Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 68 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Database
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Database> - a connection to the SQL database for an eprints


EPrints Database Access Module

Provides access to the backend database. All database access done
via this module, in the hope that the backend can be replaced
as easily as possible.

The database object is created automatically when you start a new
eprints session. To get a handle on it use:

$db = $session->get_repository

=over 4


#  $self->{session}
#     The EPrints::Session which is associated with this database 
#     connection.
#  $self->{debug}
#     If true then SQL is logged.
#  $self->{dbh}
#     The handle on the actual database connection.

package EPrints::Database;

use DBI;

use EPrints;

use strict;
my $DEBUG_SQL = 0;

# this may not be the current version of eprints, it's the version
# of eprints where the current desired db configuration became standard.
$EPrints::Database::DBVersion = "3.0.6";

# cjg not using transactions so there is a (very small) chance of
# dupping on a counter. 

# Counters
@EPrints::Database::counters = ( "eprintid", "userid", "savedsearchid","historyid","accessid","requestid","documentid" );

# ID of next buffer table. This can safely reset to zero each time
# The module restarts as it is only used for temporary tables.
my %TEMPTABLES = ();


=item $dbstr = EPrints::Database::build_connection_string( %params )

Build the string to use to connect to the database via DBI. %params 
must contain dbname, and may also contain dbport, dbhost and dbsock.


sub build_connection_string
	my( %params ) = @_;

        # build the connection string
        my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$params{dbname}";
        if( defined $params{dbhost} )
                $dsn.= ";host=".$params{dbhost};
        if( defined $params{dbport} )
                $dsn.= ";port=".$params{dbport};
        if( defined $params{dbsock} )
                $dsn.= ";mysql_socket=".$params{dbsock};
        return $dsn;


=item $db = EPrints::Database->new( $session )

Create a connection to the database.


sub new
	my( $class , $session) = @_;

	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $class;
	$self->{session} = $session;


	if( !defined $self->{dbh} ) { return( undef ); }

	$self->{debug} = $DEBUG_SQL;
	if( $session->{noise} == 3 )
		$self->{debug} = 1;

	return( $self );


=item $foo = $db->connect

Connects to the database. 


sub connect
	my( $self ) = @_;

	# Connect to the database
	$self->{dbh} = DBI->connect( 
			dbhost => $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf("dbhost"),
			dbsock => $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf("dbsock"),
			dbport => $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf("dbport"),
			dbname => $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf("dbname") ),
	        $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf("dbpass") );

	return unless defined $self->{dbh};	

	if( $self->{session}->{noise} >= 4 )
		$self->{dbh}->trace( 2 );


=item $foo = $db->disconnect

Disconnects from the EPrints database. Should always be done
before any script exits.


sub disconnect
	my( $self ) = @_;
	# Make sure that we don't disconnect twice, or inappropriately
	if( defined $self->{dbh} )
		$self->{dbh}->disconnect() ||
			$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Database disconnect error: ".
				$self->{dbh}->errstr );
	delete $self->{session};


=item $errstr = $db->error

Return a string describing the last SQL error.


sub error
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{dbh}->errstr;


=item $success = $db->create_archive_tables

Create all the SQL tables for each dataset.


sub create_archive_tables
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my $success = 1;

	foreach( &EPrints::DataSet::get_sql_dataset_ids )
		$success = $success && $self->create_dataset_tables( 
			$self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( $_ ) );

	$success = $success && $self->_create_cachemap_table();

	$success = $success && $self->_create_counter_table();

	$success = $success && $self->_create_messages_table();

	$success = $success && $self->_create_index_queue_table();

	$success = $success && $self->create_login_tickets_table();

	#$success = $success && $self->_create_permission_table();

	$self->set_version( $EPrints::Database::DBVersion );
	return( $success );


=item $success = $db->create_dataset_tables( $dataset )

Create all the SQL tables for a single dataset.


sub create_dataset_tables
	my( $self, $dataset ) = @_;
	my $rv = 1;

	$rv = $rv && $self->create_dataset_index_tables( $dataset );

	$rv = $rv && $self->create_dataset_ordervalues_tables( $dataset );

	# Create the main tables
	$rv = $rv && $self->create_table( 
				$dataset->get_fields( 1 ) );

	return $rv;


=item $success = $db->create_dataset_index_tables( $dataset )

Create all the index tables for a single dataset.


sub create_dataset_index_tables
	my( $self, $dataset ) = @_;
	my $rv = 1;

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field()->clone;

	my $field_fieldword = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "fieldword", 
		type => "text");
	my $field_pos = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "pos", 
		type => "int" );
	my $field_ids = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "ids", 
		type => "longtext");

	$rv = $rv & $self->create_table(
		0, # no primary key
		( $field_fieldword, $field_pos, $field_ids ) );


	my $field_fieldname = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "fieldname", 
		type => "text" );
	my $field_grepstring = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "grepstring", 
		type => "text");

	$rv = $rv & $self->create_table(
		0, # no primary key
		( $keyfield, $field_fieldname, $field_grepstring ) );

	return 0 unless $rv;

	my $field_field = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "field", 
		type => "text" );
	my $field_word = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
		repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
		name => "word", 
		type => "text");

	$rv = $rv & $self->create_table(
		0, # no primary key
		( $keyfield, $field_field, $field_word ) );

	return $rv;


=item $success = $db->create_dataset_ordervalues_tables( $dataset )

Create all the ordervalues tables for a single dataset.


sub create_dataset_ordervalues_tables
	my( $self, $dataset ) = @_;
	my $rv = 1;

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field()->clone;
	# Create sort values table. These will be used when ordering search
	# results.
	my @fields = $dataset->get_fields( 1 );
	# remove the key field
	splice( @fields, 0, 1 ); 
	my @orderfields = ( $keyfield );
	foreach my $field ( @fields )
		my $fname = $field->get_sql_name();
		push @orderfields, EPrints::MetaField->new( 
					repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
					name => $fname,
					type => "longtext" );
	foreach my $langid ( @{$self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf( "languages" )} )
		my $order_table = $dataset->get_ordervalues_table_name( $langid );

		$rv = $rv && $self->create_table( 
			@orderfields );
		return 0 unless $rv;

	return $rv;

# $db->create_login_tickets_table()
# create the login_tickets table.

sub create_login_tickets_table
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $sql = "CREATE TABLE login_tickets ( code CHAR(32) NOT NULL, userid INTEGER, ip VARCHAR(64), expires INTEGER, primary key( code ) )";

	return $self->do( $sql );

# $db->get_ticket_userid( $code, $ip )
# return the userid, if any, associated with the given ticket code and IP address.

sub get_ticket_userid
	my( $self, $code, $ip ) = @_;

	my $sql;

	# clean up old tickets
	$sql = "DELETE FROM login_tickets WHERE ".time." > expires";
	$self->do( $sql );

	$sql = "SELECT userid FROM login_tickets WHERE (ip='' OR ip='".prep_value($ip)."') AND code='".prep_value($code)."'";
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my( $userid ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

	return $userid;


