- ######################################################################
- #
- # EPrints OpenURL Internal Resolver
- #
- ######################################################################
- #
- # This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
- #
- # EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
- ######################################################################
- use EPrints;
- eval "use URI::OpenURL";
- if( $@ )
- {
- EPrints::abort( "To enable the OpenURL resolver please install URI::OpenURL: cpan install URI::OpenURL" );
- }
- use strict;
- my $session = new EPrints::Session;
- exit( 0 ) unless( defined $session );
- # $session->get_database->set_debug( 1 );
- my $repository = $session->get_repository();
- # Create an OpenURL object
- my $uri = URI::OpenURL->new();
- # Fill the OpenURL object with the current CGI parameters
- my @query;
- foreach my $name ($session->param)
- {
- for ($session->param( $name ))
- {
- push @query, $name => $_;
- }
- }
- $uri->query_form( @query );
- # warn $uri->dump;
- # Get the referent (the referred to object)
- my $rft = $uri->referent;
- # Get the metadata given for the referent
- my %md = $rft->metadata;
- # Set up a new search expression
- # NB I'm not worrying about filtering because this script will only
- # redirect?
- my $ds = $session->get_repository->get_dataset( "archive" );
- my $searchexp = new EPrints::Search(
- keep_cache => 1,
- session => $session,
- dataset => $ds,
- satisfy_all => 1,
- );
- # Fill in the search expression, mapping OpenURL terms to eprint fields
- if( $md{ "aulast" } )
- {
- $searchexp->add_field(
- $ds->get_field( "creators_name" ),
- $md{ "aulast" }
- );
- }
- if( defined($rft->id) )
- {
- my $oai_id = $session->get_repository->get_conf( "oai" )->{ "v2" }->{ "archive_id" };
- if( defined($rft->id) and $rft->id =~ /^(?:info:ofi\/nam:info:)?oai:$oai_id:(\d+)$/ )
- {
- $searchexp->add_field(
- $ds->get_field( "eprintid" ),
- $1
- );
- }
- else
- {
- $searchexp->add_field(
- $ds->get_field( "official_url" ),
- scalar($rft->id)
- );
- }
- }
- my %FREE_TEXT = qw(
- title atitle
- publication title
- );
- while(my( $epf, $ouf ) = each %FREE_TEXT)
- {
- next unless defined($md{ $ouf }) and length($md{ $ouf });
- $searchexp->add_field(
- $ds->get_field( $epf ),
- $md{ $ouf },
- "IN"
- );
- }
- my %EXACT_TERMS = qw(
- volume volume
- number number
- series series
- date date
- pagerange pages
- );
- while(my( $epf, $ouf ) = each %EXACT_TERMS)
- {
- next unless defined($md{ $ouf }) and length($md{ $ouf });
- $searchexp->add_field(
- $ds->get_field( $epf ),
- $md{ $ouf }
- );
- }
- # Urg, either the query was empty or we couldn't use the query given
- if( $searchexp->is_blank )
- {
- not_found( $session, $uri, "empty_query" );
- }
- # Perform the search, but we're only interested in the first match
- # that comes back (perhaps we should error on more than one match?)
- my $list = $searchexp->perform_search();
- my( $eprint ) = $list->get_records( 0, 1 );
- # No match found for the given query
- unless( $eprint ) {
- not_found( $session, $uri, "no_match" );
- }
- my $svc = $uri->serviceType;
- my %svc_md = $svc->metadata;
- if( $svc->val_fmt and $svc->val_fmt eq 'info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:oai_pmh' )
- {
- # Location of the OAI-PMH interface
- my $url = $repository->get_conf( "base_url" );
- $url .= "/cgi/oai2";
- $url = URI->new( $url );
- # Get the OAI identifier for this eprint
- my $oai_id = $session->get_repository->get_conf(
- "oai",
- "v2",
- "archive_id" );
- $oai_id = EPrints::OpenArchives::to_oai_identifier( $oai_id, $eprint->get_id );
- # Add the OAI-PMH arguments
- my %args = %svc_md;
- my $verb = $args{verb} || '';
- if( $verb eq 'GetRecord' || $verb eq 'ListMetadataFormats' )
- {
- $args{identifier} = $oai_id;
- }
- $url->query_form( %args );
- $session->redirect( $url );
- }
- # Scholarly Service
- elsif( $svc_md{ "fulltext" } and
- $svc_md{ "fulltext" } eq 'yes' )
- {
- # Redirect to the main document (if possible)
- my @docs = $eprint->get_all_documents();
- if( @docs )
- {
- my $url = $docs[0]->get_url();
- $session->redirect( $url );
- }
- }
- # Default to redirecting to the abstract page
- else
- {
- # Redirect to the abstract page
- my $url = $eprint->get_url;
- $session->redirect( $url );
- }
- $session->terminate;
- sub not_found
- {
- my( $session, $uri, $message ) = @_;
- $session->not_found( undef ); # Don't print the default 404!
- my %pins = $uri->query_form;
- $_ = $session->make_text($_) for values %pins;
- $session->build_page(
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/openurl:${message}_title" ),
- $session->html_phrase( "cgi/openurl:${message}_blurb", %pins ),
- "plain_404" );
- $session->send_page();
- exit(0);
- }