<?php /** * Project: ePrintstats * File: inc.class.mysql.es.php * Description: All SQL interactions via this object. * This includes connections, adding, updating, inserting. */ class sqlconn { var $_mysql_error = array(); var $_database; var $_host_info; var $_debug = FALSE; var $_debugAll = array(); function doConnectServer($sqlserver,$sqluser,$sqlpass) { $connect = mysql_pconnect ($sqlserver,$sqluser,$sqlpass) or sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); $db_list = mysql_list_dbs($connect); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($db_list)) { $this->_db_list[] = $row->Database; } $this->_host_info = sprintf ("MySQL host info: %s\n", mysql_get_host_info()); return $connect; } function doConnectDb($sqldatabase) { $db = mysql_select_db($sqldatabase) or sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); $this->_database = $sqldatabase; return $db; } function closeConnection() { mysql_close(); } function getHostInfo() { return $this->_host_info; } function setDebug($debuglevel) { $this->_debug = $debuglevel; } function getDebug() { $_outstring = ''; foreach ($this->_debugAll as $k=>$v) { $_outstring .= $v; } return $_outstring; } function getError() { return $this->_mysql_error; } /* * @return void * @param $input unknown * @desc HTML output debug info * @usage sqlconn::_debug($this->_db_schema); */ function _debug($output,$line,$file,$function,$class) { ob_start(); print "<div class=\"debug\">\n"; print "<pre>\n"; if (!empty($line)) { print "LINE: $line\n"; }; if (!empty($file)) { print "FILE: $file\n"; }; if (!empty($function)) { print "FUNCTION: $function\n"; }; if (!empty($class)) { print "CLASS: $class\n"; }; //if (!empty($method)) { print "METHOD: $method\n"; }; // Only > PHP5 print_r($output); print "</ pre></div>"; $ret_str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->_debugAll[] = $ret_str; } function _setError($mysql_errno,$mysql_error) { /* * May be of limited use where a method makes multiple calls * and one error message is replaced by another. */ $this->_mysql_error["code"] = $mysql_errno; $this->_mysql_error["text"] = $mysql_error; } /******************************************** * * * Program specific * **********************************************/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This function is a rewritten version of getCumulativeUsage, to optionally select the view_type. (c) Copyright 2004 Arthur Sale, University of Tasmania Parameters: id # of eprint strings 'abstract', 'download' or anything else acts as view=abstract+download Returns: Result array from query or failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function getCumulativeUsageType($id,$type) { // Formulate the id part of the select $id = (int) $id; $part1 = ($id > 1); if ($part1) { $limit1 = "archiveid = $id"; } else { $limit1 = ''; } // Formulate the view part of the select if ($type == 'download') { $limit2 = 'view_type = "download"'; $part2 = true; } elseif ($type == 'abstract') { $limit2 = 'view_type = "abstract"'; $part2 = true; } else { $limit2 = ''; $part2 = false; } // Combine the parts as needed if ($part1 and $part2) { $limit = $limit1 . ' AND ' . $limit2; } else { $limit = $limit1 . $limit2; } if ($part1 or $part2) { $limit = 'WHERE ' . $limit; } // Create a result array $records = array(); //Build up the query $query = " select count(*) as count,month(request_date) as monthnum,date_format(request_date,'%b') as month,year(request_date) as year from view $limit group by year(request_date),month(request_date) order by request_date desc "; // Make the query $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $row; } return $records; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This function is a rewritten version of getCumulativeUsageCountry, to optionally select the view_type. (c) Copyright 2004 Arthur Sale, University of Tasmania Parameters: id # of eprint strings 'abstract', 'download' or anything else acts as view=abstract+download Returns: Result array from query or failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function getCumulativeUsageCountryType($type) { // Formulate the view part of the select if ($type == 'download') { $limit2 = 'WHERE view_type = "download" '; } elseif ($type == 'abstract') { $limit2 = 'WHERE view_type = "abstract" '; } else { $limit2 = ''; } // Create a result array $records = array(); //Build up the query $query = 'select count(*) as count,country_name,country_code from view ' . $limit2 . 'group by country_name order by count desc'; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $row; } return $records; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function getArchiveCountDate($year,$month,$range,$type='download') { $year = (int) $year; $month = (int) $month; $records = array(); // create a date based limit $date_range = ''; if($year>=2002 and $year<2100) { if($month>0 and $month<=12) { $date_range = "WHERE year(request_date) = $year and month(request_date) = $month"; } else { $date_range = "WHERE year(request_date) = $year"; } } if($range=='4w') { $date_range = "WHERE request_date >= date_sub(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 MONTH)"; } // Constrain the view to downloads - Arthur Sale addition ----------- if ($date_range != '') { $date_range = $date_range . ' AND view_type = "download"'; } else { // empty $date_range = 'WHERE view_type = "download"'; } // End of addition -------------------------------------------------- $query = " select count(*) as count,archiveid,eprint_name from view $date_range group by archiveid order by count desc "; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $row; } return $records; } } /* NJS 2005-12-15 Similar to getArchiveCountDate but does it by country instead. */ function getArchiveCountCountry($ccode,$type='download') { $records = array(); // Create a country based limit. Also constrain to downloads only. $restriction = "WHERE country_code = '$ccode' and view_type = 'download'"; $query = " select count(*) as count, archiveid, eprint_name, country_name from view $restriction group by archiveid order by count desc "; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $row; } return $records; } } /* New */ function getCountryEprintType($year,$month,$rnge,$type,$id) { $year = (int) $year; $month = (int) $month; $records = array(); // Generate type enquiry if ($type == 'download') { $limit2 = ' AND view_type = "download" '; } elseif ($type == 'abstract') { $limit2 = ' AND view_type = "abstract" '; } else { $limit2 = ''; } // generate date enquiry $date_range = ''; if($year>=2002 and $year<2100) { if($month>0 and $month<=12) { $date_range = " AND year(request_date) = $year AND month(request_date) = $month"; } else { $date_range = " AND year(request_date) = $year"; } } if($rnge=='4w') { $date_range = " AND request_date >= date_sub(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 MONTH)"; } $query = 'select count(*) as count,country_name,country_code from view WHERE archiveid = ' . $id . $limit2 . $date_range . ' GROUP BY country_name ORDER BY count DESC'; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $row; } return $records; } } function getTitle($id) { // Get the title of an eprint given its id $query = "SELECT eprint_name FROM view WHERE archiveid = '$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row["eprint_name"]; } } function getAbstractDownload($year,$month,$range,$type='download',$id) { $year = (int) $year; $month = (int) $month; $records = array(); $date_range = ''; if($year>=2002 and $year<2005) { if($month>0 and $month<=12) { $date_range = "AND year(request_date) = $year and month(request_date) = $month"; } else { $date_range = "AND year(request_date) = $year"; } } if($range=='4w') { $date_range = "AND request_date >= date_sub(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 MONTH)"; } $query = " select count(*) as count,view_type from view WHERE archiveid = $id $date_range group by view_type order by count desc "; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $row; } return $records; } } function getLastProc() { // Get the time that the stats were last processed. $query = "SELECT timeinsert FROM lastproc ORDER BY timeinsert DESC LIMIT 1;"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { sqlconn::_setError(mysql_errno(),mysql_error()); return; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row["timeinsert"]; } } } ?>