=item  $success = $db->create_table( $tablename, $dataset, $setkey, @fields );

Create the tables used to store metadata for this dataset: the main
table and any required for multiple or mulitlang fields.


sub create_table
	my( $self, $tablename, $dataset, $setkey, @fields ) = @_;
	my $field;
	my $rv = 1;

	# build the sub-tables first
	foreach $field (@fields)
		next unless ( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) );
		next if( $field->is_virtual );
		# make an aux. table for a multiple field
		# which will contain the same type as the
		# key of this table paired with the non-
		# multiple version of this field.
		# auxfield and keyfield must be indexed or 
		# there's not much point. 

		my $auxfield = $field->clone;
		$auxfield->set_property( "multiple", 0 );
		my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field()->clone;
#print $field->get_name()."\n";
#foreach( keys %{$auxfield} ) { print "* $_ => ".$auxfield->{$_}."\n"; }
#print "\n\n";

		# cjg Hmmmm
		#  Multiple ->
		# [key] [cnt] [field]
		#  Lang ->
		# [key] [lang] [field]
		#  Multiple + Lang ->
		# [key] [pos] [lang] [field]

		my @auxfields = ( $keyfield );
		if ( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
			my $pos = EPrints::MetaField->new( 
				repository=> $self->{session}->get_repository,
				name => "pos", 
				type => "int" );
			push @auxfields,$pos;
		push @auxfields,$auxfield;
		my $rv = $rv && $self->create_table(	
			$dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $field ),
			0, # no primary key
			@auxfields );

	# Construct the SQL statement
	my $sql = "CREATE TABLE $tablename (";
	my $key = undef;
	my @indices;
	my $first = 1;
	foreach $field (@fields)
		next if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) );
		next if( $field->is_virtual );

		if ( $first )
			$first = 0;
			$sql .= ", ";
		my $notnull = 0;
		# First field is primary key.
		if( !defined $key && $setkey)
			$key = $field;
			$notnull = 1;
			my( $index ) = $field->get_sql_index();
			if( defined $index )
				push @indices, $index;
		$sql .= $field->get_sql_type( $notnull );

	if ( $setkey )	
		$sql .= ", PRIMARY KEY (".$key->get_sql_name().")";

	foreach (@indices)
		$sql .= ", $_";
	$sql .= ");";

	# Send to the database
	$rv = $rv && $self->do( $sql );
	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( defined $rv );


=item $success = $db->add_record( $dataset, $data )

Add the given data as a new record in the given dataset. $data is
a reference to a hash containing values structured for a record in
the that dataset.


sub add_record
	my( $self, $dataset, $data ) = @_;

	my $table = $dataset->get_sql_table_name();
	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();
	my $kf_sql = $keyfield->get_sql_name;
	my $id = $data->{$kf_sql};

	if( $self->exists( $dataset, $id ) )
		# item already exists.
"Attempt to create existing item $id in table $table." );
		return 0;

	# To save duplication of code, all this function does is insert
	# a stub entry, then call the update method which does the hard
	# work.

	my $sql = "INSERT INTO $table ( $kf_sql ) VALUES (\"";
	$sql.= prep_value( $id )."\")";

	# Send to the database
	my $rv = $self->do( $sql );

#	unless( $rv )
#	{
#		# something went wrong! try and clean up
#		my $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $kf_sql = (\"";
#		$sql.= prep_value( $id )."\")";
#		$self->do( $sql );
#		return 0;
#	}

	EPrints::Index::insert_ordervalues( $self->{session}, $dataset, $data );

	# Now add the ACTUAL data:
	$self->update( $dataset , $data );
	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( defined $rv );


=item $mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_int( $value )

Escape a numerical value for SQL. undef becomes NULL. Anything else
becomes a number (zero if needed).


sub prep_int
	my( $value ) = @_; 

	return "NULL" unless( defined $value );

	return $value+0;


=item $mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_value( $value )

Escape a value for SQL. Modify value such that " becomes \" and \ 
becomes \\ and ' becomes \'


sub prep_value
	my( $value ) = @_; 
	return "" unless( defined $value );
	$value =~ s/["\\']/\\$&/g;
	return $value;


=item $mungedvalue = EPrints::Database::prep_like_value( $value )

Escape an value for an SQL like field. In addition to ' " and \ also 
escapes % and _


sub prep_like_value
	my( $value ) = @_; 
	return "" unless( defined $value );
	$value =~ s/["\\'%_]/\\$&/g;
	return $value;


=item $success = $db->update( $dataset, $data )

Updates a record in the database with the given $data. Obviously the
value of the primary key must be set.

This also updates the text indexes and the ordering keys.


sub update
	my( $self, $dataset, $data ) = @_;

	my $rv = 1;
	my $sql;
	my @fields = $dataset->get_fields( 1 );

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();

	my $keyvalue = prep_value( $data->{$keyfield->get_sql_name()} );

	# The same WHERE clause will be used a few times, so lets define
	# it now:
	my $where = $keyfield->get_sql_name()." = \"$keyvalue\"";

	my @aux;
	my %values = ();
	my $field;
	foreach $field ( @fields ) 
		next if( $field->is_virtual );

		if( $field->is_type( "secret" ) &&
			!EPrints::Utils::is_set( $data->{$field->get_name()} ) )
			# No way to blank a secret field, as a null value
			# is totally skipped when updating.

		if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
			push @aux,$field;
		my $value = $data->{$field->get_name()};
		my $colname = $field->get_sql_name();
		# clearout the freetext search index table for this field.

		if( $field->is_type( "name" ) )
			$values{$colname."_honourific"} = $value->{honourific};
			$values{$colname."_given"} = $value->{given};
			$values{$colname."_family"} = $value->{family};
			$values{$colname."_lineage"} = $value->{lineage};
		elsif( $field->is_type( "date" ) )
			my @parts;
			@parts = split( /[-]/, $value ) if defined $value;
			$values{$colname."_year"} = $parts[0];
			$values{$colname."_month"} = $parts[1];
			$values{$colname."_day"} = $parts[2];
		elsif( $field->is_type( "time" ) )
			my @parts;
			@parts = split( /[-: TZ]/, $value ) if defined $value;
			$values{$colname."_year"} = $parts[0];
			$values{$colname."_month"} = $parts[1];
			$values{$colname."_day"} = $parts[2];
			$values{$colname."_hour"} = $parts[3];
			$values{$colname."_minute"} = $parts[4];
			$values{$colname."_second"} = $parts[5];
			$values{$colname} = $value;
	$sql = "UPDATE ".$dataset->get_sql_table_name()." SET ";
	my $first=1;
	foreach( keys %values ) {
		if( $first )
			$first = 0;
			$sql.= ", ";
		$sql.= "$_ = ";
		if( defined $values{$_} ) 
			$sql.= "\"".prep_value( $values{$_} )."\"";
			$sql .= "NULL";
	$sql.=" WHERE $where";
	$rv = $rv && $self->do( $sql );

