- #!@PERL_PATH@ -w
- ######################################################################
- #
- # EPrints 2 installer : Handles upgrading, simple command detection,
- # and the creation of the SystemSettings.pm file. This doesn't do the
- # mySQL install, etc. - you'll need the SuperInstaller for that.
- #
- ######################################################################
- # __LICENSE__
- ######################################################################
- my %from_configure;
- $from_configure{"dist_path"}="@DIST_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"perl"}="@PERL_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"prefix"}="@PREFIX@";
- $from_configure{"user"}="@INSTALL_USER@";
- $from_configure{"group"}="@INSTALL_GROUP@";
- $from_configure{"disable_df"}=@DISABLE_DF@;
- $from_configure{"virtualhost"}="@VIRTUALHOST@";
- $from_configure{"unzip"}="@UNZIP_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"tar"}="@TAR_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"gunzip"}="@GUNZIP_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"wget"}="@WGET_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"sendmail"}="@SENDMAIL_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"smtp_server"}="@SMTP_SERVER@";
- $from_configure{"latex"}="@LATEX_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"dvips"}="@DVIPS_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"convert"}="@CONVERT_PATH@";
- $from_configure{"enable_gdome"}="@ENABLE_GDOME@";
- $from_configure{"apache"}="@APACHE@";
- $from_configure{"platform"}="@PLATFORM@";
- # hard wired for now.
- $from_configure{"cp"}="/bin/cp";
- $from_configure{"rm"}="/bin/rm";
- ######################################################################
- if(
- $from_configure{"apache"} ne "" &&
- $from_configure{"apache"} ne "1" &&
- $from_configure{"apache"} ne "2" )
- {
- print "Apache version must be '1' or '2'.\n";
- print "re-run configure with new options.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- ######################################################################
- if( defined $ARGV[0] ) { print "Destination directory overridden to: $ARGV[0]\n"; }
- use strict;
- use Cwd;
- use Digest::MD5;
- use Data::Dumper;
- #
- # Set the umask so nothing goes odd on systems which
- # change it.
- #
- umask( 0022 );
- #
- # Grab version id number from VERSION file.
- #
- my( $version_id, $version ) = read_version( $from_configure{"dist_path"}."/VERSION" );
- ### Trim perfix if needed
- if( $from_configure{"prefix"} =~ s#/$## )
- {
- print "Removing trailing slash from prefix.\n";
- }
- ### Print out some key information, which is bound to
- ### cause problems if incorrect.
- # shorter variables for clarity later
- my $from_path = $from_configure{dist_path};
- my $to_path = $from_configure{prefix};
- # Implement DESTDIR support for GNU compatibility.
- # If an argument is specified install there instead.
- if( defined $ARGV[0] ) { $to_path = $ARGV[0]; }
- print "Installing from: $from_path\n";
- my $system_settings_file = "$to_path/perl_lib/EPrints/SystemSettings.pm";
- my $upgrade = 0;
- if( -e $system_settings_file )
- {
- $upgrade = 1;
- print "Previous install detected at install location.\n";
- print "Upgrading to: $to_path\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Installing to: $to_path\n";
- print "Installing as user: ".$from_configure{"user"}."\n";
- print "Installing as group: ".$from_configure{"group"}."\n";
- }
- my $systemsettings = {};
- $systemsettings->{"platform"} = $from_configure{"platform"};
- $systemsettings->{"version_history"} = [ $version_id ];
- #
- # Set up some default settings.
