// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information. using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace HoloToolkit.Unity.InputModule { /// <summary> /// Describes a Unity pointer event that was generated by a specific input source and ID. /// </summary> public class PointerInputEventData : PointerEventData, IInputSourceInfoProvider { public IInputSource InputSource { get; set; } public uint SourceId { get; set; } public PointerInputEventData(EventSystem eventSystem) : base(eventSystem) { } public void Clear() { Reset(); button = InputButton.Left; clickCount = 0; clickTime = 0; delta = Vector2.zero; dragging = false; eligibleForClick = false; pointerCurrentRaycast = default(RaycastResult); pointerDrag = null; pointerEnter = null; pointerId = 0; pointerPress = null; pointerPressRaycast = default(RaycastResult); position = Vector2.zero; pressPosition = Vector2.zero; rawPointerPress = null; scrollDelta = Vector2.zero; selectedObject = null; useDragThreshold = false; InputSource = null; SourceId = 0; } } }