	# Erase old, and insert new, values into aux-tables.
	foreach my $multifield ( @aux )
		my $auxtable = $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $multifield );
		$sql = "DELETE FROM $auxtable WHERE $where";
		$rv = $rv && $self->do( $sql );

		# skip to next table if there are no values at all for this
		# one.
		if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $data->{$multifield->get_name()} ) )
		my @values;
		my $fieldvalue = $data->{$multifield->get_name()};

		my $position=0;
		foreach my $pos (0..(scalar @{$fieldvalue}-1) )
			my $value = $fieldvalue->[$pos];
			push @values, {
				v => $value,
				p => $position
		my $fname = $multifield->get_sql_name();
		foreach my $v ( @values )
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $auxtable (".$keyfield->get_sql_name().", ";
			$sql.= "pos, " if( $multifield->get_property( "multiple" ) );
			if( $multifield->is_type( "name" ) )
				$sql .= $fname."_honourific, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_given, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_family, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_lineage ";
			elsif( $multifield->is_type( "date" ) )
				$sql .= $fname."_year, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_month, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_day";
			elsif( $multifield->is_type( "time" ) )
				$sql .= $fname."_year, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_month, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_day, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_hour, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_minute, ";
				$sql .= $fname."_second";
				$sql .= $fname;
			$sql .= ") VALUES (\"$keyvalue\", ";
			$sql .=	"\"".$v->{p}."\", " if( $multifield->get_property( "multiple" ) );
			if( $multifield->is_type( "name" ) )
				$sql .= "\"".prep_value( $v->{v}->{honourific} )."\", ";
				$sql .= "\"".prep_value( $v->{v}->{given} )."\", ";
				$sql .= "\"".prep_value( $v->{v}->{family} )."\", ";
				$sql .= "\"".prep_value( $v->{v}->{lineage} )."\"";
			elsif( $multifield->is_type( "date" ) )
				my @parts = split( /-/, $v->{v} );
				my @list = ();
					if( defined $parts[$_] )
						push @list, $parts[$_];
						push @list, "NULL";
				$sql .= join( ", ", @list );
			elsif( $multifield->is_type( "time" ) )
				my @parts = split( /[-: TZ]/, $v->{v} );
				my @list = ();
					if( defined $parts[$_] )
						push @list, $parts[$_];
						push @list, "NULL";
				$sql .= join( ", ", @list );
				$sql .= "\"".prep_value( $v->{v} )."\"";
	                $rv = $rv && $self->do( $sql );

	EPrints::Index::update_ordervalues( $self->{session}, $dataset, $data );

	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( defined $rv );


=item $success = $db->remove( $dataset, $id )

Attempts to remove the record with the primary key $id from the 
specified dataset.


sub remove
	my( $self, $dataset, $id ) = @_;

	my $rv=1;

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();

	my $keyvalue = prep_value( $id );

	my $where = $keyfield->get_sql_name()." = \"$keyvalue\"";

	# Delete from index (no longer used)
	#$self->_deindex( $dataset, $id );

	# Delete Subtables
	my @fields = $dataset->get_fields( 1 );
	my $field;
	foreach $field ( @fields ) 
		next unless( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) );
		# ideally this would actually remove the subobjects
		next if( $field->is_virtual );
		my $auxtable = $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $field );
		my $sql = "DELETE FROM $auxtable WHERE $where";
		$rv = $rv && $self->do( $sql );

	# Delete main table
	my $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$dataset->get_sql_table_name()." WHERE ".$where;
	$rv = $rv && $self->do( $sql );

	if( !$rv )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Error removing item id: $id" );

	EPrints::Index::delete_ordervalues( $self->{session}, $dataset, $id );

	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( defined $rv )

# $success = $db->_create_counter_table
# create the table used to store the highest current id of eprints,
# users etc.

sub _create_counter_table
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $counter_ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "counter" );
	# The table creation SQL
	my $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$counter_ds->get_sql_table_name().
		"(countername VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, counter INT NOT NULL);";
	# Send to the database
	my $sth = $self->do( $sql );
	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( 0 ) unless defined( $sth );

	my $counter;
	# Create the counters 
	foreach $counter (@EPrints::Database::counters)
		$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$counter_ds->get_sql_table_name()." ".
			"VALUES (\"$counter\", 0);";

		$sth = $self->do( $sql );
		# Return with an error if unsuccessful
		return( 0 ) unless defined( $sth );
	# Everything OK
	return( 1 );

# $success = $db->_create_messages_table
# create the table used to store messages which the user needs to see
# but are not being sent in the current request.

sub _create_messages_table
	my( $self ) = @_;

	# The table creation SQL
	my $sql = "CREATE TABLE messages (userid INTEGER, type VARCHAR(16), message TEXT, INDEX(userid))";
	# Send to the database
	my $sth = $self->do( $sql );
	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( 0 ) unless defined( $sth );

	# Everything OK
	return( 1 );

sub save_user_message
	my( $self, $userid, $m_type, $dom_m_data ) = @_;

	my $sql = "INSERT INTO messages VALUES ( ".($userid+0).", '".prep_value($m_type)."','".prep_value(EPrints::XML::to_string($dom_m_data))."' )";

	my $sth = $self->do( $sql );

	return defined $sth;

sub get_user_messages
	my( $self, $userid ) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT type,message FROM messages WHERE userid=".($userid+0);
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my @messages;
	while( my( $m_type, $m_data ) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		$m_data = "<div>$m_data</div>";
		my $doc = EPrints::XML::parse_xml_string( $m_data );
		my $message;
		if( EPrints::XML::is_dom( $doc, "Document" ) )
			$message = $self->{session}->clone_for_me($doc->getDocumentElement,1);
			$message = $self->{session}->clone_for_me($doc,1);
		push @messages, { type=>$m_type, content=>$message };
		EPrints::XML::dispose( $doc );
	return @messages;

sub clear_user_messages
	my( $self, $userid ) = @_;

	my $sql = "DELETE FROM messages WHERE userid=".($userid+0);
	$self->do( $sql );

# $success = $db->_create_index_queue_table
# create the table used to keep track of what needs to be indexed in
# this repository.

sub _create_index_queue_table
	my( $self ) = @_;

	# The table creation SQL
	my $sql = "CREATE TABLE index_queue ( field VARCHAR(128), added DATETIME , index(field), index(added) )";

	# Send to the database
	my $sth = $self->do( $sql );
	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( 0 ) unless defined( $sth );
	# Everything OK
	return( 1 );

# $success = $db->_create_cachemap_table
# create the table which remembers what each cache file represents.

sub _create_cachemap_table
	my( $self ) = @_;
	# The table creation SQL
	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "cachemap" );
	my $table_name = $ds->get_sql_table_name();
	my $sql = <<END;
CREATE TABLE $table_name ( 
	userid INTEGER,
	searchexp TEXT,
	oneshot SET('TRUE','FALSE')
	# Send to the database
	my $sth = $self->do( $sql );
	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( 0 ) unless defined( $sth );

