- # Makefile for latex documents.
- # Author: Mark George <mgeorge@infoscience.otago.ac.nz>
- # driver file (tries to automatically find the driver file)
- SOURCE=$(basename $(or $(wildcard lab*.tex), $(wildcard test*.tex), $(wildcard outline.tex), $(wildcard project*.tex),$(wildcard *exercises.tex),$(wildcard *report.tex),$(wildcard phase*.tex),$(wildcard lec*.tex)))
- # if the driver file isn't one of the above then just set the value of the SOURCE variable to the name WITHOUT the extension
- # preamble file
- PREAMBLE=preamble
- # files that will be deleted when we clean
- RUBBISH=*.aux *.out *.dvi *.log *.ps *~ *.*~ auto *.toc *.fdb_latexmk *.fls
- # latex command
- LATEX=pdflatex
- .PHONY: clean
- default: texify clean-rubbish
- pdf: default
- 2up: pdf
- # spit out a 2up driver
- echo "\documentclass{article}\usepackage{pdfpages}\usepackage[a4paper,landscape, pdftex,vmargin=0in,hmargin=0.0in]{geometry}\begin{document}\includepdf[nup=2x1,frame,pages=-,delta=0mm 0mm]{%" >| 2up.tex
- echo ${SOURCE}.pdf% >> 2up.tex
- echo "}\end{document}" >> 2up.tex
- # texify it
- ${LATEX} 2up.tex
- # clean up
- rm 2up.tex
- mv 2up.pdf ${SOURCE}_2up.pdf
- # get rid of any additional generated rubbish
- rm -rf $(RUBBISH)
- # texify target
- texify: ${SOURCE}.pdf
- # compile as many times as needed (at least twice to get PDF bookmarks right) to sort out references and labels
- ${SOURCE}.pdf: ${SOURCE}.tex ${PREAMBLE}.tex
- $(LATEX) ${SOURCE}.tex
- $(LATEX) ${SOURCE}.tex
- # once more if there are still undefined references
- if [ -n "$(shell grep 'There were undefined references' ${SOURCE}.log)" ]; then $(LATEX) ${SOURCE}.tex ; fi
- # once more if there are labels that have changed
- if [ -n "$(shell grep 'Label(s) may have changed' ${SOURCE}.log)" ]; then $(LATEX) ${SOURCE}.tex ; fi
- # delete unwanted generated files
- clean-rubbish:
- rm -rf $(RUBBISH)
- # delete ALL generated files
- clean: clean-rubbish
- rm -rf ${SOURCE}.pdf ${SOURCE}_2up.pdf