Digital_Repository / Repositories / otago_eprints3 / otago_eprints / cfg / apachevhost_src.conf
nstanger on 15 Jul 2008 1 KB - Re-enabled the stats system.
# apachevhost.conf include file for otago_eprints
# If this file exists then it will not be over written by
# the generate_apacheconf command.
# Directives in this file are interpreted inside the virtualhost 
# configuration for this repository.

# Ensure that the Perl CGI virtual directory is accessible to all...
<Location "/cgi">
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from All

# ... but limit access to the registration page only to computers on the Otago
# campus network (IP address 139.80.x.x).
<Location "/cgi/register">
	Order Deny,Allow
	Deny from All
	ErrorDocument 403 /error403_register.html

# Set up ADT directory.
# <Directory "##EPRINTS_ROOT##/archives/otago_eprints/html/en/ADT">
# 	Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
# 	AllowOverride None
# 	Order allow,deny
# 	Allow from all
# </Directory>

# Load the ePrintsStats configuration.
Include ##EPRINTSSTATS##/vhost/apache.conf

# Load the phpSurveyor configuration.
#Include ##PHPSURVEYOR##/apache.conf