	# Everything OK
	return( 1 );

# $success = $db->_create_permission_table
# create the tables needed to store the permissions. 

sub _create_permission_table
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my( $sql, $rc );

	$sql = "CREATE TABLE permission (role CHAR(64) NOT NULL, privilege CHAR(64) NOT NULL, net_from LONG, net_to LONG, PRIMARY KEY(role,privilege), UNIQUE(privilege,role))";

	$self->do( $sql ) or return 0;

	$sql = "CREATE TABLE permission_group (user CHAR(64) NOT NULL, role CHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(user,role))";

	$self->do( $sql ) or return 0;

	return 1;



=item $n = $db->next_doc_pos( $eprintid )

Return the next unused document pos for the given eprintid.


sub next_doc_pos
	my( $self, $eprintid ) = @_;

	if( $eprintid ne $eprintid + 0 )
		EPrints::abort( "next_doc_pos got odd eprintid: '$eprintid'" );

	my $sql = "SELECT MAX(pos) FROM document WHERE eprintid=$eprintid;";
	my @row = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array( $sql );
	my $max = $row[0] || 0;

	return $max + 1;

=item $n = $db->counter_next( $counter )

Return the next unused value for the named counter. Returns undef if 
the counter doesn't exist.


sub counter_next
	my( $self, $counter ) = @_;

	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "counter" );

	# Update the counter	
	my $sql = "UPDATE ".$ds->get_sql_table_name()." SET counter=".
		"LAST_INSERT_ID(counter+1) WHERE countername = \"$counter\";";
	# Send to the database
	my $rows_affected = $self->do( $sql );

	# Return with an error if unsuccessful
	return( undef ) unless( $rows_affected==1 );

	# Get the value of the counter
	my @row = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array( $sql );

	return( $row[0] );

# $db->counter_reset( $counter )
# Return the counter. Use with cautiuon.

sub counter_reset
	my( $self, $counter ) = @_;

	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "counter" );

	# Update the counter	
	my $sql = "UPDATE ".$ds->get_sql_table_name()." ";
	$sql.="SET counter=0 WHERE countername = \"$counter\";";
	# Send to the database
	$self->do( $sql );


=item $searchexp = $db->cache_exp( $cacheid )

Return the serialised Search of a the cached search with
id $cacheid. Return undef if the id is invalid or expired.


sub cache_exp
	my( $self , $id ) = @_;

	my $a = $self->{session}->get_repository;
	my $ds = $a->get_dataset( "cachemap" );

	#cjg NOT escaped!!!
	my $sql = "SELECT searchexp FROM ".$ds->get_sql_table_name() . " WHERE tableid = '$id' ";

	# Never include items past maxlife
	$sql.= " AND created > NOW()-INTERVAL ".$a->get_conf("cache_maxlife")." HOUR"; 

	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my( $searchexp ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

	return $searchexp;

sub cache_userid
	my( $self , $id ) = @_;

	my $a = $self->{session}->get_repository;
	my $ds = $a->get_dataset( "cachemap" );

	#cjg NOT escaped!!!
	my $sql = "SELECT userid FROM ".$ds->get_sql_table_name() . " WHERE tableid = '$id' ";

	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my( $userid ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

	return $userid;


=item $cacheid = $db->cache( $searchexp, $dataset, $srctable, 
[$order], [$list] )

Create a cache of the specified search expression from the SQL table

If $order is set then the cache is ordered by the specified fields. For
example "-year/title" orders by year (descending). Records with the same
year are ordered by title.

If $srctable is set to "LIST" then order is ignored and the list of
ids is taken from the array reference $list.


sub cache
	my( $self , $code , $dataset , $srctable , $order, $list ) = @_;

	my $sql;
	my $sth;

	# nb. all caches are now oneshot.
	my $userid = "NULL";
	my $user = $self->{session}->current_user;
	if( defined $user )
		$userid = $user->get_id;

	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "cachemap" );
	$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$ds->get_sql_table_name()." VALUES ( NULL , NOW(), NOW() , $userid, '".prep_value($code)."' , 'TRUE' )";
	$self->do( $sql );


	$sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my( $id ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();

	my $cache_table  = $self->cache_table( $id );

        $sql = "CREATE TABLE $cache_table ".
		$keyfield->get_sql_type( 1 )." )";
	$self->do( $sql );

	return $id if( $srctable eq "NONE" ); 

	if( $srctable eq "LIST" )
		my $sth = $self->prepare( "INSERT INTO $cache_table VALUES (NULL,?)" );
		foreach( @{$list} )
			$sth->execute( $_ );
		return $id;

	my $keyname = $keyfield->get_name();
	$sql = "INSERT INTO $cache_table SELECT NULL , B.$keyname from ".$srctable." as B";
	if( defined $order )
		$sql .= " LEFT JOIN ".$dataset->get_ordervalues_table_name($self->{session}->get_langid())." AS O";
		$sql .= " ON B.$keyname = O.$keyname ORDER BY ";
		my $first = 1;
		foreach( split( "/", $order ) )
			$sql .= ", " if( !$first );
			my $desc = 0;
			if( s/^-// ) { $desc = 1; }
			my $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string(
					$_ );
			$sql .= "O.".$field->get_sql_name();
			$sql .= " DESC" if $desc;
			$first = 0;
	$sth = $self->do( $sql );

	return $id;


=item $tablename = $db->cache_table( $id )

Return the SQL table used to store the cache with id $id.


sub cache_table
	my( $self, $id ) = @_;

	return "cache".$id;


=item $tablename = $db->create_buffer( $keyname )

Create a temporary table with the given keyname. This table will not
be available to other processes and should be disposed of when you've
finished with them - MySQL only allows so many temporary tables.


sub create_buffer
	my ( $self , $keyname ) = @_;

	my $tmptable = "searchbuffer".($NEXTBUFFER++);
	$TEMPTABLES{$tmptable} = 1;
	#print STDERR "Pushed $tmptable onto temporary table list\n";
#cjg VARCHAR!! Should this not be whatever type is bestest?
        my $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $tmptable ".
	          "( $keyname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, INDEX($keyname))";

	$self->do( $sql );
	return $tmptable;


=item $id = $db->make_buffer( $keyname, $data )

Create a temporary table and dump the values from the array reference
$data into it. 

