templates / lectures / content.tex





		\item ...

		\item ...







	\item foo

	\item bar

	\item baz


Normal, \emph{emph}, normal.




Lorizzle ipsizzle dolizzle yippiyo amet, own yo' crackalackin mammasay mammasa
mamma oo sa. Nullizzle sheezy velit, black volutpat, suscipizzle quis, away
vizzle, boom shackalack. Pellentesque eget tortizzle. Sizzle erizzle. Ass izzle
dolizzle dapibizzle shiznit tempus tempizzle. Maurizzle yo nibh et turpis.
Vestibulum izzle we gonna chung.

Phat eleifend check out this nisi. Shut the shizzle up hac habitasse platea
dictumst. Donec dapibizzle. Ghetto tellizzle urna, pretizzle own yo', mattizzle
izzle, eleifend you son of a bizzle, nunc.  Shiz suscipit. Integer black
velizzle dang crackalackin.

Phasellizzle interdum volutpizzle tellizzle. Ut shiznit own yo' lorizzle. Donec
fo shizzle est. Gangsta sapien massa, ultrices nec, accumsizzle crunk,
fermentizzle quizzle, bizzle. Ghetto nizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah
home g-dizzle. Etizzle gangsta ornare ante. Maurizzle my shizz. Vestibulizzle
ut pede varius nibh ghetto we gonna chung.




\section{code example}

Directly above.

	// students can be any collection class

	// old way of traversing
	Iterator<Student> it = students.iterator();

	while(it.hasNext()) {
		Student aStudent =;

	// new way of traversing using Java 5 for-each loop
	for (Student aStudent : students) {

	String blah = "this is a string";

Directly below.


\section{small code}

Directly above.

	// students can be any collection class

	// old way of traversing
	Iterator<Student> it = students.iterator();

	while(it.hasNext()) {
		Student aStudent =;

	// new way of traversing using Java 5 for-each loop
	for (Student aStudent : students) {

	String blah = "this is a string";

Directly below.

\subsection{inline code}

Blah blah \code{blah blah blah()} blah blah.