- #
- $systemsettings->{"invocation"} = {
- zip => '$(unzip) 1>/dev/null 2>&1 -qq -o -d $(DIR) $(ARC)',
- targz => '$(gunzip) -c < $(ARC) 2>/dev/null | $(tar) xf - -C $(DIR) >/dev/null 2>&1',
- wget => '$(wget) -r -L -q -m -nH -np --execute="robots=off" --cut-dirs=$(CUTDIRS) $(URL)',
- sendmail => '$(sendmail) -oi -t -odb --',
- latex => '$(latex) \'$(SOURCE)\'',
- dvips => '$(dvips) \'$(SOURCE)\' -o \'$(TARGET)\'',
- convert_crop_white => '$(convert) -crop 0x0 -bordercolor white -border 4x4 \'$(SOURCE)\' \'$(TARGET)\'',
- cpall => '$(cp) -pR \'$(SOURCE)\'/* \'$(TARGET)\'',
- rmall => '$(rm) -rf \'$(TARGET)\'/*',
- };
- $systemsettings->{"archive_extensions"} = {};
- $systemsettings->{"archive_formats"} = [];
- if( $from_configure{"unzip"} ne "" )
- {
- $systemsettings->{"archive_extensions"}->{"zip"} = ".zip" ;
- push @{$systemsettings->{"archive_formats"}},"zip";
- }
- if( $from_configure{"tar"} ne "" && $from_configure{"gunzip"} ne "" )
- {
- $systemsettings->{"archive_extensions"}->{"targz"} = ".tar.gz" ;
- push @{$systemsettings->{"archive_formats"}},"targz";
- }
- $systemsettings->{"executables"} = {};
- foreach(
- "perl", "unzip", "tar", "gunzip", "wget",
- "sendmail", "latex", "dvips", "convert",
- "cp", "rm",
- )
- {
- next unless( defined $from_configure{$_} );
- $systemsettings->{"executables"}->{$_} = $from_configure{$_};
- }
- $systemsettings->{"file_perms"} = 0664 unless defined $systemsettings->{"file_perms"};
- $systemsettings->{"dir_perms"} = 02775 unless defined $systemsettings->{"dir_perms"};
- $systemsettings->{"disable_df"} = $from_configure{"disable_df"};
- $systemsettings->{"virtualhost"} = $from_configure{"virtualhost"};
- if( $upgrade )
- {
- unless( require $system_settings_file )
- {
- print <<END;
- Failed to read previous values from system settings file:
- $system_settings_file - Aborting.
- exit 1;
- }
- print "Previous version of eprints is: ";
- print $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{"version_id"}."\n";
- # create a minimal version history if there was not one already
- if( !defined $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{"version_history"} )
- {
- $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{"version_history"} =
- [ $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{"version_id"} ];
- }
- # Current values take precedence.
- foreach( keys %$EPrints::SystemSettings::conf )
- {
- if( defined $systemsettings->{$_} )
- {
- $systemsettings->{$_} = merge_fields(
- $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{$_},
- $systemsettings->{$_} );
- }
- else
- {
- $systemsettings->{$_} =
- $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{$_};
- }
- }
- $systemsettings->{"user"} = $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{"user"};
- $systemsettings->{"group"} = $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf->{"group"};
- print "Upgrading as user: ".$systemsettings->{"user"}."\n";
- print "Upgrading as group: ".$systemsettings->{"group"}."\n";
- $upgrade = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- $systemsettings->{"user"} = $from_configure{"user"};
- $systemsettings->{"group"} = $from_configure{"group"};
- $systemsettings->{"base_path"} = $from_configure{"prefix"};
- }
- $systemsettings->{"version_id"} = $version_id;
- $systemsettings->{"version"} = $version;
- set( 'smtp_server', \%from_configure, $systemsettings, '' );
- set( 'enable_gdome', \%from_configure, $systemsettings, 0 );
- set( 'show_ids_in_log', \%from_configure, $systemsettings, 0 );
- set( 'apache', \%from_configure, $systemsettings, "2" );
- # Check the user exists
- unless( getpwnam($systemsettings->{"user"}) )
- {
- print "User ".$from_configure{"user"}." does not exist. Aborting.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- # Check the group exists
- unless( getgrnam($systemsettings->{"group"}) )
- {
- print "Group ".$from_configure{"group"}." does not exist. Aborting.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my(undef,undef,$uid) = getpwnam($systemsettings->{"user"});
- my(undef,undef,$gid) = getgrnam($systemsettings->{"group"});
- my %oldhashes = ();
- # If we are upgrading and have a digest file, read the digests into a hash
- # to check them against the files in place to see if they've changed.