Even in debugging mode it does not mention this SQL as it's very


sub make_buffer
	my( $self, $keyname, $data ) = @_;

	my $id = $self->create_buffer( $keyname );

	my $sth = $self->prepare( "INSERT INTO $id VALUES (?)" );
	foreach( @{$data} )
		$sth->execute( $_ );

	return $id;


=item $foo = $db->garbage_collect

Loop through known temporary tables, and remove them.


sub garbage_collect
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach( keys %TEMPTABLES )
		$self->dispose_buffer( $_ );


=item $db->dispose_buffer( $id )

Remove temporary table with given id. Won't just remove any
old table.


sub dispose_buffer
	my( $self, $id ) = @_;
	unless( defined $TEMPTABLES{$id} )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( <<END );
Called dispose_buffer on non-buffer table "$id"
	$self->drop_table( $id );
	delete $TEMPTABLES{$id};



=item $ids = $db->get_index_ids( $table, $condition )

Return a reference to an array of the distinct primary keys from the
given SQL table which match the specified condition.


sub get_index_ids
	my( $self, $table, $condition ) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT M.ids FROM $table as M where $condition";

	my $r = {};
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	while( my @info = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
		my @list = split(":",$info[0]);
		foreach( @list ) { $r->{$_}=1; }
	my $results = [ keys %{$r} ];
	return( $results );


=item $ids = $db->search( $keyfield, $tables, $conditions )

Return a reference to an array of ids - the results of the search
specified by $conditions accross the tables specified in the $tables
hash where keys are tables aliases and values are table names. One
of the keys MUST be "M".


sub search
	my( $self, $keyfield, $tables, $conditions) = @_;

	EPrints::abort "No SQL tables passed to search()" if( scalar keys %{$tables} == 0 );
	my $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT M.".$keyfield->get_sql_name()." FROM ";
	my $first = 1;
	foreach( keys %{$tables} )
		EPrints::abort "Empty string passed to search() as an SQL table" if( $tables->{$_} eq "" );
		$sql.= ", " unless($first);
		$first = 0;
		$sql.= $tables->{$_}." AS $_";
	if( defined $conditions )
		$sql .= " WHERE $conditions";

	my $results = [];
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	while( my @info = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
		push @{$results}, $info[0];
	return( $results );


=item $db->drop_cache( $id )

Remove the cached search with the given id.


sub drop_cache
	my ( $self , $id ) = @_;

	# $id MUST be an integer.
	$id += 0;

	my $tmptable = $self->cache_table( $id );

	my $sql;
	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "cachemap" );
	# We drop the table before removing the entry from the cachemap

	$self->drop_table( $tmptable );
	$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$ds->get_sql_table_name()." WHERE tableid = $id";
	$self->do( $sql );


=item $n = $db->count_table( $tablename )

Return the number of rows in the specified SQL table.


sub count_table
	my ( $self , $tablename ) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tablename";

	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my ( $count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

	return $count;


=item $items = $db->from_buffer( $dataset, $buffer, [$offset], [$count], [$justids] )

Return a reference to an array containing all the items from the
given dataset that have id's in the specified buffer.


sub from_buffer 
	my ( $self , $dataset , $buffer , $offset, $count, $justids ) = @_;
	return $self->_get( $dataset, 1 , $buffer, $offset, $count );


=item $foo = $db->from_cache( $dataset, $cacheid, [$offset], [$count], [$justids] )

Return a reference to an array containing all the items from the
given dataset that have id's in the specified cache. The cache may be 
specified either by id or serialised search expression. 

$offset is an offset from the start of the cache and $count is the number
of records to return.

If $justids is true then it returns just an ref to an array of the record
ids, not the objects.


sub from_cache
	my( $self , $dataset , $cacheid , $offset , $count , $justids) = @_;

	# Force offset and count to be ints

	my @results;
	if( $justids )
		my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();
		my $sql = "SELECT ".$keyfield->get_sql_name()." FROM cache".$cacheid." AS C ";
		$sql.= "WHERE C.pos>$offset ";
		if( $count > 0 )
			$sql.="AND C.pos<=".($offset+$count)." ";
		$sql .= "ORDER BY C.pos";
		my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
		$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
		while( my @values = $sth->fetchrow_array ) 
			push @results, $values[0];
		@results = $self->_get( $dataset, 3, "cache".$cacheid, $offset , $count );

	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "cachemap" );
	my $sql = "UPDATE ".$ds->get_sql_table_name()." SET lastused = NOW() WHERE tableid = $cacheid";
	$self->do( $sql );


	return \@results;


=item $db->drop_old_caches

Drop all the expired caches.


sub drop_old_caches
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $ds = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( "cachemap" );
	my $a = $self->{session}->get_repository;
	my $sql = "SELECT tableid FROM ".$ds->get_sql_table_name()." WHERE";
	$sql.= " (lastused < NOW()-INTERVAL ".($a->get_conf("cache_timeout") + 5)." MINUTE AND oneshot = 'FALSE' )";
	$sql.= " OR created < NOW()-INTERVAL ".$a->get_conf("cache_maxlife")." HOUR"; 
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my $id;
	while( $id  = $sth->fetchrow_array() )
		$self->drop_cache( $id );


=item $obj = $db->get_single( $dataset, $id )

Return a single item from the given dataset. The one with the specified


sub get_single
	my ( $self , $dataset , $value ) = @_;
	return ($self->_get( $dataset, 0 , $value ))[0];


=item $items = $db->get_all( $dataset )

Returns a reference to an array with all the items from the given dataset.


sub get_all
	my ( $self , $dataset ) = @_;
	return $self->_get( $dataset, 2 );

# $foo = $db->_get ( $dataset, $mode, $param, $offset, $ntoreturn )
# Scary generic function to get records from the database and put
# them together.

sub _get 
	my ( $self , $dataset , $mode , $param, $offset, $ntoreturn ) = @_;

	# debug code.
	if( !defined $dataset || ref($dataset) eq "") { EPrints::abort("no dataset passed to \$database->_get"); }

	# mode 0 = one or none entries from a given primary key
	# mode 1 = many entries from a buffer table
	# mode 2 = return the whole table (careful now)
	# mode 3 = some entries from a cache table

	my $table = $dataset->get_sql_table_name();

	my @fields = $dataset->get_fields( 1 );

	my $field = undef;
	my $keyfield = $fields[0];
	my $kn = $keyfield->get_sql_name();

	my $cols = "";
	my @aux = ();
	my $first = 1;

	foreach $field ( @fields ) 
		next if( $field->is_virtual );

		if( $field->is_type( "secret" ) )
			# We don't return the values of secret fields - 
			# much more secure that way. The password field is
			# accessed direct via SQL.

