- #! /usr/bin/python2.2
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # name:
- # author: J Skinner
- # Date Written:
- # Purpose:
- # Notes
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #------------------------ GLOBALS ------------------------------------
- DEBUG = 0
- IS_CGI = 1
- IS_DB = 1
- #------------------------ IMPORTS ------------------------------------
- import string
- import os
- import sys
- import cgi
- import traceback
- import access
- #import cookie
- from auth import Auth
- from page import Page
- from the_form import The_Form
- from constants import *
- #------------------------ GLOBALS ----------------------------------
- Content-type: text/html
- %(cookie)s
- '''
- #------------------------ CODE ------------------------------------
- def upload(db, auth, form_data):
- if form_data.filename:
- has_blob = 1
- else:
- has_blob = 0
- the_id = db.put('document_info', {'pub_date':form_data.pub_date,
- 'title':form_data.title, 'short_desc':form_data.short_desc,
- 'long_desc':form_data.long_desc, 'has_blob':has_blob})
- if type(form_data.authors) is not type([]):
- db.put('doc_auth', {'document_id':str(the_id),
- 'author_id':str(form_data.authors)})
- else:
- for i in form_data.authors:
- db.put('doc_auth', {'doc_id':str(the_id), 'author_id':str(i)})
- # for i in [_i.strip() for _i in form_data.keywords.split(',')]:
- # try:
- # keyword_id = db.get('keywords', ['keyword_id'],
- # where='keyword="%s"'%i)
- # except db.NO_DATA:
- # keyword_id = db.put('keywords', {'keyword':i})
- # db.put('kw_doc', {'doc_id':the_id, 'keyword_id':keyword_id})
- print 'content-type: text/html'
- print
- print form_data.filename_name
- db.put('document_data', {'doc_id':the_id, 'the_doc':form_data.filename,
- 'filename':form_data.filename_name})
- form_data.action = 'upload_success'
- return 1, UPLOAD_SUCCESS
- def get_xtra_info(form):
- xtra_info = {}
- for i in form.keys():
- try:
- xtra_info[i] = form[i].value
- except:
- print 'content-type: text/html'
- print
- print form[i]
- print i
- if xtra_info != {}:
- return xtra_info
- else:
- return None
- def main():
- # print 'Content-type: text/html'
- # print
- db = access.Access(dbname='pysocks', user='crypt')
- page_info = None
- form = cgi.FieldStorage()
- form_data = The_Form()
- form_data.get_values_from_form(form)
- auth = Auth(db, form_data)
- #status, page_id = auth.login_check()
- page_id = None
- xtra_info = get_xtra_info(form)
- if form_data.action == 'upload':
- res, page_id = upload(db, auth, form_data)
- elif form_data.action == 'download':
- the_page = Page(1, db, auth, page_info, xtra_info)
- return
- if form_data.action == 'show_author':
- page_id = 800
- if form.has_key('page') or form.has_key('action'):
- if page_id == None: page_id =form['page'].value
- the_page = Page(page_id, db, auth, page_info, xtra_info)
- else:
- # render the default page
- the_page = Page(1, db, auth, page_info, xtra_info)
- # output the actual page
- the_page.show()
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (DEBUG_MAIN):
- try:
- main()
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- except:
- # errMessage("an unkown error has occurred program terminating")
- sys.stderr = sys.stdout
- print '\n\n<PRE>'
- traceback.print_exc()
- else:
- main()
- #------------------------ END ------------------------------------