#!/bin/bash echo -n "Please enter a password for the root user for mysql. For security the characters will not show as you type." echo read -s psswd #`mysql -uroot -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$psswd' WITH GRANT OPTION;"` echo "Uncompressing eprints. This will cause a whole lot of writing to scroll past in this terminal." tar -xvzf eprints-3.0.tar.gz echo "Configuring eprints. More writing will flash past." eprints-3.0/configure echo "Installing eprints3. You will be asked for your eprints user password next. During the install process you will be given a warning about smtp server. Don't worry about this as we will set it up shortly." sudo ./eprints-3.0/install.pl cd /opt/eprints3 exit echo -n "Creating your archive. If you want to have a look at the example answers for creating an archive type y and firefox will be uncompressed so you can look at the "installer.html file." read answer echo if [ "y" = "$answer" ] then cd ~; tar -xzf ~firefox-; firefox/firefox installer.html; fi cd /opt/eprints3 echo "You will now be asked some questions to set up your archive. " bin/epadmin create echo "Setting up the mail server. You will need to put in your eprints password when prompted" sudo mv perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettings.pm perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettingsOld.pm sed -e "s/smtp_server=>''/smtp_server=>''/" perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettingsOld.pm > perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettings.pm echo -n "Do you want to start the apache server now? y\n? read answer1 if [ "y" = "$answer1" ] echo "Enter your eprints password when prompted." sudo apache2 -k start fi