		if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
			push @aux,$field;

		if ($first)
			$first = 0;
			$cols .= ", ";
		my $fname = $field->get_sql_name();
		if ( $field->is_type( "name" ) )
			$cols .= "M.".$fname."_honourific, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_given, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_family, ".
		elsif( $field->is_type( "date" ) )
			$cols .= "M.".$fname."_year, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_month, ".
		elsif( $field->is_type( "time" ) )
			$cols .= "M.".$fname."_year, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_month, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_day, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_hour, ".
			         "M.".$fname."_minute, ".
			$cols .= "M.".$fname;

	my $sql;
	if ( $mode == 0 )
		$sql = "SELECT $cols FROM $table AS M ".
		       "WHERE M.$kn = \"".prep_value( $param )."\"";
	elsif ( $mode == 1 )	
		$sql = "SELECT $cols FROM $param AS C, $table AS M ".
		       "WHERE M.$kn = C.$kn";
	elsif ( $mode == 2 )	
		$sql = "SELECT $cols FROM $table AS M";
	elsif ( $mode == 3 )	
		$sql = "SELECT $cols, C.pos FROM $param AS C, $table AS M ";
		$sql.= "WHERE M.$kn = C.$kn AND C.pos>$offset ";
		if( $ntoreturn > 0 )
			$sql.="AND C.pos<=".($offset+$ntoreturn)." ";
		$sql .= "ORDER BY C.pos";
		#print STDERR "$sql\n";
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my @data = ();
	my %lookup = ();
	my $count = 0;
	while( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) 
		my $record = {};
		$lookup{$row[0]} = $count;
		foreach $field ( @fields ) 
			next if( $field->is_type( "secret" ) );
			next if( $field->is_virtual );

			if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
				#cjg Maybe should do nothing.
				$record->{$field->get_name()} = [];

			my $value;
			if( $field->is_type( "name" ) )
				$value = {};
				$value->{honourific} = shift @row;
				$value->{given} = shift @row;
				$value->{family} = shift @row;
				$value->{lineage} = shift @row;
			elsif( $field->is_type( "date" ) )
				my @parts;
				for(0..2) { push @parts, shift @row; }
				$value = mk_date( @parts );
			elsif( $field->is_type( "time" ) )
				my @parts;
				for(0..5) { push @parts, shift @row; }
				$value = mk_time( @parts );
				$value = shift @row;

			$record->{$field->get_name()} = $value;
		$data[$count] = $record;

	foreach my $multifield ( @aux )
		my $mn = $multifield->get_sql_name();
		my $fn = $multifield->get_name();
		my $col = "M.$mn";
		if( $multifield->is_type( "name" ) )
			$col = "M.$mn\_honourific,M.$mn\_given,M.$mn\_family,M.$mn\_lineage";
		elsif( $multifield->is_type( "date" ) )
			$col = "M.$mn\_year,M.$mn\_month,M.$mn\_day";
		elsif( $multifield->is_type( "time" ) )
			$col = "M.$mn\_year,M.$mn\_month,M.$mn\_day,M.$mn\_hour,M.$mn\_minute,M.$mn\_second";
		my $fields_sql = "M.$kn, ";
		$fields_sql .= "M.pos, " if( $multifield->get_property( "multiple" ) );
		$fields_sql .= $col;		
		if( $mode == 0 )	
			$sql = "SELECT $fields_sql FROM ";
			$sql.= $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $multifield )." AS M ";
			$sql.= "WHERE M.$kn=\"".prep_value( $param )."\"";
		elsif( $mode == 1)
			$sql = "SELECT $fields_sql FROM ";
			$sql.= "$param AS C, ";
			$sql.= $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $multifield )." AS M ";
			$sql.= "WHERE M.$kn=C.$kn";
		elsif( $mode == 2)
			$sql = "SELECT $fields_sql FROM ";
			$sql.= $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $multifield )." AS M ";
		elsif ( $mode == 3 )	
			$sql = "SELECT $fields_sql, C.pos FROM $param AS C, "; 
			$sql.= $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $multifield )." AS M ";
			$sql.= "WHERE M.$kn = C.$kn AND C.pos>$offset ";
			if( $ntoreturn > 0 )
				$sql.="AND C.pos<=".($offset+$ntoreturn)." ";
			$sql .= "ORDER BY C.pos";
		$sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
		$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
		while( my @values = $sth->fetchrow_array ) 
			my $id = shift( @values );
			my( $pos, $lang );
			$pos = shift( @values ) if( $multifield->get_property( "multiple" ) );
			my $n = $lookup{ $id };
			my $value;
			if( $multifield->is_type( "name" ) )
				$value = {};
				$value->{honourific} = shift @values;
				$value->{given} = shift @values;
				$value->{family} = shift @values;
				$value->{lineage} = shift @values;
			elsif( $multifield->is_type( "date" ) )
				my @parts;
				for(0..2) { push @parts, shift @values; }
				$value = mk_date( @parts );
			elsif( $multifield->is_type( "time" ) )
				my @parts;
				for(0..5) { push @parts, shift @values; }
				$value = mk_time( @parts );
				$value = shift @values;

			$data[$n]->{$fn}->[$pos] = $value;

	foreach( @data )
		$_ = $dataset->make_object( $self->{session} ,  $_);

	return @data;


=item $foo = $db->get_values( $field, $dataset )

Return a reference to an array of all the distinct values of the 
EPrints::MetaField specified.


sub get_values
	my( $self, $field, $dataset ) = @_;

	# what if a subobjects field is called?
	if( $field->is_virtual )
"Attempt to call get_values on a virtual field." );
		return [];

	my $fn = "M.".$field->get_sql_name();
	if( $field->is_type( "name" ) )
		$fn = "$fn\_honourific,$fn\_given,$fn\_family,$fn\_lineage";
	elsif( $field->is_type( "date" ) )
		$fn = "$fn\_year,$fn\_month,$fn\_day";
	elsif( $field->is_type( "time" ) )
		$fn = "$fn\_year,$fn\_month,$fn\_day,$fn\_hour,$fn\_minute,$fn\_second";
	my $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $fn FROM ";
	my $limit;
	$limit = "archive" if( $dataset->id eq "archive" );
	$limit = "inbox" if( $dataset->id eq "inbox" );
	$limit = "deletion" if( $dataset->id eq "deletion" );
	$limit = "buffer" if( $dataset->id eq "buffer" );
	if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
		$sql.= $dataset->get_sql_sub_table_name( $field )." as M";
		if( $limit )
			$sql.=", ".$dataset->get_sql_table_name()." as L";
			$sql.=" WHERE L.eprintid = M.eprintid";
			$sql.=" AND L.eprint_status = '$limit'";
		$sql.= $dataset->get_sql_table_name()." as M";
		if( $limit )
			$sql.=" WHERE M.eprint_status = '$limit'";
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql );
	my @values = ();
	my @row = ();
	while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) 
		if( $field->is_type( "name" ) )
			my $value = {};
			$value->{honourific} = shift @row;
			$value->{given} = shift @row;
			$value->{family} = shift @row;
			$value->{lineage} = shift @row;
			push @values, $value;
		elsif( $field->is_type( "date" ) )
			my @parts;
			for(0..2) { push @parts, shift @row; }
			push @values, mk_date( @parts );
		elsif( $field->is_type( "time" ) )
			my @parts;
			for(0..5) { push @parts, shift @row; }
			push @values, mk_time( @parts );
			push @values, $row[0];
	return \@values;


=item $success = $db->do( $sql )

Execute the given SQL.


