- ######################################################################
- #
- # Review Author's Documents in the Archive
- #
- ######################################################################
- #
- # This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
- #
- # EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
- ######################################################################
- use EPrints::Database;
- use EPrints::EPrint;
- use EPrints::MetaField;
- use EPrints::Session;
- use EPrints::User;
- use strict;
- my $session = new EPrints::Session;
- exit( 0 ) unless( defined $session );
- # Check we have privs
- if( !$session->auth_check( "deposit" ) )
- {
- $session->terminate();
- exit( 0 );
- }
- my $page;
- my $action = $session->get_action_button();
- if( !defined $action )
- {
- $page = make_form( $session );
- }
- else
- {
- $page = process_form( $session, $action );
- }
- $session->terminate();
- #############################################################
- sub make_form
- {
- my( $session ) = @_;
- my $user = $session->current_user;
- # cjg. This should maybe extract stuff you can edit
- # not just stuff you deposited.
- my $ds = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "archive" );
- my @eprints = $user->get_owned_eprints( $ds );
- my $user = $session->current_user;
- my $fullname = $user->render_description();
- my $page = $session->make_doc_fragment();
- my $title = $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:title", name=>$fullname );
- if( scalar @eprints == 0 )
- {
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase(
- "cgi/users/review:no_docs" ) );
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase(
- "general:userhome_link" ) );
- $session->build_page( $title, $page, "review_none" );
- $session->send_page();
- return;
- }
- my $r_req = $session->get_archive()->get_conf(
- "allow_user_removal_request" );
- my $checkout = $session->get_archive()->get_conf(
- "allow_user_checkout_eprint" );
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:blurb" ) );
- if( $checkout )
- {
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase(
- "cgi/users/review:checkout_info" ) );
- }
- if( $r_req )
- {
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase(
- "cgi/users/review:remove_info" ) );
- }
- my( $form, $table, $tr, $td, $th );
- $form = $session->render_form( "post", "review" );
- $page->appendChild( $form );
- $table = $session->make_element( "table", class=>"compact", border=>0, cellspacing=>0, cellpadding=>3 );
- $form->appendChild( $table );
- my $row = 0;
- foreach my $eprint ( @eprints )
- {
- $tr = $session->make_element( "tr", class=>"row_".($row?"b":"a") );
- $table->appendChild( $tr );
- $td = $session->make_element( "td", class=>"first_col", width=>"63%" );
- $tr->appendChild( $td );
- $td->appendChild( $eprint->render_citation_link() );
- $td = $session->make_element( "td", class=>"last_col", align=>"right" );
- $tr->appendChild( $td );
- my $a;
- $a = $session->render_link( "review?_action_clone_".$eprint->get_id."=1" );
- $a->appendChild( $session->html_phrase("cgi/users/review:clone") );
- $td->appendChild( $a );
- $td->appendChild( $session->make_text( ", " ) );
- $a = $session->render_link( "review?_action_copy_".$eprint->get_id."=1" );
- $a->appendChild( $session->html_phrase("cgi/users/review:copy") );
- $td->appendChild( $a );
- if( $checkout )
- {
- $td->appendChild( $session->make_text( ", " ) );
- $a = $session->render_link( "review?_action_checkout_".$eprint->get_id."=1" );
- $a->appendChild( $session->html_phrase("cgi/users/review:checkout") );
- $td->appendChild( $a );
- }
- if( $r_req )
- {
- $td->appendChild( $session->make_text( ", " ) );
- $a = $session->render_link( "review?_action_remove_".$eprint->get_id."=1" );
- $a->appendChild( $session->html_phrase("cgi/users/review:req_remove") );
- $td->appendChild( $a );
- }
- $row=!$row;
- }
- $session->build_page( $title, $page, "review_list" );
- $session->send_page();
- return;
- }
- sub process_form
- {
- my( $session, $action ) = @_;
- my $user = $session->current_user;
- my $ds = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "archive" );
- if( $action =~ m/^(clone|copy|remove|checkout)_(.+)$/ )
- {
- my( $act, $eprintid ) = ( $1, $2 );
- my $r_req = $session->get_archive()->get_conf( "allow_user_removal_request" );
- my $checkout = $session->get_archive()->get_conf( "allow_user_checkout_eprint" );