- if( $upgrade )
- {
- my $sigfile = "$to_path/SIGNATURES";
- if (-e $sigfile )
- {
- print "Loading SIGNATURES...\n";
- open(SIGS, $sigfile ) || die "Can't open $sigfile";
- binmode(SIGS);
- foreach(<SIGS>)
- {
- chomp;
- my( $file, $digest ) = split( " ", $_);
- $oldhashes{$file} = $digest;
- }
- close(SIGS);
- }
- else
- {
- print "Upgrading, but could not find an old SIGNATURES file.\n";
- }
- }
- #
- # Actual install starts here.
- #
- ensure_dir( $to_path, $uid, $gid, 02775 );
- ensure_dir( "$to_path/testdata", $uid, $gid, 02775 );
- my $newsighash = {};
- my @normal_dirs = ( "defaultcfg", "cfg", "perl_lib", "lib", "testdata/data", "var" );
- my @executable_dirs = ( "bin", "cgi", "testdata/bin" );
- my @base_files = ( "VERSION", "CHANGELOG", "COPYING", "NEWS", "AUTHORS", "README" );
- foreach my $dir (@normal_dirs)
- {
- install_dir($from_path, $dir, 0664, $uid, $gid, $to_path, \%oldhashes, $newsighash);
- }
- foreach my $dir (@executable_dirs)
- {
- install_dir($from_path, $dir, 0775, $uid, $gid, $to_path, \%oldhashes, $newsighash);
- }
- foreach my $file (@base_files)
- {
- install_file($from_path, $file, undef, 0664, $uid, $gid, $to_path, \%oldhashes, $newsighash );
- }
- ensure_dir( "$to_path/archives", $uid, $gid, 02775 );
- foreach my $oldfile ( keys %oldhashes )
- {
- next if defined $newsighash->{$oldfile};
- my $filepath = "$to_path/$oldfile";
- next if( !-e $filepath );
- my $repl_digest = get_digest( $filepath );
- if( $repl_digest ne $oldhashes{$oldfile} )
- {
- move_out_of_harms_way( $filepath );
- }
- else
- {
- print "Removing $filepath\n";
- unlink( $filepath );
- }
- }
- write_sigs( $to_path, $newsighash, $uid, $gid );
- save_settings(
- $system_settings_file,
- $systemsettings,
- $systemsettings->{user},
- $systemsettings->{group} );
- # Warnings!
- if( $upgrade )
- {
- print "Upgraded eprints at: $to_path\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Installed EPrints to: $to_path\n";
- }
- my $soapdir = "$to_path/cgi/soap";
- if( -d $soapdir )
- {
- print <<END;
- WARNING: 3.0-beta-1 soap directory detected!
- The files in this directory represent a security hole and therefore it
- is recommended that you remove this directory. The installer will not
- do this automatically.
- Suggested action:
- rm -rf $soapdir
- }
- if( $systemsettings->{smtp_server} eq "" && !$upgrade )
- {
- print <<END;
- WARNING: You have not set a value for smtp_server. Edit the
- SystemSettings file and set the smtp_server option to be your local
- SMTP server. If you don't then outgoing email won't work.
- }
- print "\n";
- exit;
- ######################################################################
- #
- # set( $param, $hash_from_configure, $systemsettings, $default )
- #
- # Set the $param param in systemsettings to the $param passed
- # in from configure.
- # If nothing was passed in by configure and a value is not already
- # set, then set it to the $default.
