- Basic instructions in ePrintsStatsSetup.pdf (comes with distribution).
- First:
- % fink install geoip
- % cpan install Geo::IPfree
- Configuration
- config/inc.vars.es.php
- * connections/sqlpass_public => stats database password
- * connections/sqlserver => stats database server
- * filelocation/base_install_dir => /usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats
- * general/admin_name, _email, support_name, _email => appropriate values
- * general/eprints_location => http://eprints.otago.ac.nz
- scripts/eprints-usage.php
- * $log_dir => /sw/var/apache2/logs/ (or possibly /var/log/httpd/)
- * $log_file: "UTasER" => stats datavase name ("otago_eprints")
- * $sqlserver => stats database server
- * $sqlpass => stats database password
- * $sqlserver2 => EPrints database server
- * $sqluser2 => otago_eprints
- * $sqlpass2 => otago_eprints password
- scripts/add_country.pl
- * $dsn => stats database server (DBI DSN)
- * $password => stats database password
- sql/db.schema.eprintstats.sql
- * change both stats database passwords at end (do you need to use OLD_PASSWORD?)
- vhost/apache.conf
- Alias /es => /usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats/htdocs
- php_admin_value error_log => "/usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats/logs/php.error.log"
- php_admin_value open_basedir => "/usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats:/usr/local/lib/php"
- php_admin_value include_path ".:/usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats/includes:/usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats/config:/usr/local/lib/php"
- (may need to change php lib paths depending on environment, e.g., on
- my machine it's /sw/lib/php4)
- Fixes to scripts/eprints-usage.php:
- The script is set up for "long" EPrints URLs for documents, of the
- form /archive/00000023/01/foo.pdf. If short_urls is turned on, the
- regular expressions won't match (short URLs look like /23/01/foo.pdf).
- The solution is to add a regex for short URLs to the ifs on lines 65
- and 86:
- 65: || (preg_match("/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) - - \[(.*?)\] \"GET \/(\d{1,4}).*? HTTP\/1..\" 200 .*/i",$buffer,$matches))
- 86: || preg_match("/GET \/\d{1,4}\/\d\d\//i",$buffer)
- There appears to be an extra inc.html.footer.es.php in htdocs that
- shouldn't be there (it overrides the same file in includes). Also
- apparently unnecessary are header.html, footer.html and phpinfo.php.
- EPrints config changes
- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Add '/es' to rewrite_exceptions.
- In otago_eprints/cfg/apachevhost.conf:
- Include /usr/local/eprints/ePrintsStats/vhost/apache.conf
- Geo::IPfree config
- % cd <PERL5LIB>/Geo
- Then follow the instructions in the ePrintsStats document.