HoloAnatomy / Assets / HoloToolkit / Utilities / Scripts / StabilizationPlaneModifier.cs
SURFACEBOOK2\jackwynne on 25 May 2018 10 KB v1
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.

using HoloToolkit.Unity.InputModule;
using UnityEngine;

#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.XR.WSA;
using UnityEngine.VR.WSA;

namespace HoloToolkit.Unity
    /// <summary>
    /// StabilizationPlaneModifier handles the setting of the stabilization plane in several ways.
    /// </summary>
    public class StabilizationPlaneModifier : Singleton<StabilizationPlaneModifier>
        [Tooltip("Checking enables SetFocusPointForFrame to set the stabilization plane.")]
        public bool SetStabilizationPlane = true;

        [Tooltip("When lerping, use unscaled time. This is useful for games that have a pause mechanism or otherwise adjust the game timescale.")]
        public bool UseUnscaledTime = true;

        [Tooltip("Lerp speed when moving focus point closer.")]
        public float LerpStabilizationPlanePowerCloser = 4.0f;

        [Tooltip("Lerp speed when moving focus point farther away.")]
        public float LerpStabilizationPlanePowerFarther = 7.0f;

        [SerializeField, Tooltip("Used to temporarily override the location of the stabilization plane.")]
        private Transform targetOverride;
        public Transform TargetOverride
                return targetOverride;
                if (targetOverride != value)
                    targetOverride = value;
                    if (targetOverride)
                        targetOverridePreviousPosition = targetOverride.position;

        [SerializeField, Tooltip("Keeps track of position-based velocity for the target object.")]
        private bool trackVelocity;
        public bool TrackVelocity
                return trackVelocity;
                trackVelocity = value;
                if (TargetOverride)
                    targetOverridePreviousPosition = TargetOverride.position;

        [Tooltip("Use the GazeManager class to set the plane to the gazed upon hologram. If disabled, the plane will always be at a constant distance.")]
        public bool UseGazeManager = true;

        [Tooltip("Default distance to set plane if plane is gaze-locked or if no object is hit.")]
        public float DefaultPlaneDistance = 2.0f;

        [Tooltip("Visualize the plane at runtime.")]
        public bool DrawGizmos;

        /// <summary>
        /// Position of the plane in world space.
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3 planePosition;

        /// <summary>
        /// Current distance of the plane from the user's head. Only used when not using the target override
        /// or the GazeManager to set the plane's position. 
        /// </summary>
        private float currentPlaneDistance = 4.0f;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tracks the previous position of the target override object. Used if velocity is being tracked.
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3 targetOverridePreviousPosition;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the focus point for every frame after all objects have finished moving.
        /// </summary>
        private void LateUpdate()
            if (SetStabilizationPlane)
                float deltaTime = UseUnscaledTime
                    ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime
                    : Time.deltaTime;

                if (TargetOverride != null)
                else if (UseGazeManager)

        /// <summary>
        /// Called by Unity when this script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector.
        /// Only called in editor, ensures that the property values always match the corresponding member variables.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnValidate()
            TrackVelocity = trackVelocity;
            TargetOverride = targetOverride;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the origin of the gaze for purposes of placing the stabilization plane
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3 GazeOrigin
                if (GazeManager.IsInitialized)
                    return GazeManager.Instance.GazeOrigin;
                return CameraCache.Main.transform.position;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the direction of the gaze for purposes of placing the stabilization plane
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3 GazeNormal
                if (GazeManager.IsInitialized)
                    return GazeManager.Instance.GazeNormal;
                return CameraCache.Main.transform.forward;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the position hit on the object the user is gazing at, if gaze tracking is supported.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hitPosition">The position at which gaze ray intersects with an object.</param>
        /// <returns>True if gaze is supported and an object was hit by gaze, otherwise false.</returns>
        private bool TryGetGazeHitPosition(out Vector3 hitPosition)
            if (GazeManager.IsInitialized)
                hitPosition = GazeManager.Instance.HitPosition;
                return true;
            hitPosition =;
            return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the stabilization plane to update its position based on an object in the scene.        
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureTransformOverridePlane(float deltaTime)
            planePosition = TargetOverride.position;

            Vector3 velocity =;
            if (TrackVelocity)
                velocity = UpdateVelocity(deltaTime);

            // Place the plane at the desired depth in front of the user and billboard it to the gaze origin.
            HolographicSettings.SetFocusPointForFrame(planePosition, -GazeNormal, velocity);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the stabilization plane to update its position based on what your gaze intersects in the scene.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureGazeManagerPlane(float deltaTime)
            Vector3 gazeOrigin = GazeOrigin;
            Vector3 gazeDirection = GazeNormal;

            // Calculate the delta between gaze origin's position and current hit position. If no object is hit, use default distance.
            float focusPointDistance;
            Vector3 gazeHitPosition;
            if (TryGetGazeHitPosition(out gazeHitPosition))
                focusPointDistance = (gazeOrigin - gazeHitPosition).magnitude;
                focusPointDistance = DefaultPlaneDistance;

            float lerpPower = focusPointDistance > currentPlaneDistance ? LerpStabilizationPlanePowerFarther
                                                                        : LerpStabilizationPlanePowerCloser;

            // Smoothly move the focus point from previous hit position to new position.
            currentPlaneDistance = Mathf.Lerp(currentPlaneDistance, focusPointDistance, lerpPower * deltaTime);

            planePosition = gazeOrigin + (gazeDirection * currentPlaneDistance);

            HolographicSettings.SetFocusPointForFrame(planePosition, -gazeDirection,;

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the stabilization plane to update based on a fixed distance away from you.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureFixedDistancePlane(float deltaTime)
            Vector3 gazeOrigin = GazeOrigin;
            Vector3 gazeNormal = GazeNormal;

            float lerpPower = DefaultPlaneDistance > currentPlaneDistance ? LerpStabilizationPlanePowerFarther
                                                                          : LerpStabilizationPlanePowerCloser;

            // Smoothly move the focus point from previous hit position to new position.
            currentPlaneDistance = Mathf.Lerp(currentPlaneDistance, DefaultPlaneDistance, lerpPower * deltaTime);

            planePosition = gazeOrigin + (gazeNormal * currentPlaneDistance);
            HolographicSettings.SetFocusPointForFrame(planePosition, -gazeNormal,;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tracks the velocity of the target object to be used as a hint for the plane stabilization.
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3 UpdateVelocity(float deltaTime)
            // Roughly calculate the velocity based on previous position, current position, and frame time.
            Vector3 velocity = (TargetOverride.position - targetOverridePreviousPosition) / deltaTime;
            targetOverridePreviousPosition = TargetOverride.position;
            return velocity;

        /// <summary>
        /// When in editor, draws a magenta quad that visually represents the stabilization plane.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            if (Application.isPlaying && DrawGizmos)
                Vector3 focalPlaneNormal = -GazeNormal;
                Vector3 planeUp = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(focalPlaneNormal, Vector3.up), focalPlaneNormal);
                Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(planePosition, Quaternion.LookRotation(focalPlaneNormal, planeUp), new Vector3(4.0f, 3.0f, 0.01f));

                Color gizmoColor = Color.magenta;
                gizmoColor.a = 0.5f;
                Gizmos.color = gizmoColor;