- my $eprint = EPrints::EPrint->new( $session, $eprintid, $ds );
- if( !defined $eprint )
- {
- $session->render_error(
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:cant_find_it" ) );
- return;
- }
- if( $act eq "clone" || $act eq "copy" )
- {
- my $inbox_ds = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "inbox" );
- my $copy;
- if( $act eq "clone" )
- {
- $copy = $eprint->clone( $inbox_ds, 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- # nofiles, no link
- $copy = $eprint->clone( $inbox_ds, 0, 1 );
- }
- if( defined $copy )
- {
- # Copied OK, redirect to workspace
- $session->redirect( 'submit?eprintid='.$copy->get_id.'&_action_edit=1' );
- return;
- }
- }
- if( $act eq "remove" && $r_req)
- {
- unless( $user->is_owner( $eprint ) )
- {
- $session->render_error(
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:cant_remove" ) );
- return;
- }
- &removal_request_form( $session, $eprint );
- return;
- }
- if( $act eq "checkout" && $checkout)
- {
- unless( $user->is_owner( $eprint ) )
- {
- $session->render_error(
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:cant_checkout" ) );
- return;
- }
- $eprint->move_to_inbox;
- $session->redirect( 'submit?eprintid='.$eprint->get_id.'&_action_edit=1' );
- return;
- }
- }
- # If submit is defined, must have been a removal request form that was
- # filled out.
- if( $action eq "send" )
- {
- &handle_removal_request( $session, $user );
- return;
- }
- # no valid action or "cancel" from the remove request.
- &make_form( $session );
- }
- ##
- ## remove_request_form( $session, $eprint )
- ##
- ## Display a removal request form.
- ##
- sub removal_request_form
- {
- my( $session, $eprint ) = @_;
- my $title = $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:remove_title" );
- my $page = $session->make_doc_fragment();
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:remove_blurb",
- citation=>$eprint->render_citation_link() ) );
- my( $form, $table, $tr, $td, $th );
- my $reason_field = EPrints::MetaField->new(
- archive=> $session->get_archive(),
- confid=>'remove_request',
- name=>'reason',
- type=>'longtext',
- input_rows=>15 );
- $page->appendChild(
- $session->render_input_form(
- fields=>[ $reason_field ],
- show_help=>1,
- default_action=>"send",
- buttons=>{
- _order=> [ "send","cancel" ],
- send => $session->phrase( "cgi/users/review:send" ),
- cancel => $session->phrase( "cgi/users/review:cancel" )
- },
- hidden_fields=>{
- eprintid => $eprint->get_value( "eprintid" )
- },
- dest=>"review" ) );
- $session->build_page( $title, $page, "review_remove_form" );
- $session->send_page();
- return;
- }
- ##
- ## $wrote_page = handle_removal_request( $session, $user )
- ##
- ## Handle the POSTed information from a removal request form.
- ##
- sub handle_removal_request
- {
- my( $session, $user ) = @_;
- # Get the EPrint we're dealing with
- my $ds = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "archive" );
- my $eprint = EPrints::EPrint->new(
- $session,
- $session->param( "eprintid" ),
- $ds );
- if( !defined $eprint )
- {
- $session->render_error(
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:cant_find_it" ) );
- return;
- }
- if( !$user->is_owner( $eprint ) )
- {
- $session->render_error(
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:cant_remove" ) );
- return;
- }
- my $reason = $session->param( "reason" );
- my $url = $session->get_archive()->get_conf( "perl_url" ).
- "/users/staff/edit_eprint?eprintid=".$eprint->get_value( "eprintid" );
- my $rc = $session->mail_administrator(
- "cgi/users/review:remove_mail_subject",
- "cgi/users/review:remove_mail",
- citation=>$eprint->render_citation(),
- user=>$user->render_description(),
- email=>$user->render_value( "email" ),
- reason=>( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $reason ) ? $session->make_text( $reason )
- : $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:no_reason" ) ),
- url=>$session->make_text( $url ) );
- if( !$rc )
- {
- $session->render_error(
- $session->html_phrase( "general:email_failed" ) );
- return;
- }
- my $title = $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:remove_title" );
- my $page = $session->make_doc_fragment();
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "cgi/users/review:done" ) );
- $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "general:userhome_link" ) );
- $session->build_page( $title, $page, "review_remove_done" );
- $session->send_page();
- return;
- }