- #
- ######################################################################
- sub set
- {
- my( $param, $from_configure, $systemsettings, $default ) = @_;
- if( defined $from_configure->{$param} && $from_configure->{$param} ne '' )
- {
- # a setting has actually been configured by configure
- $systemsettings->{$param} = $from_configure->{$param};
- return;
- }
- if( !defined $systemsettings->{$param} )
- {
- # no setting is defined at all, not even ""
- # so use the default
- $systemsettings->{$param} = $default;
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- sub save_settings
- {
- my( $sysfile, $syshash, $user, $group ) = @_;
- my(undef,undef,$uid,$gid) = getpwnam($user);
- my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new(
- [ $syshash ] ,
- [ 'EPrints::SystemSettings::conf' ] );
- print "Writing $sysfile\n";
- unless( open(FILEOUT, ">".$sysfile) )
- {
- print "Failed to write $sysfile\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- binmode(FILEOUT);
- print FILEOUT <<SPIEL;
- ######################################################################
- #
- # These are your system settings (as autogenerated by the installer).
- # We suggest that you do not alter these, as future installers will
- # probably override them.
- #
- ######################################################################
- #
- # This file is part of EPrints 2.
- #
- # EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
- ######################################################################
- # This file should only be use'd by EPrints::Config
- package EPrints::SystemSettings;
- print FILEOUT $dumper->Dump();
- print FILEOUT "\n1;";
- close(FILEOUT);
- if( $from_configure{"platform"} eq "unix" )
- {
- chmod( 0664, $sysfile );
- chown($uid, $gid, $sysfile );
- }
- }
- sub merge_fields
- {
- my($ref1, $ref2) = @_;
- my %outref;
- my $type = ref $ref1;
- if($type eq "HASH")
- {
- # $ref1 takes precedence
- foreach(keys %$ref1)
- {
- $outref{$_} = $ref1->{$_};
- }
- foreach(keys %$ref2)
- {
- $outref{$_} = $ref2->{$_} unless defined $outref{$_};
- }
- return \%outref;
- }
- elsif($type eq "ARRAY")
- {
- my $out = [];
- my $done = {};
- if (defined $ref1)
- {
- foreach(@$ref1)
- {
- $done->{$_} = 1;
- push @{$out}, $_;
- }
- }
- if (defined $ref2)
- {
- foreach(@$ref2)
- {
- next if( $done->{$_} );
- push @{$out}, $_;
- }
- }
- return $out;
- }
- else
- {
- return $ref1;
- }
- }
- #######################################
- sub detect_df
- {
- my $dir = "/";
- my ($fmt, $res);
- # try with statvfs..
- eval
- {
- {
- package main;
- require "sys/syscall.ph";
- }
- $fmt = "\0" x 512;
- $res = syscall (&main::SYS_statvfs, $dir, $fmt) ;
- $res == 0;
- }
- # try with statfs..
- || eval
- {
- {
- package main;
- require "sys/syscall.ph";
- }
- $fmt = "\0" x 512;
- $res = syscall (&main::SYS_statfs, $dir, $fmt);
- $res == 0;
- }
- }
- # Post installation bits
- sub write_sigs
- {
- my( $dir, $sigs, $uid, $gid ) = @_;
- my $sigfile = $dir.'/SIGNATURES';
- # Dump out signature file
- unless( open (SIGOUT, ">".$sigfile ) )
- {
- print "Unable to write $sigfile: $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- binmode(SIGOUT);
- foreach( sort keys %{$sigs} )
- {
- print SIGOUT $_." ".$sigs->{$_}."\n";
- }
- close(SIGOUT);
- if( $from_configure{"platform"} eq "unix" )
- {
- chown($uid, $gid, $sigfile );
- chmod( 0664, $sigfile );
- }
- }
- # Calculate the MD5 digest of a file.
