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  26. <meta content="In this article we examine the legitimacy of committee standardization as an alternative to pure market processes of technical standardization of information and communication technology (ICT). We argue that not only mandatory (regulative) but also voluntary (coordinative) standards require some kind of democratic legitimacy. While the question of how to achieve this legitimacy has become central to today's changing world of standards, this situation is not adequately reflected in how the mounting legitimacy-deficit is treated. We note here that there remains a tendency to think of the legitimacy-deficit primarily in terms of &quot;input legitimacy&quot; criteria. At the same time we observe a tendency for standardization organizations (SDO) to orient efforts towards achieving &quot;output legitimacy&quot; by developing standards that are regarded by diverse groups of (legitimizing) stakeholders as constituting &quot;good standards&quot;. This article therefore applies the distinction between input and output legitimacy to the rapidly evolving standardization landscape, arguing that it is necessary to expand the analysis of the legitimacy-deficit in the formal bodies responsible for ICT standards. We address what democratic legitimacy means in terms of standards and standardization, discuss why it is particularly important here, and explore how it has been addressed. Current examples indicate that in order to arrive at &quot;good&quot; standards SDO extend and redefine the cognitive and normative frame of standardization. This frame change helps to include non-technical and non-commercial interests and values without directly involving the growing variety of stakeholders and civil society advocates in the process." name="eprints.abstract" />
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  42. <meta content="Iversen, Eric J." name="DC.creator" />
  43. <meta content="340205 Industry Economics and Industrial Organisation" name="DC.subject" />
  44. <meta content="In this article we examine the legitimacy of committee standardization as an alternative to pure market processes of technical standardization of information and communication technology (ICT). We argue that not only mandatory (regulative) but also voluntary (coordinative) standards require some kind of democratic legitimacy. While the question of how to achieve this legitimacy has become central to today's changing world of standards, this situation is not adequately reflected in how the mounting legitimacy-deficit is treated. We note here that there remains a tendency to think of the legitimacy-deficit primarily in terms of &quot;input legitimacy&quot; criteria. At the same time we observe a tendency for standardization organizations (SDO) to orient efforts towards achieving &quot;output legitimacy&quot; by developing standards that are regarded by diverse groups of (legitimizing) stakeholders as constituting &quot;good standards&quot;. This article therefore applies the distinction between input and output legitimacy to the rapidly evolving standardization landscape, arguing that it is necessary to expand the analysis of the legitimacy-deficit in the formal bodies responsible for ICT standards. We address what democratic legitimacy means in terms of standards and standardization, discuss why it is particularly important here, and explore how it has been addressed. Current examples indicate that in order to arrive at &quot;good&quot; standards SDO extend and redefine the cognitive and normative frame of standardization. This frame change helps to include non-technical and non-commercial interests and values without directly involving the growing variety of stakeholders and civil society advocates in the process." name="DC.description" />
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  156. <h1 class="ep_tm_pagetitle">Promoting legitimacy in technical standardization</h1>
  157. <p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><span class="person_name">Werle, Raymund</span> and <span class="person_name">Iversen, Eric J.</span> (2006) <xhtml:em>Promoting legitimacy in technical standardization.</xhtml:em> Science, Technology &amp; Innovation Studies, 2 (1). pp. 19-39. ISSN 1861-3675</p><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"></p><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><tr><td valign="top" style="text-align:center"><a onmouseover="EPJS_ShowPreview( event, 'doc_preview_1768' );" href="" onmouseout="EPJS_HidePreview( event, 'doc_preview_1768' );"><img alt="[img]" src="" class="ep_doc_icon" border="0" /></a><div class="ep_preview" id="doc_preview_1768"><table><tr><td><img alt="" src="" class="ep_preview_image" border="0" /><div class="ep_preview_title">Preview</div></td></tr></table></div></td><td valign="top"><a href=""><span class="ep_document_citation">PDF</span></a> - Requires a PDF viewer<br />157Kb</td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block">Official URL: <a href=""></a></p><div class="not_ep_block"><h2>Abstract</h2><p style="padding-bottom: 16px; text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto">In this article we examine the legitimacy of committee standardization as an alternative to pure market processes of technical standardization of information and communication technology (ICT). We argue that not only mandatory (regulative) but also voluntary (coordinative) standards require some kind of democratic legitimacy. While the question of how to achieve this legitimacy has become central to today's changing world of standards, this situation is not adequately reflected in how the mounting legitimacy-deficit is treated. We note here that there remains a tendency to think of the legitimacy-deficit primarily in terms of "input legitimacy" criteria. At the same time we observe a tendency for standardization organizations (SDO) to orient efforts towards achieving "output legitimacy" by developing standards that are regarded by diverse groups of (legitimizing) stakeholders as constituting "good standards". This article therefore applies the distinction between input and output legitimacy to the rapidly evolving standardization landscape, arguing that it is necessary to expand the analysis of the legitimacy-deficit in the formal bodies responsible for ICT standards. We address what democratic legitimacy means in terms of standards and standardization, discuss why it is particularly important here, and explore how it has been addressed. Current examples indicate that in order to arrive at "good" standards SDO extend and redefine the cognitive and normative frame of standardization. This frame change helps to include non-technical and non-commercial interests and values without directly involving the growing variety of stakeholders and civil society advocates in the process.</p></div><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" cellpadding="3" class="not_ep_block" border="0"><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Item Type:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Article</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Keywords:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Standardization; ICT; legitimacy</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Subjects:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a href="">340000 Economics &gt; 340200 Applied Economics &gt; 340205 Industry Economics and Industrial Organisation</a></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ID Code:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">1365</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited By:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><span class="ep_name_citation"><span class="person_name">Ms Sophie Jerrim</span></span></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited On:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">26 Jul 2007</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Last Modified:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">09 Jan 2008 02:30</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ePrint Statistics:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a target="ePrintStats" href="/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=1365;">View statistics for this ePrint</a></td></tr></table><p align="right">Repository Staff Only: <a href=";eprintid=1365">item control page</a></p>
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