sub do 
	my( $self , $sql ) = @_;

	if( $self->{session}->get_repository->can_call( 'sql_adjust' ) )
		$sql = $self->{session}->get_repository->call( 'sql_adjust', $sql );
	my( $secs, $micro );
	if( $self->{debug} )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Database execute debug: $sql" );
	if( $self->{timer} )
		($secs,$micro) = gettimeofday();
	my $result = $self->{dbh}->do( $sql );
	if( !$result )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (do): $sql" );
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (do): ".$self->{dbh}->errstr.' (#'.$self->{dbh}->err.')' );

		return undef unless( $self->{dbh}->err == 2006 );

		my $ccount = 0;
		while( $ccount < 10 )
			sleep 3;
			$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Attempting DB reconnect: $ccount" );
			if( defined $self->{dbh} )
				$result = $self->{dbh}->do( $sql );
				return $result if( defined $result );
				$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (do): ".$self->{dbh}->errstr );
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Giving up after 10 tries" );
		return undef;
	if( $self->{timer} )
		my($secs2,$micro2) = gettimeofday();
		my $s = ($secs2-$secs)+($micro2-$micro)/1000000;
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "$s : $sql" );

	return $result;


=item $sth = $db->prepare( $sql )

Prepare the given $sql and return a handle on it.


sub prepare 
	my ( $self , $sql ) = @_;

	if( $self->{session}->get_repository->can_call( 'sql_adjust' ) )
		$sql = $self->{session}->get_repository->call( 'sql_adjust', $sql );
#	if( $self->{debug} )
#	{
#		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Database prepare debug: $sql" );
#	}

	my $result = $self->{dbh}->prepare( $sql );
	my $ccount = 0;
	if( !$result )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (prepare): $sql" );
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (prepare): ".$self->{dbh}->errstr.' (#'.$self->{dbh}->err.')' );

		return undef unless( $self->{dbh}->err == 2006 );

		my $ccount = 0;
		while( $ccount < 10 )
			sleep 3;
			$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Attempting DB reconnect: $ccount" );
			if( defined $self->{dbh} )
				$result = $self->{dbh}->prepare( $sql );
				return $result if( defined $result );
				$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (prepare): ".$self->{dbh}->errstr );
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Giving up after 10 tries" );
		return undef;

	return $result;


=item $success = $db->execute( $sth, $sql )

Execute the SQL prepared earlier. $sql is only passed in for debugging


sub execute 
	my( $self , $sth , $sql ) = @_;

	if( $self->{debug} )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Database execute debug: $sql" );

	my $result = $sth->execute;
	while( !$result )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (execute): $sql" );
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "SQL ERROR (execute): ".$self->{dbh}->errstr );
		return undef;

	return $result;


=item $boolean = $db->exists( $dataset, $id )

Return true if a record with the given primary key exists in the
dataset, otherwise false.


sub exists
	my( $self, $dataset, $id ) = @_;

	if( !defined $id )
		return undef;
	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field();

	my $sql = "SELECT ".$keyfield->get_sql_name().
		" FROM ".$dataset->get_sql_table_name()." WHERE ".
		$keyfield->get_sql_name()." = \"".prep_value( $id )."\";";

	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my $result = $sth->fetchrow_array;
	return 1 if( $result );
	return 0;


=item $db->set_timer( $boolean )

Set the detailed timing option.


sub set_timer
	my( $self, $boolean ) = @_;

	$self->{timer} = $boolean;
	eval 'use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );';

	if( $@ ne "" ) { EPrints::abort $@; }


=item $db->set_debug( $boolean )

Set the SQL debug mode to true or false.


sub set_debug
	my( $self, $debug ) = @_;

	$self->{debug} = $debug;


=item $db->create_version_table

Make the version table (and set the only value to be the current
version of eprints).


sub create_version_table
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $sql;

	$sql = "CREATE TABLE version ( version VARCHAR(255) )";
	$self->do( $sql );

	$sql = "INSERT INTO version ( version ) VALUES ( NULL )";
	$self->do( $sql );



=item $db->set_version( $versionid );

Set the version id table in the SQL database to the given value
(used by the upgrade script).


sub set_version
	my( $self, $versionid ) = @_;

	my $sql;

	$sql = "UPDATE version SET version = '".
		prep_value( $versionid )."'";
	$self->do( $sql );

	if( $self->{session}->get_noise >= 1 )
		print "Set DB compatibility flag to '$versionid'.\n";


=item $boolean = $db->has_table( $tablename )

Return true if the a table of the given name exists in the database.


sub has_table
	my( $self, $tablename ) = @_;

	my $sql = "SHOW TABLES";
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my @row;
	my $result = 0;
	while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		if( $row[0] eq $tablename )
			$result = 1;
	return $result;


=item $db->install_table( $tablename, $newtablename )

Move table $tablename to $newtablename. Erase $newtablename if it


sub install_table
	my( $self, $current_pos, $target_pos ) = @_;

	if( $self->has_table( $target_pos ) )
			$target_pos );
		$self->drop_table( $current_pos );

		$target_pos );

=item $db->drop_table( $tablename )

Delete the named table. Use with caution!

sub drop_table
	my( $self, $tablename ) = @_;

	my $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$tablename;

	$self->do( $sql );


=item $db->rename_table( $tablename, $newtablename )

Renames the table from the old name to the new one.


sub rename_table
	my( $self, $table_from, $table_to ) = @_;

	my $sql = "RENAME TABLE $table_from TO $table_to";
	$self->do( $sql );


=item $db->has_table( $table_a, $table_b )

Swap table a and table b. 


sub swap_tables
	my( $self, $table_a, $table_b ) = @_;

	my $tmp = $table_a.'_swap';
	my $sql = "RENAME TABLE $table_a TO $tmp, $table_b TO $table_a, $tmp TO $table_b";
	$self->do( $sql );


=item @tables = $db->get_tables

Return a list of all the tables in the database.


sub get_tables
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $sql = "SHOW TABLES";
	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my @row;
	my @list = ();
	while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		push @list, $row[0];

	return @list;


=item $version = $db->get_version

Return the version of eprints which the database is compatable with
or undef if unknown (before v2.1).


sub get_version
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return undef unless $self->has_table( "version" );

	my $sql = "SELECT version FROM version;";
	my @row = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array( $sql );

	return( $row[0] );


=item $boolean = $db->is_latest_version

Return true if the SQL tables are in the correct configuration for
this edition of eprints. Otherwise false.


sub is_latest_version
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $version = $self->get_version;
	return 0 unless( defined $version );

	return $version eq $EPrints::Database::DBVersion;


=item $mysql_date = EPrints::Database::pad_date( $date, [$inc] )

Inverse of trim date. Pads a date string with 00's if it only
has a year, or a year and month.

If $inc is true then increment the date by the resolution of the date
so 2000 becomes 2001-00-00 and 2002-04-00 becomes 2002-05-00 etc.