- sub get_digest
- {
- my($file) = @_;
- unless( open(FILE, $file) )
- {
- print "Can't open '$file': $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- binmode(FILE);
- my $outdigest = new Digest::MD5;
- foreach(<FILE>)
- {
- $outdigest->add($_);
- }
- close(FILE);
- return $outdigest->hexdigest;
- }
- # Install $file from directory $dir into $dest. The permissions
- # from $perms are set, and the group and user are set from $group
- # and $user. The %hash is used for MD5 comparisions - currently
- # not doing anything active, but checking is enabled.
- sub install_file
- {
- my($distdir, $file, $dir, $perms, $uid, $gid, $dest, $sighash, $newsighash ) = @_;
- my $relpath = $file;
- if( defined $dir ) { $relpath = "$dir/$file"; }
- if( !defined $dir ) { $dir = ""; }
- return unless (-e $distdir."/$relpath");
- my @linesout = ();
- my $linecopy = 0;
- if($dir eq "bin" || $dir eq "testdata/bin")
- {
- $linecopy = 1;
- }
- if( $linecopy )
- {
- my $currline = "";
- my $outdigest = Digest::MD5->new;
- open(INFILE, $distdir."/$relpath");
- binmode(INFILE);
- if ($file eq "startup.pl")
- {
- # NJS 2007-05-22: Changed $dest to $from_configure{"prefix"} so
- # that we don't end up with the wrong invocation paths when building
- # the Debian package with pbuilder.
- $currline = "use lib '".$from_configure{"prefix"}."/perl_lib';\n";
- $outdigest->add($currline);
- }
- # NJS 2007-05-29: Added check for new eprints_maintenance and
- # eprints_alerts scripts, which are shell scripts rather than Perl.
- elsif (($file eq "eprints_maintenance") || ($file eq "eprints_alerts"))
- {
- $currline = "#!/bin/sh\n";
- $outdigest->add($currline);
- }
- else
- {
- # NJS 2007-05-22: Changed $dest to $from_configure{"prefix"} so
- # that we don't end up with the wrong invocation paths when building
- # the Debian package with pbuilder.
- $currline = "#!".$from_configure{perl}." -w -I".$from_configure{"prefix"}."/perl_lib\n";
- $outdigest->add($currline);
- }
- push @linesout, $currline;
- my $skipme = <INFILE>;
- while(my $line=<INFILE>)
- {
- chomp $line;
- $currline = "$line\n";
- $outdigest->add($currline);
- push @linesout, $currline;
- }
- close(INFILE);
- $newsighash->{$relpath} = $outdigest->hexdigest;
- }
- else
- {
- $newsighash->{$relpath} = get_digest("$distdir/$relpath");
- }
- if ($sighash->{"$relpath"} && -e "$dest/$relpath")
- {
- my $repl_digest = get_digest("$dest/$relpath");
- if ($repl_digest ne $sighash->{"$relpath"})
- {
- move_out_of_harms_way( "$dest/$relpath" );
- }
- }
- if( $linecopy )
- {
- unless( open(OUTFILE, ">$dest/$relpath") )
- {
- print "\nCan't write to $dest/$relpath : $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- binmode(OUTFILE);
- print OUTFILE join( "", @linesout );
- close(OUTFILE);
- }
- else
- {
- my $cmd = "cp $distdir/$relpath $dest/$relpath ";
- system( $cmd );
- }
- if( $from_configure{"platform"} eq "unix" )
- {
- unless( chmod($perms, "$dest/$relpath") )
- {
- print "\nUnable to chmod $dest/$relpath : $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- unless( chown($uid, $gid, "$dest/$relpath") )
- {
- print "\nUnable to chown $dest/$relpath : $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- }
- sub install_dir
- {
- my( $distdir, $dir, $perms, $uid, $gid, $dest, $sighash, $newsighash ) = @_;
- unless( opendir(INDIR, $dir) )
- {
- print "Unable to open package directory: $dir. $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my @dirs = ();
- my @files = ();
- ensure_dir("$dest/$dir", $uid, $gid, 02775);
- if( $from_configure{"platform"} eq "unix" )
- {
- unless( chown($uid, $gid, "$dest/$dir") )
- {
- print "\nUnable to chown $dest/$dir : $!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- while(my $item = readdir(INDIR))
- {
- next if( $item eq "." || $item eq ".." );
- if( -d $distdir."/$dir/$item" )
- {
- push(@dirs, $item);
- }
- else
- {
- push(@files, $item);
- }
- }
- closedir(INDIR);
- foreach(@files)
- {
- install_file($distdir, $_, $dir, $perms, $uid, $gid, $dest, $sighash, $newsighash );
- }
- foreach(@dirs)
- {
- install_dir($distdir, "$dir/".$_, $perms, $uid, $gid, $dest, $sighash, $newsighash );
- }
- }
- ##############################################################
- sub upgrade
- {
- my( $base_path, $dist_path, $user, $group ) = @_;
- my(undef,undef,$uid,$gid) = getpwnam($user);
- print "Upgrading files : [";
- print <<HOORAY;
- ======================================================================
- Upgrade successful. You should now:
- - su to $user
- - make any changes described by the "updating" chapter of
- the documentation.
