- <?php
- /*
- Configuration for ePrintstats project.
- The serialized vars in user.serialized.es.cfg are read after this
- so may override any values. This is done to allow settings to be
- changed via the web admin interface.
- Note that many of the variables are actually not used as eprintstats uses
- code from another project.
- */
- // These are available globally by default.
- // Not all are relevant as code was copied from another project.
- define("ERROR_EXIT", 1);
- define("ERROR_CONTINUE", 0);
- define("UNSET_REQUEST", 1);
- define("UNSET_KEY", 2);
- define("UNSET_CONTINUE", 3);
- define("UNSET_ACTION", 4);
- define("UNSET_REPLACE", 5);
- define("NOT_EMPTY", 1);
- // These are loaded to $GLOBALS and are available throughout the program without using "global"
- $GLOBALS["config_vars"] = array(
- "debug" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "Debug output",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "TRUE or FALSE selected for public or private",
- /* the initial page needs to be able to identify if public (no auth) or private (auth) */
- "public" => 1
- ),
- "connections" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "SQL server settings",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "Specify the server name, database name, and user accounts to use.",
- "sqlserver" => "localhost",
- "sqldatabase" => "eprintstats",
- "sqluser_public" => "eprintstatspub",
- "sqlpass_public" => "AuldGrizzel",
- //
- "sqlserver_eprints" => "localhost",
- "sqldatabase_eprints" => "otago_eprints",
- "sqluser_eprints" => "otago_eprints",
- "sqlpass_eprints" => "DrSyntaxRidesAgain",
- ),
- "filelocation" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "File locations",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "Install directory and location of required files.",
- "base_install_dir" => array(
- "unix" => "##EPRINTSSTATS##",
- "windows" => "C:/ePrintsStats",
- ),
- "base_log_dir" => "logs",
- "base_includes_dir" => "includes",
- "base_session_dir" => "session",
- "base_config_dir" => "config",
- ),
- "input_filter" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "Input filtering.",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "Input checking for GET POST",
- /* List of allowed key/value pairs and COOKIES Values either explicit or a function */
- /* Escaping of strings destined for sql are dealt with by the sql object. */
- /* Excludes the action array which is explicitly named below. */
- /* How to deal with sets of parameters. Define arrays of them? */
- "keys" => array(
- "public" => array(
- "action" => array(
- "maxlength" => "20",
- "type" => "string",
- "action" => UNSET_REQUEST,
- "pattern" => "/[^\w]/i",
- "values" => array('one','two'),
- ),
- "year" => array(
- "maxlength" => "50",
- "type" => "freetext",
- "action" => UNSET_REPLACE,
- "pattern" => "/[%;#--<>\(\)]/i",
- "replacement" => "",
- "content" => NOT_EMPTY,
- ),
- "month" => array(
- "maxlength" => "50",
- "type" => "freetext",
- "action" => UNSET_REPLACE,
- "pattern" => "/[%;#--<>\(\)]/i",
- "replacement" => "",
- "content" => NOT_EMPTY,
- ),
- "range" => array(
- "maxlength" => "20",
- "type" => "string",
- "action" => UNSET_REQUEST,
- "pattern" => "/[^\w]/i",
- "values" => array('one','two'),
- ),
- "code" => array(
- "maxlength" => "3",
- "type" => "string",
- "action" => UNSET_REQUEST,
- "pattern" => "/[^\w]/i",
- "values" => array('one','two'),
- ),
- /* maxlength here refers to largest integer */
- "id" => array(
- "maxlength" => "1005",
- "type" => "integer",
- "action" => UNSET_REQUEST,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "general" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "General progam details",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "Admin name and contact, prog title",
- "admin_name" => "ePrints Administrator",
- "admin_email" => "##EPRINTS_ADMIN_EMAIL##",
- "support_name" => "ePrints Administrator",
- "support_email" => "##EPRINTS_ADMIN_EMAIL##",
- "prog_title" => "ePrints Statistics",
- "prog_title_public" => "ePrints Statistics",
- "short_prog_title" => "es",
- "public_prog" => "index.php",
- "public_prog_request_uri" => "/index.php",
- "eprints_location" => "http://##EPRINTS_HOST##:##EPRINTS_PORT##",
- /* replaced admin_prog */
- "prog_address" => array(
- "public" => "index.php",
- ),
- "local_intranet_name" => "Otago Intranet",
- ),
- "messages" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "Messages",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "Error messages.",
- "message_noservice" => "This service is currently unavailable.",
- "message_missing_include" => "Missing include file.",
- ),
- "actions" => array(
- "vTITLE" => "Form actions",
- "vDESCRIPTION" => "Which files are included for get/post actions. i.e the pub_default action will include the files listed in the array",
- "includes" => array(
- 'public' => array(
- 'pub_default' => array ('inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.pub_default.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- 'no_service_public' => array ('inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.no_service_public.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- 'cumulative_usage' => array ('inc.fns.cumulative_usage.es.php','inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.cumulative_usage.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- 'cumulative_usage_country' => array ('inc.fns.cumulative_usage_country.es.php','inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.cumulative_usage_country.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- 'show_detail_date' => array ('inc.fns.show_detail_date.es.php','inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.show_detail_date.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- 'show_detail_country' => array ('inc.fns.show_detail_country.es.php','inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.show_detail_country.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- 'show_detail_eprint' => array ('inc.fns.show_detail_eprint.es.php','inc.html.header.es.php','inc.html.show_detail_eprint.es.php','inc.html.footer.es.php'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );