Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 30 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Repository
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Repository> - A single eprint repository


This class is a single eprint repository with its own configuration,
database and website.

=over 4


#  $self->{config}
#     The configuration. A refererence to a hash generated by
#     the perl config files
#  $self->{class}
#     The package to which the config functions belong.
#  $self->{id}
#     The id of this repository.
#  $self->{langs}
#     A hash containing EPrints::Language objects for this repository,
#     keyed by iso lang id.
#  $self->{citation_style}
#     A cache of all the DOM blocks describing citation styles. Key is 
#     a lang id. Value is another hash where key is citation type and
#     value is the actual DOM tree.
#  $self->{html_templates}
#     A cache of the webpage templates for this site. A hash keyed by
#     lang id.
#  $self->{text_templates}
#     A cache of the webpage templates for this site stored as strings
#     and pin id's.
#  $self->{datasets}
#     A cache of all the EPrints::DataSets belonging to this repository
#     keyed by dataset id.
#  $self->{field_defaults}
#     Cached hashes of the default parameters for each field type
#     eg Int, Text etc. (just to save having loads of identical 
#     structures in memory)

package EPrints::Repository;

use EPrints;
use EPrints::XML::EPC;

use File::Copy;

use strict;



=item $repository = EPrints::Repository->new( $id, [$noxml] )

Returns the repository with the given repository ID. If $noxml is specified
then it skips loading the XML based configuration files (this is
needed when creating an repository as it first has to create the DTD
files, and if it can't start you have a catch 22 situtation).

sub new_archive_by_id { my $class= shift; return $class->new( @_ ); }

sub new
	my( $class, $id, $noxml ) = @_;

	if( !defined $id )
		print STDERR "No Archive ID specified.\n\n";
	if( $id !~ m/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ )
		print STDERR "Archive ID illegal: $id\n\n";
	if( defined $ARCHIVE_CACHE{$id} )
		my $self = $ARCHIVE_CACHE{$id};
		my $file = $self->get_conf( "variables_path" )."/last_changed.timestamp";
		my $poketime = (stat( $file ))[9];
		# If the /cfg/.changed file was touched since the config
		# for this repository was loaded then we will reload it.
		# This is not as handy as it sounds as we'll have to reload
		# it each time the main server forks.
		if( defined $poketime && $poketime > $self->{loadtime} )
			print STDERR "$file has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!\n";
			return $self;
	#print STDERR "Loading: $id\n";

	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $class;

	$self->{config} = EPrints::Config::load_repository_config_module( $id );

	$self->{loadtime} = time;

	unless( defined $self->{config} )
		print STDERR "Could not load repository config perl files for $id\n";

	$self->{class} = "EPrints::Config::$id";

	$self->{id} = $id;
	$self->{xmldoc} = EPrints::XML::make_document();

	# If loading any of the XML config files then 
	# abort loading the config for this repository.
	unless( $noxml )
		$self->generate_dtd() || return;
		$self->_load_workflows() || return;
		$self->_load_namedsets() || return;
		$self->_load_datasets() || return;
		$self->_load_languages() || return;
		$self->_load_templates() || return;
		$self->_load_citation_specs() || return;

	# Map OAI plugins to functions, namespaces etc.
	$self->_map_oai_plugins() || return;

	$self->{field_defaults} = {};

	$ARCHIVE_CACHE{$id} = $self;
	return $self;


=item $repository = EPrints::Repository->new_from_request( $request )

This creates a new repository object. It looks at the given Apache
request object and decides which repository to load based on the 
value of the PerlVar "EPrints_ArchiveID".

Aborts with an error if this is not possible.


sub new_from_request
	my( $class, $request ) = @_;
	my $repoid = $request->dir_config( "EPrints_ArchiveID" );

	my $repository = EPrints::Repository->new( $repoid );

	if( !defined $repository )
		EPrints::abort( "Can't load EPrints repository: $repoid" );
	$repository->check_secure_dirs( $request );

	return $repository;

# $repository->check_secure_dirs( $request );
# This method triggers an abort if the secure dirs specified in 
# the apache conf don't match those EPrints is using. This prevents
# the risk of a security breach after moving directories.

sub check_secure_dirs
	my( $self, $request ) = @_;

	my $real_secured_cgi = EPrints::Config::get( "cgi_path" )."/users";
	my $real_documents_path = $self->get_conf( "documents_path" );

	my $apacheconf_secured_cgi = $request->dir_config( "EPrints_Dir_SecuredCGI" );
	my $apacheconf_documents_path = $request->dir_config( "EPrints_Dir_Documents" );

	if( $real_secured_cgi ne $apacheconf_secured_cgi )
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
Document path is: $real_secured_cgi 
but apache conf is securiing: $apacheconf_secured_cgi
You probably need to run generate_apacheconf!
	if( $real_documents_path ne $apacheconf_documents_path )
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
Document path is: $real_documents_path 
but apache conf is securiing: $apacheconf_documents_path
You probably need to run generate_apacheconf!

