- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // <auto-generated />
- //
- // This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
- // Version 3.0.10
- //
- // Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
- // the SWIG interface file instead.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace HoloToolkit.Sharing {
- public enum MessageID {
- Start = 134,
- StatusOnly = Start,
- Broadcast,
- SendTo,
- SessionControl,
- MouseXToClient,
- MouseXToServer,
- SyncMessage,
- Tunnel,
- TunnelControl,
- AudioSamples,
- Handshake,
- UserPresenceChange,
- AvatarBroadcast,
- TestAutomation,
- Profiling,
- InternalSyncMessage,
- RoomAnchor,
- UserMessageIDStart = 134+50
- }
- }