HoloAnatomy / Assets / HoloToolkit / Common / Scripts / Editor / Obsolete / CustomMaterialEditor.cs
SURFACEBOOK2\jackwynne on 25 May 2018 5 KB v1
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace HoloToolkit.Unity
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper class for custom material editors
    /// </summary>
    public static class CustomMaterialEditor
        public static Rect TextureWithToggleableColorSingleLine
            MaterialEditor matEditor,
            GUIContent label,
            MaterialProperty textureProp,
            MaterialProperty colorToggleProp,
            MaterialProperty colorProp
            var lineRect = GetControlRectForSingleLine();
            var controlRect = lineRect;

            //TexturePropertyMiniThumbnail handles begin and end animation checks
            matEditor.TexturePropertyMiniThumbnail(lineRect, textureProp, label.text, label.tooltip);

            controlRect.x += EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
            controlRect.width = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;

            var toggleTooltip = new GUIContent
                text = string.Empty,
                tooltip = "Enable/Disable color"

            //label indent of -1 is the secret sauce to make it aligned with right aligned toggles that come after labels
            //ShaderProperty handles begin and end animation checks
            matEditor.ShaderProperty(controlRect, colorToggleProp, toggleTooltip, -1);

            if (colorToggleProp.floatValue != 0.0f)
                controlRect.x += EditorStyles.toggle.fixedWidth;
                controlRect.x += EditorStyles.toggle.padding.right;

                //size it to take up the remainder of the space
                controlRect.width = lineRect.width - controlRect.x;

                var tooltipOnly = new GUIContent
                    text = string.Empty,
                    tooltip = label.tooltip

                EditorGUI.showMixedValue = colorProp.hasMixedValue;
                var color = EditorGUI.ColorField(controlRect, tooltipOnly, colorProp.colorValue);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    colorProp.colorValue = color;
                EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;

            return lineRect;

        public static void SetScaleOffsetKeywords
            MaterialEditor matEditor,
            MaterialProperty textureProp,
            MaterialProperty scaleOffsetProp
            var texScaleOffset = scaleOffsetProp.vectorValue;
            bool usesScale = texScaleOffset.x != 1.0f || texScaleOffset.y != 1.0f;
            bool usesOffset = texScaleOffset.z != 0.0f || texScaleOffset.w != 0.0f;

            var mat = as Material;

            var scaleKeyword = + "_SCALE_ON";
            var offsetKeyword = + "_OFFSET_ON";

            ShaderGUIUtils.SetKeyword(mat, scaleKeyword, usesScale);
            ShaderGUIUtils.SetKeyword(mat, offsetKeyword, usesOffset);

        public static Rect TextureWithToggleableColorAutoScaleOffsetSingleLine
            MaterialEditor matEditor,
            GUIContent label,
            MaterialProperty textureProp,
            MaterialProperty colorToggleProp, MaterialProperty colorProp,
            MaterialProperty scaleOffsetProp
            var rect = TextureWithToggleableColorSingleLine(matEditor, label, textureProp, colorToggleProp, colorProp);

            SetScaleOffsetKeywords(matEditor, textureProp, scaleOffsetProp);

            return rect;

        public static void TextureScaleOffsetVector4Property(MaterialEditor matEditor, MaterialProperty scaleOffsetProp)
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER

            EditorGUI.showMixedValue = scaleOffsetProp.hasMixedValue;

            Vector4 scaleOffsetVector = scaleOffsetProp.vectorValue;

            var textureScale = new Vector2(scaleOffsetVector.x, scaleOffsetVector.y);
            textureScale = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(Styles.scale, textureScale);

            var textureOffset = new Vector2(scaleOffsetVector.z, scaleOffsetVector.w);
            textureOffset = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(Styles.offset, textureOffset);

            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                scaleOffsetProp.vectorValue = new Vector4(textureScale.x, textureScale.y, textureOffset.x, textureOffset.y);

            EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;


        public static Rect GetControlRectForSingleLine()
            return EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, 18f, EditorStyles.layerMaskField);

        private static class Styles
            public static GUIContent scale = new GUIContent("Tiling", "Scale of texture - multiplied by texture coordinates from vertices");
            public static GUIContent offset = new GUIContent("Offset", "Offset of texture - added to texture coordinates from vertices");