History for templates / plantuml
Removed SVG figs.
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Embedding SVG doesn't work on GitBucket, so adding as linked files.
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Added some class diagram tips.
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Added tips document.
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Merge branch 'master' of http://isgb.otago.ac.nz:8087/git/mark.george/templates
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Mark committed on 4 Feb 2016
Initial commit
Mark George committed on 9 Oct 2015
Fixed sequence diagram colours
Mark George committed on 9 Oct 2015
Fixed up colours.
Mark George committed on 5 Oct 2015
Added some colours for other components
Mark George committed on 2 Oct 2015
Changed color to match recent style
Mark George committed on 2 Oct 2015
removed extraneous skinparam
Mark George committed on 2 Oct 2015
Moved things around a bit. Improved pantuml styles.
Mark committed on 13 Apr 2015
Added some initial plantuml templates for lectures
Mark committed on 6 Aug 2014