- - re-run bin/generate_apacheconf (the just-installed version,
- not the version that came in the tar.gz.
- - restart your web server
- - restart the eprints indexer
- - To find and share ideas and problems try the EPrints technical
- mailing list and wiki at http://eprints.org/software/
- ======================================================================
- }
- sub full_install
- {
- my( $base_path, $dist_path, $user, $group ) = @_;
- print <<HOORAY;
- ======================================================================
- Hooray! Your EPrints2 installation was successful!
- ======================================================================
- What Now?
- - su to root
- - Open your apache.conf file, and make the
- following alterations:
- o Add the line
- Include $base_path/cfg/apache.conf
- o Replace the 'User <username>' line with
- User $user
- o Replace the 'Group <groupname>' line with
- Group $group
- - su to $user
- - Move into $base_path and run:
- bin/configure_archive
- Good Luck!
- - To find and share ideas and problems try the EPrints technical
- mailing list and wiki at http://eprints.org/software/
- ======================================================================
- }
- sub move_out_of_harms_way
- {
- my( $file ) = @_;
- my @date = localtime;
- my $safename = sprintf(
- "%s.backup.%04d-%02d-%02d",
- $file,
- $date[5]+1900,
- $date[4]+1,
- $date[3] );
- my $n = 0;
- while( -e $safename )
- {
- ++$n;
- $safename = sprintf(
- "%s.backup.%04d-%02d-%02d.%d",
- $file,
- $date[5]+1900,
- $date[4]+1,
- $date[3],
- $n );
- }
- rename $file, $safename;
- print "\n$file has been modified.\nSaving old version as $safename\n";
- }
- sub read_version
- {
- my( $vfile ) = @_;
- unless( open(VERSIONIN, $from_configure{"dist_path"}."/VERSION") )
- {
- print "No VERSION file in distribution - invalid distribution?\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- binmode(VERSIONIN);
- my $version_id = <VERSIONIN>;
- unless( defined($version_id) )
- {
- print "Undefined version number.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- chomp($version_id);
- my $version = <VERSIONIN>;
- unless( defined($version) )
- {
- print "Undefined version description.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- chomp($version);
- close(VERSIONIN);
- return( $version_id, $version );
- }
- sub ensure_dir
- {
- my( $dir, $uid, $gid, $mode ) = @_;
- if( !-d $dir )
- {
- if( !mkdir($dir) )
- {
- print "Unable to make dir: $dir.\n";
- print "Aborting!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- unless( chown($uid, $gid, $dir) )
- {
- print "Unable to chown ".$dir." : $!\n";
- print "Aborting!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- unless( chmod($mode, $dir) )
- {
- print "Unable to chmod ".$dir." : $!\n";
- print "Aborting!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- return;
- }