\include{preamble} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{minted} \def\PaperCode{INFOXYZ} \def\PaperTitle{Paper Title} \def\LabNum{Testing 123~--~} \def\LabTitle{XeLaTeX Testing} \begin{document} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-2} {\LARGE\sffamily\bfseries \LabNum\LabTitle} \section{What Fonts?} Body text: \fontname\font\\ Mono: \texttt{\fontname\font}\\ Italics: \textit{\fontname\font}\\ Sans: \textsf{\fontname\font}\\ Bold: \textbf{\fontname\font} \subsection{Sections: \fontname\font} \section{Lorizzle Ipshizzle} \lipsum[1-2] \section{Font Flippage} Here be regular text, \textit{and here be fancy text}, and here be \code{inline code}, and here be \textbf{fat text}, and here be \textsf{less fancy text}. Lora is a beefy font (which is why we are using 11pt instead of 12pt), so we needed to scale up the size of the code font (Inconsolata) to match: \\ \hspace*{1em}Height check (code):~ lll{\code{lll}lll ooo\code{ooo}ooo mmm\code{mmm}mmm ttt\code{ttt}ttt xxx\code{xxx}xxx\\ \hspace*{1em}Height check (Sans):~ lll{\textsf{lll}lll ooo\textsf{ooo}ooo mmm\textsf{mmm}mmm ttt\code{ttt}ttt xxx\textsf{xxx}xxx Close enough. \section{Ligatures} Does our font have them? If so, can we search for them, and copy \& paste them? Lets find out with {\LARGE The fluffies!} XeLaTeX seems to deal with ligatures pretty well. The Lora font doesn't seem to have them, but other fonts that I have tried do, and it mostly works fine. Some fonts however, like Roboto Condensed do NOT work properly --- I suspect the font is at fault. Look at that --- we just tested the em dash too. \newpage \section{Code Blockage (listings)} Before: \begin{codeblock}[gobble=3] @Test public void testDaoSaveAndDelete() { // create product for testing Product savedProd = new Product(3, "name", "desc", "cat", 1.0, 2.0); // save the product using DAO dao.saveProduct(savedProd); // retrieve the same product via DAO Product retrieved = dao.findById(3); // delete the product via the DAO dao.delete(savedProd); // try to retrieve the deleted product retrieved = dao.findById(3); // ensure that the student was not retrieved (should be null) assertNull("Product should no longer exist", retrieved); } \end{codeblock} After. \section{Code Blockage (minted)} Before: \begin{minted}[autogobble,tabsize=3]{java} @Test public void testDaoSaveAndDelete() { // create product for testing Product savedProd = new Product(3, "name", "desc", "cat", 1.0, 2.0); // save the product using DAO dao.saveProduct(savedProd); // retrieve the same product via DAO Product retrieved = dao.findById(3); // delete the product via the DAO dao.delete(savedProd); // try to retrieve the deleted product retrieved = dao.findById(3); // ensure that the student was not retrieved (should be null) assertNull("Product should no longer exist", retrieved); } \end{minted} After. \end{document}