Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints / Plugin / InputForm / Component / Field /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 5 KB - Added debian package source.
package EPrints::Plugin::InputForm::Component::Field::Multi;

use EPrints::Plugin::InputForm::Component::Field;

@ISA = ( "EPrints::Plugin::InputForm::Component::Field" );

use Unicode::String qw(latin1);

use strict;

sub new
	my( $class, %opts ) = @_;

	my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %opts );

	$self->{name} = "Multi";
	$self->{visible} = "all";

	return $self;

sub update_from_form
	my( $self, $processor ) = @_;

	foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
		my $value = $field->form_value( $self->{session}, $self->{dataobj}, $self->{prefix} );
		$self->{dataobj}->set_value( $field->{name}, $value );


sub validate
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @problems;
	foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
		my $for_archive = 0;
		if( $field->{required} eq "for_archive" )
			$for_archive = 1;

		# cjg bug - not handling for_archive here.
		if( $field->{required} && !$self->{dataobj}->is_set( $field->{name} ) )
			my $fieldname = $self->{session}->make_element( "span", class=>"ep_problem_field:".$field->{name} );
			$fieldname->appendChild( $field->render_name( $self->{session} ) );
			my $problem = $self->{session}->html_phrase(
				"lib/eprint:not_done_field" ,
				fieldname=>$fieldname );
			push @problems, $problem;
		push @problems, $self->{dataobj}->validate_field( $field->{name} );
	$self->{problems} = \@problems;
	return @problems;

sub parse_config
	my( $self, $config_dom ) = @_;
	$self->{config}->{fields} = [];

# moj: We need some default phrases for when these aren't specified.
#	$self->{config}->{title} = ""; 
#	$self->{config}->{help} = ""; 

	my @fields = $config_dom->getElementsByTagName( "field" );
	my @title_nodes = $config_dom->getElementsByTagName( "title" );
	my @help_nodes  = $config_dom->getElementsByTagName( "help" );

	if( @fields == 0 )
		# error!
		EPrints::abort( "Multifield with no fields defined. Config was:\n".EPrints::XML::to_string( $config_dom ) );

	foreach my $field_tag ( @fields )
		my $field = $self->xml_to_metafield( $field_tag );
		push @{$self->{config}->{fields}}, $field;

	$self->{config}->{title} = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;
	if( scalar @title_nodes == 1 )
		foreach my $kid ( $title_nodes[0]->getChildNodes )
			$self->{config}->{title}->appendChild( $kid );

	if( scalar @help_nodes == 1 )
		my $phrase_ref = $help_nodes[0]->getAttribute( "ref" );
		$self->{config}->{help} = $self->{session}->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_sr_help_chunk" );
		if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $phrase_ref ) )
			$self->{config}->{help}->appendChild( $self->{session}->html_phrase( $phrase_ref ) );
			my @phrase_dom = $help_nodes[0]->getElementsByTagName( "phrase" );
			if( scalar @phrase_dom >= 1 )
				$self->{config}->{help}->appendChild( $phrase_dom[0] );

#	else
#	{
#		# no <help> configured. Do something sensible.
#		$self->{config}->{help} = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;
#		foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
#		{
#			my $chunk = $self->{session}->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_sr_help_chunk" );
#			my $strong = $self->{session}->make_element( "strong" );
#			$strong->appendChild( $field->render_name( $self->{session} ) );
#			$strong->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( ": " ) );
#			$chunk->appendChild( $strong );
#			$chunk->appendChild( 
#				$field->render_help( 
#					$self->{session}, 
#					$field->get_type() ) );
#			$self->{config}->{help}->appendChild( $chunk );
#		}
#	}


sub has_help
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return defined $self->{config}->{help};

sub render_content
	my( $self, $surround ) = @_;

	my $table = $self->{session}->make_element( "table", class => "ep_multi" );
	my $tbody = $self->{session}->make_element( "tbody" );
	$table->appendChild( $tbody );
	my $first = 1;
	foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
		my %parts;
		$parts{class} = "";
		$parts{class} = "ep_first" if $first;
		$first = 0;

		$parts{label} = $field->render_name( $self->{session} );

		if( $field->{required} ) # moj: Handle for_archive
			$parts{label} = $self->{session}->html_phrase( 
				label=>$parts{label} );
		$parts{help} = $field->render_help( $self->{session} );

		# Get the field and its value/default
		my $value;
		if( $self->{dataobj} )
			$value = $self->{dataobj}->get_value( $field->{name} );
			$value = $self->{default};
		$parts{field} = $field->render_input_field( 

		$parts{help_prefix} = $self->{prefix}."_help_".$field->get_name;

		$table->appendChild( $self->{session}->render_row_with_help( %parts ) );
	return $table;

sub render_help
	my( $self, $surround ) = @_;
	return $self->{config}->{help};

sub render_title
	my( $self, $surround ) = @_;

	# nb. That this must clone the title as the title may be used 
	# more than once.
	return $self->{session}->clone_for_me( $self->{config}->{title}, 1 );

sub could_collapse
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
		my $set = $self->{dataobj}->is_set( $field->{name} );
		return 0 if( $set );
	return 1;

sub get_fields_handled
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @names = ();
	foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
		push @names, $field->{name};
	return @names;

sub get_state_params
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $params = "";
	foreach my $field ( @{$self->{config}->{fields}} )
		$params.= $field->get_state_params( $self->{session}, $self->{prefix}."_".$field->get_name );
	return $params;
