Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / lib / defaultcfg / cfg.d /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 1 KB - Added debian package source.

# Internal log handling
#  Enables a hook into Apache to catch logging events and
#  record them directly into the eprints database for usage analysis

# set this to 1 to enable log handling
# (then run generate_apacheconf and restart apache)
$c->{loghandler}->{enable} = 1;

# Log timings on submissions. 
# This feature creates a log file in the eprints var directory
# which logs timestamps of users doing the submission process. It's
# useful for us to monitor time taken on various pages in the submission
# process and maybe you want to to...
# $c->{log_submission_timing} = 1; 

# log( $repository, $message )
# $repository 
# - repository object
# $message 
# - log message string
# returns: nothing 
# This method is called to log something important. By default it 
# sends everything to STDERR which means it ends up in the apache
# error log ( or just stderr for the command line scripts in bin/ )
# If you want to write to a file instead, or add extra information 
# such as the name of the repository, this is the place to do it.

$c->{log} = sub
	my( $repository, $message ) = @_;

	print STDERR $message."\n";

	# You may wish to use this line instead if you have many repositories, but if you
	# only have on then it's just more noise.
	#print STDERR "[".$repository->get_id()."] ".$message."\n";