// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace HoloToolkit.Sharing.Utilities { /// <summary> /// Utility for connecting to Sharing Service by IP Address from inside application at runtime. /// </summary> public class ManualIpConfiguration : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// The maximum length of characters in a IPv4 address. /// <remarks></remarks> /// </summary> private const int MaximumCharacterLength = 15; public string IpAddress { get { return ipAddress.text; } } /// <summary> /// Hides the UI when connection is made. /// </summary> [Tooltip("Hides the UI when connection is made.")] public bool HideWhenConnected; /// <summary> /// Hides the UI after this many seconds. /// </summary> [Range(0.1f, 5f)] [Tooltip("Hides the UI after this many seconds.")] public float HideAfterSeconds = 1f; /// <summary> /// How many seconds before server connection times out. /// </summary> [Range(1, 30)] [Tooltip("How many seconds before server connection times out.")] public int Timeout = 5; [SerializeField] private Text ipAddress = null; [SerializeField] private Image connectionIndicator = null; private bool timerRunning; private float timer; private bool isTryingToConnect; private bool firstRun; private void Awake() { ipAddress.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("SharingServerIp", "Not Connected"); firstRun = true; } private void Start() { if (SharingStage.Instance != null) { SharingStage.Instance.SharingManagerConnected += OnConnected; SharingStage.Instance.SharingManagerDisconnected += OnDisconnected; } else { Debug.LogError("Unable to subscribe to Sharing Stage!"); } } private void OnEnable() { if (firstRun) { firstRun = false; isTryingToConnect = true; ConnectToSharingService(); } else { isTryingToConnect = false; } } private void Update() { if (timerRunning && timer - Time.time < 0) { if (isTryingToConnect) { isTryingToConnect = false; OnDisconnected(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("SharingServerIp", "Not Connected"); } } } private void OnDestroy() { if (SharingStage.Instance != null) { SharingStage.Instance.SharingManagerConnected -= OnConnected; SharingStage.Instance.SharingManagerDisconnected -= OnDisconnected; } } private void CheckConnection() { // SharingStage should be valid at this point, but we may not be connected. if (SharingStage.Instance.IsConnected) { OnConnected(); } else if (!timerRunning) { timer = Time.time + Timeout; timerRunning = true; } } private void OnConnected(object sender = null, EventArgs e = null) { timerRunning = false; connectionIndicator.color = Color.green; ipAddress.text = SharingStage.Instance.Connection.GetRemoteAddress().ToString(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("SharingServerIp", ipAddress.text); if (HideWhenConnected && isTryingToConnect) { StartCoroutine(Hide()); } isTryingToConnect = false; } private void OnDisconnected(object sender = null, EventArgs e = null) { timerRunning = false; if (!isTryingToConnect) { connectionIndicator.color = Color.red; ipAddress.text = "Not Connected"; } } public void InputString(string input) { timerRunning = false; isTryingToConnect = false; if (ipAddress.text.Contains("Connected") || ipAddress.text.Contains("")) { ipAddress.text = string.Empty; } if (ipAddress.text.Length < MaximumCharacterLength) { ipAddress.text += input; } } public void DeleteLastCharacter() { timerRunning = false; isTryingToConnect = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddress.text)) { ipAddress.text = ipAddress.text.Substring(0, ipAddress.text.Length - 1); } } public void ClearIpAddressString() { timerRunning = false; isTryingToConnect = false; ipAddress.text = ""; } public void ConnectToSharingService() { timerRunning = false; isTryingToConnect = false; if (SharingStage.Instance == null || ipAddress.text.Contains("Connected")) { OnDisconnected(); return; } isTryingToConnect = true; connectionIndicator.color = Color.yellow; SharingStage.Instance.ConnectToServer(ipAddress.text, SharingStage.Instance.ServerPort); CheckConnection(); } private IEnumerator Hide() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(HideAfterSeconds); gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }