HoloToolkit -> Configure -> Apply Project Settings."); return; } ExternalProcess.FindAndLaunch(filePathName); } [MenuItem("Mixed Reality Toolkit/Sharing Service/Launch Profiler", false, 103)] public static void LaunchProfilerX() { string filePathName = @"External\HoloToolkit\Sharing\Tools\Profiler\x86\ProfilerX.exe"; if (!File.Exists(filePathName)) { Debug.LogError("Profiler does not exist at location: " + filePathName); Debug.LogError("Please enable the Sharing Service via HoloToolkit -> Configure -> Apply Project Settings."); return; } ExternalProcess.FindAndLaunch(filePathName); } } }