(does not increment day-res fields)


sub pad_date
	my( $date, $inc ) = @_;

	if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $date ) )
		return undef;

	my( $y, $m, $d ) = split( /-/, $date );

	if( $inc )
		if( !defined $d )
			if( !defined $m )
				if( $m == 13 )
					$m = 1;
					$y ++;
	$m = 0 if( !defined $m );
	$d = 0 if( !defined $d );

	return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$y,$m,$d);

sub valid_login
	my( $self, $username, $password ) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT password FROM user WHERE username='".EPrints::Database::prep_value($username)."'";

	my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth , $sql );
	my( $real_password ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

	return 0 if( !defined $real_password );

	my $salt = substr( $real_password, 0, 2 );

	return $real_password eq crypt( $password , $salt );


=item $version = $db->mysql_version;

Return the mysql version in the format 
major * 10000 + minor * 100 + sub_version


sub mysql_version
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return mysql_version_from_dbh( $self->{dbh} );

sub mysql_version_from_dbh
	my( $dbh ) = @_;
	my $sql = "SELECT VERSION();";
	my( $version ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $sql );
	$version =~ m/^(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)/;
	return $1*10000+$2*100+$3;


=item $db->index_queue( $datasetid, $objectid, $fieldname );

Queues the field of the specified object to be reindexed.


sub index_queue
	my( $self, $datasetid, $objectid, $fieldname ) = @_; 

	my $sql = "INSERT INTO index_queue VALUES ( \"$datasetid.$objectid.$fieldname\", NOW() )";
	$self->do( $sql );



=head2 Permissions

=over 4

=item $db->add_roles( $privilege, $ip_from, $ip_to, @roles )

Add $privilege to @roles, optionally in net space $ip_from to $ip_to.

If $privilege begins with '@' adds @roles to that group.


sub add_roles
	my( $self, $priv, $ip_f, $ip_t, @roles ) = @_;
	my $sql;

	# Adding users to groups
	if( $priv =~ /^\@/ ) {
		foreach my $role (@roles)
				"REPLACE permission_group (user,role) VALUES ('" .
					prep_value( $role ) . "','" .
					prep_value( $priv ) . "')"
	# Adding privileges to roles
		# Convert quad-dotted to long to allow easy lookup
		$ip_f = $ip_f ? EPrints::Utils::ip2long( $ip_f ) : "null";
		$ip_t = $ip_t ? EPrints::Utils::ip2long( $ip_t ) : "null";

		foreach my $role (@roles)
				"REPLACE permission (role,privilege,net_from,net_to) VALUES ('" .
					prep_value( $role ) . "','" .
					prep_value( $priv ) . "'," .
					$ip_f . "," .
					$ip_t . ")"

	return scalar(@roles);


=item $db->remove_roles( $privilege, $ip_from, $ip_to, @roles )

Remove $privilege from @roles, $ip_from and $ip_to are currently ignored, but this behaviour may change in future.

If $privilege beings with '@' removes @roles from that group instead.


sub remove_roles
	my( $self, $priv, $ip_f, $ip_t, @roles ) = @_;
	my $sql;

	if( $priv =~ /^\@/ )
		foreach my $role (@roles)
				"DELETE FROM permission_group WHERE " .
					"user='" . prep_value( $role ) . "' AND ".
					"role='" . prep_value( $priv ) . "'"
		foreach my $role (@roles)
				"DELETE FROM permission WHERE " .
					"role='" . prep_value( $role ) . "' AND ".
					"privilege='" . prep_value( $priv ) . "'"

	return scalar( @roles );


=item %privs = $db->get_privileges( [$role] )

Return the privileges granted for $role. If $role is undefined returns all set privileges.

Returns a hash:

	role => {
		priv1 => [ ip_from, ip_to ],
		priv2 => [ ip_from, ip_to ],


sub get_privileges
	my( $self, $role ) = @_;
	my( %privs, $sth, $sql );

	$sql = "SELECT role,privilege,net_from,net_to FROM permission";
	if( defined( $role ) ) {
		$sql .= " WHERE role='" . prep_value( $role ) . "'";
	$sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql ) or return;
	while( my ($r,$priv,$ip_from,$ip_to) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		$ip_from = EPrints::Utils::long2ip( $ip_from ) if defined($ip_from);
		$ip_to = EPrints::Utils::long2ip( $ip_to ) if defined($ip_to);
		$privs{$r}->{$priv} = [$ip_from, $ip_to];

	return %privs;


=item %groups = $db->get_groups( [$role] )

Returns a list of groups that $role belongs to, or all groups if $role is undefined.

Returns a hash:

	role => [ group1, group2, group3 ]


sub get_groups
	my( $self, $role ) = @_;
	my( %groups, $sth, $sql );

	$sql = "SELECT user,role FROM permission_group";
	if( defined( $role ) ) {
		$sql .= " WHERE user='" . prep_value( $role ) . "'";
	$sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql ) or return;
	while( my ($user,$r) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		push @{$groups{$user}}, $r;

	return %groups;


=item @roles = $db->get_roles( $privilege, $remote_ip, @roles )

Get the matching roles for @roles that have $privilege, optionally restricted to $remote_ip.


sub get_roles
	my ( $self, $priv, $ip, @roles ) = @_;
	my ( @permitted_roles, $sth, $sql, @clauses );

	# Standard WHERE clauses
	if( $priv =~ s/\.\*$// ) {
		push @clauses, "privilege LIKE '" . prep_value( $priv ) . "\%'";
	} else {
		push @clauses, "privilege = '" . prep_value( $priv ) . "'";
	if( defined( $ip ) )
		my $longip = EPrints::Util::ip2long( $ip );
		push @clauses, "(net_from IS NULL OR ($longip >= net_from AND $longip <= net_to))";

	# Get roles from the permissions table
	$sql = "SELECT role FROM permission WHERE ";
	$sql .= join(
		" AND ",
		"(" . join(' OR ', map { "role = '" . prep_value( $_ ) . "'" } @roles) . ")"
	# Provide a generic privilege query
	$sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql ) or return;
	while( my ($role) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		push @permitted_roles, $role;

	# Get roles inherited from group membership
	$sql = "SELECT G.role FROM permission_group AS G, permission AS P WHERE ";
	$sql .= join(
		 " AND ",
		"(" . join(' OR ', map { "G.role = '" . prep_value( $_ ) . "'" } @roles) . ")"
	$sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
	$self->execute( $sth, $sql ) or return;
	while( my ($role) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
		push @permitted_roles, $role;

	return @permitted_roles;

sub mk_date
	my( @parts ) = @_;

	my $value = "";
	$value.= sprintf("%04d",$parts[0]) if( defined $parts[0] );
	$value.= sprintf("-%02d",$parts[1]) if( defined $parts[1] );
	$value.= sprintf("-%02d",$parts[2]) if( defined $parts[2] );
	return $value;

sub mk_time
	my( @parts ) = @_;

	my $value = "";
	$value.= sprintf("%04d",$parts[0]) if( defined $parts[0] );
	$value.= sprintf("-%02d",$parts[1]) if( defined $parts[1] );
	$value.= sprintf("-%02d",$parts[2]) if( defined $parts[2] );
	$value.= sprintf(" %02d",$parts[3]) if( defined $parts[3] );
	$value.= sprintf(":%02d",$parts[4]) if( defined $parts[4] );
	$value.= sprintf(":%02d",$parts[5]) if( defined $parts[5] );
	return $value;

1; # For use/require success


