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- <meta content="anatomy; cuticle; photoprotection; Proteaceae; scleromorphy; sclerophylly; ultraviolet; xeromorphy" name="eprints.keywords" />
- <meta content="The definitive version is available online at http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/abstract/92/5/789" name="eprints.note" />
- <meta content="Species of the major Southern Hemisphere family, Proteaceae, have many scleromorphic anatomical structures in their leaves. Many of these structures (very thick cuticles and five anatomically distinct structures beneath the epidermis) are associated with the leaf surface exposed to direct light. These structures increase the path through which solar radiation must pass before reaching the mesophyll.
- In this study, such structures are proposed to protect the mesophyll from excess solar radiation, including photosynthetically active, ultraviolet, and possibly infrared radiation. Scleromorphic structures of the upper leaf surface and nonscleromorphic photoprotective
- structures (dense trichomes and papillae of the upper surface) occur almost exclusively in open vegetation. Open vegetation species of Proteaceae occur in oligotrophic and/or cold and/or dry places, where protection from light in excess of photosynthetic capacity and damage from ultraviolet light should be most important. Data from 123 species and a supertree constructed from available
- molecular phylogenies are used to show that the proposed photoprotective structures evolved many times within Proteaceae. In tests of correlated evolution, the proposed photoprotective structures are significantly associated with open vegetation, but not with dry habitats." name="eprints.abstract" />
- <meta content="2005-05" name="eprints.date" />
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- <meta content="American Journal of Botany" name="eprints.publication" />
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- <meta content="Jordan, Gregory J. and Dillon, Rebecca A. and Weston, Peter H. (2005) Solar radiation as a factor in the evolution of scleromorphic leaf anatomy in Proteaceae. American Journal of Botany, 92 (5). pp. 789-796." name="eprints.citation" />
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- <meta content="Dillon, Rebecca A." name="DC.creator" />
- <meta content="Weston, Peter H." name="DC.creator" />
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- <meta content="270499 Botany not elsewhere classified" name="DC.subject" />
- <meta content="Species of the major Southern Hemisphere family, Proteaceae, have many scleromorphic anatomical structures in their leaves. Many of these structures (very thick cuticles and five anatomically distinct structures beneath the epidermis) are associated with the leaf surface exposed to direct light. These structures increase the path through which solar radiation must pass before reaching the mesophyll.
- In this study, such structures are proposed to protect the mesophyll from excess solar radiation, including photosynthetically active, ultraviolet, and possibly infrared radiation. Scleromorphic structures of the upper leaf surface and nonscleromorphic photoprotective
- structures (dense trichomes and papillae of the upper surface) occur almost exclusively in open vegetation. Open vegetation species of Proteaceae occur in oligotrophic and/or cold and/or dry places, where protection from light in excess of photosynthetic capacity and damage from ultraviolet light should be most important. Data from 123 species and a supertree constructed from available
- molecular phylogenies are used to show that the proposed photoprotective structures evolved many times within Proteaceae. In tests of correlated evolution, the proposed photoprotective structures are significantly associated with open vegetation, but not with dry habitats." name="DC.description" />
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- <h1 class="ep_tm_pagetitle">Solar radiation as a factor in the evolution of scleromorphic leaf anatomy in Proteaceae</h1>
- <p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><span class="person_name">Jordan, Gregory J.</span> and <span class="person_name">Dillon, Rebecca A.</span> and <span class="person_name">Weston, Peter H.</span> (2005) <xhtml:em>Solar radiation as a factor in the evolution of scleromorphic leaf anatomy in Proteaceae.</xhtml:em> American Journal of Botany, 92 (5). pp. 789-796.</p><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"></p><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><tr><td valign="top" style="text-align:center"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1713/1/Proteaceae_photoprotective_anatomy.pdf"><img alt="[img]" src="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png" class="ep_doc_icon" border="0" /></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1713/1/Proteaceae_photoprotective_anatomy.pdf"><span class="ep_document_citation">PDF</span></a> - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer<br />272Kb</td><td><form method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" action="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/cgi/request_doc"><input accept-charset="utf-8" value="2212" name="docid" type="hidden" /><div class=""><input value="Request a copy" name="_action_null" class="ep_form_action_button" onclick="return EPJS_button_pushed( '_action_null' )" type="submit" /> </div></form></td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block">Official URL: <a href="http://www.amjbot.org/">http://www.amjbot.org/</a></p><div class="not_ep_block"><h2>Abstract</h2><p style="padding-bottom: 16px; text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto">Species of the major Southern Hemisphere family, Proteaceae, have many scleromorphic anatomical structures in their leaves. Many of these structures (very thick cuticles and five anatomically distinct structures beneath the epidermis) are associated with the leaf surface exposed to direct light. These structures increase the path through which solar radiation must pass before reaching the mesophyll.
- In this study, such structures are proposed to protect the mesophyll from excess solar radiation, including photosynthetically active, ultraviolet, and possibly infrared radiation. Scleromorphic structures of the upper leaf surface and nonscleromorphic photoprotective
- structures (dense trichomes and papillae of the upper surface) occur almost exclusively in open vegetation. Open vegetation species of Proteaceae occur in oligotrophic and/or cold and/or dry places, where protection from light in excess of photosynthetic capacity and damage from ultraviolet light should be most important. Data from 123 species and a supertree constructed from available
- molecular phylogenies are used to show that the proposed photoprotective structures evolved many times within Proteaceae. In tests of correlated evolution, the proposed photoprotective structures are significantly associated with open vegetation, but not with dry habitats.</p></div><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" cellpadding="3" class="not_ep_block" border="0"><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Item Type:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Article</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Additional Information:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">The definitive version is available online at http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/abstract/92/5/789</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Keywords:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">anatomy; cuticle; photoprotection; Proteaceae; scleromorphy; sclerophylly; ultraviolet; xeromorphy</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Subjects:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/subjects/270799.html">270000 Biological Sciences > 270700 Ecology and Evolution > 270799 Ecology and Evolution not elsewhere classified</a><br /><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/subjects/270402.html">270000 Biological Sciences > 270400 Botany > 270402 Plant Physiology</a><br /><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/subjects/270499.html">270000 Biological Sciences > 270400 Botany > 270499 Botany not elsewhere classified</a></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Collections:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">UNSPECIFIED</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ID Code:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">1713</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited By:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><span class="ep_name_citation"><span class="person_name">dr gregory j jordan</span></span></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited On:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">30 Aug 2007</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Last Modified:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">11 Feb 2008 11:13</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ePrint Statistics:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a target="ePrintStats" href="/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=1713;">View statistics for this ePrint</a></td></tr></table><p align="right">Repository Staff Only: <a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::View&eprintid=1713">item control page</a></p>
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