- <?php
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This module contains two merge functions, one for date and one for country arrays
- plus ancillary functions.
- (c) Copyright 2004 Arthur Sale, University of Tasmania
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function computes an integer datestamp to a month resolution.
- (c) Copyright 2004 Arthur Sale, University of Tasmania
- Parameters:
- An array and an index into it
- Returns:
- Result: the datestamp
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- function datestamp(&$x, $j)
- // reference parameter for efficiency, not changed
- // invalid dates return zero, ie earlier than any possible date.
- {
- if ($j < count($x)) {
- // $mo is in {0..11}
- $mo = (int) strpos('JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec', $x[$j]["month"])/3;
- return (int) $x[$j]["year"]*12 + $mo;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function merges two date arrays, to produce a single consolidated array.
- Note that either of the two arrays might be missing a view for a month or more.
- Precondition: both arrays are ordered in descending order of date (latest first)
- as is the result array.
- (c) Copyright 2004 Arthur Sale, University of Tasmania
- Parameters:
- Two date-ordered arrays: abstracts and downloads
- Returns:
- Result: merged array also ordered by date
- NJS 2006-01-18: Added count of distinct countries.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- function merge_dates(&$aa, &$ad)
- // reference parameters for efficiency, not changed
- {
- $merged = array();
- // start of all arrays
- $i = 0;
- $indexa = 0;
- $indexd = 0;
- // set up the rest of the loop invariant
- $datea = datestamp($aa,0);
- $dated = datestamp($ad,0);
- // $datei is initialized to the most recent date for which an access is recorded
- $datei = max($datea, $dated);
- while (($datea + $dated) != 0) {
- // Loop invariant: All elements prior to $indexa in $aa and $indexd in $ad
- // have been transferred to $merged (ie all dates *after* $datei)
- // Progress: $date1 is decremented by 1 (ie one month *earlier*)
- // Termination: No more elements, signalled by both datestamps == 0.
- if (($datea == $datei) and ($dated == $datei)) {
- // Both are valid and equal to the current date being displayed, the majority case
- $merged[$i] = array(
- "downloads" => $ad[$indexd]["count"],
- "dcountries" => $ad[$indexd]["countries"],
- "abstracts" => $aa[$indexa]["count"],
- "acountries" => $aa[$indexa]["countries"],
- "month" => $ad[$indexd]["month"], // same value as aa
- "year" => $ad[$indexd]["year"] // same value as aa
- );
- $indexa++; $indexd++;
- $datea = datestamp($aa,$indexa);
- $dated = datestamp($ad,$indexd);
- } elseif ($datea == $datei) {
- // aa (but not ad) is equal to the current date being displayed
- $merged[$i] = array(
- "downloads" => 0,
- "dcountries" => 0,
- "abstracts" => $aa[$indexa]["count"],
- "acountries" => $aa[$indexa]["countries"],
- "month" => $aa[$indexa]["month"],
- "year" => $aa[$indexa]["year"]
- );
- $indexa++;
- $datea = datestamp($aa,$indexa);
- } elseif ($dated == $datei) {
- // ad (but not aa) is equal to the current date being displayed
- $merged[$i] = array(
- "downloads" => $ad[$indexd]["count"],
- "dcountries" => $ad[$indexd]["countries"],
- "abstracts" => 0,
- "acountries" => 0,
- "month" => $ad[$indexd]["month"],
- "year" => $ad[$indexd]["year"]
- );
- $indexd++;
- $dated = datestamp($ad,$indexd);
- } else {
- // Neither aa nor ad are equal to the current date being displayed
- // So generate an empty record
- $monthname = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
- $merged[$i] = array(
- "downloads" => 0,
- "dcountries" => 0,
- "abstracts" => 0,
- "acountries" => 0,
- "month" => $monthname[$datei % 12],
- // NJS 2006-06-14 BUG FIX: added () around the expression
- // to ensure that the (int) is applied to the whole thing.
- // We were getting fractional years in the output :(
- "year" => (int) ( $datei / 12 )
- );
- }
- // Progress: one more entry in $merged, and date earlier by one month
- $i++;
- $datei--;
- }
- return $merged;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function merges two country arrays, to produce a single consolidated array.
- Note that either of the two arrays might be missing a country in the other.
- (c) Copyright 2004 Arthur Sale, University of Tasmania
- Precondition: both arrays are ordered in descending order of views.
- Postcondition: result array contains records for every country in $aa and $ad,
- and is ordered in descending order of download views.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- function merge_countries($aa, &$ad)
- // reference parameter $ad for efficiency, not changed,
- // however the $aa value parameter is altered and is not prapogated back
- {
- $merged = array();
- // Copy acrosss the download array, adding counts from the abstract array as needed.
- for ($i=0; $i<count($ad); $i++) {
- $merged[$i] = array(
- "country_code" => $ad[$i]["country_code"],
- "country_name" => $ad[$i]["country_name"],
- "country_downloads" => $ad[$i]["count"],
- "country_abstracts" => 0
- );
- $c_code = $merged[$i]["country_code"];
- for ($j=0; $j<count($aa); $j++) {
- if ($c_code == $aa[$j]["country_code"]) {
- // matching country in abstracts
- $merged[$i]["country_abstracts"] = $aa[$j]["count"];
- // render this entry dead in future with reserved country code
- $aa[$j]["country_code"] = '==';
- // and get out of the loop
- break;
- }
- } // for on $j
- } // for on $i
- // Copy what is left of the abstract array
- $i = count($merged);
- for ($j=0; $j<count($aa); $j++) {
- if ($aa[$j]["country_code"] != '==') {
- // country with only abstract views, so copy
- $merged[$i] = array(
- "country_code" => $aa[$j]["country_code"],
- "country_name" => $aa[$j]["country_name"],
- "country_downloads" => 0,
- "country_abstracts" => $aa[$j]["count"]
- );
- // and increment $i
- $i++;
- }
- } // for on $j
- return $merged;
- }
- ?>