#=item $success = $repository->_load_workflows
# Attempts to load and cache the workflows for this repository

sub _load_workflows
	my( $self ) = @_;

	$self->{workflows} = {};

		$self->get_conf( "config_path" )."/workflows",
		$self->{workflows} );

	# load any remaining workflows from the generic level.
	# eg. saved searches
		$self->get_conf( "lib_path" )."/workflows",
		$self->{workflows} );

	return 1;

# $workflow_xml = $repository->get_workflow_config( $datasetid, $workflowid )
# Return the XML of the requested workflow

sub get_workflow_config
	my( $self, $datasetid, $workflowid ) = @_;

	my $r = $self->{workflows}->{$datasetid}->{$workflowid};

	return $r;

# $success = $repository->_load_languages
# Attempts to load and cache all the phrase files for this repository.

sub _load_languages
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my $defaultid = $self->get_conf( "defaultlanguage" );
	$self->{langs}->{$defaultid} = EPrints::Language->new( 
		$self );

	if( !defined $self->{langs}->{$defaultid} )
		return 0;

	my $langid;
	foreach $langid ( @{$self->get_conf( "languages" )} )
		next if( $langid eq $defaultid );	
		$self->{langs}->{$langid} =
				$langid , 
				$self , 
				$self->{langs}->{$defaultid} );
		if( !defined $self->{langs}->{$langid} )
			return 0;
	return 1;


=item $language = $repository->get_language( [$langid] )

Returns the EPrints::Language for the requested language id (or the
default for this repository if $langid is not specified). 


sub get_language
	my( $self , $langid ) = @_;

	if( !defined $langid )
		$langid = $self->get_conf( "defaultlanguage" );
	return $self->{langs}->{$langid};

# $success = $repository->_load_citation_specs
# Attempts to load and cache all the citation styles for this repository.

sub _load_citation_specs
	my( $self ) = @_;

	$self->{citation_style} = {};
	$self->{citation_type} = {};
	$self->_load_citation_dir( $self->get_conf( "config_path" )."/citations" );
	$self->_load_citation_dir( $self->get_conf( "lib_path" )."/citations" );

sub _load_citation_dir
	my( $self, $dir ) = @_;

	my $dh;
	opendir( $dh, $dir );
	my @dirs = ();
	while( my $fn = readdir( $dh ) )
		next if $fn =~ m/^\./;
		push @dirs,$fn if( -d "$dir/$fn" );
	close $dh;

	# for each dataset dir
	foreach my $dsid ( @dirs )
		opendir( $dh, "$dir/$dsid" );
		my @files = ();
		while( my $fn = readdir( $dh ) )
			next if $fn =~ m/^\./;
			next unless $fn =~ s/\.xml$//;
			push @files,$fn;
		close $dh;
		if( !defined $self->{citation_style}->{$dsid} )
			$self->{citation_style}->{$dsid} = {};
		if( !defined $self->{citation_type}->{$dsid} )
			$self->{citation_type}->{$dsid} = {};
		foreach my $file ( @files )

	return 1;

sub _load_citation_file
	my( $self, $file, $dsid, $fileid ) = @_;

	my $doc = $self->parse_xml( $file , 1 );
	if( !defined $doc )
		$self->log( "Error parsing $file\n" );

	my $citation = ($doc->getElementsByTagName( "citation" ))[0];
	if( !defined $citation )
		$self->log(  "Missing <citations> tag in $file\n" );
		EPrints::XML::dispose( $doc );
	my $type = $citation->getAttribute( "type" );
	$type = "default" unless defined $type;
	$self->{citation_type}->{$dsid}->{$fileid} = $type;

	# is this cloning really needed?
	my( $frag ) = $self->{xmldoc}->createDocumentFragment();
	foreach( $citation->getChildNodes )
				1 ) );

	EPrints::XML::dispose( $doc );

	$self->{citation_style}->{$dsid}->{$fileid} = $frag;

# =pod
# =item $citation = $repository->get_citation_spec( $dsid, [$style] )
# Returns the DOM citation style for the given type of object. This
# is the origional and should be cloned before you alter it.
# If $style is specified then returns a certain style if available, 
# otherwise the default.
# dsid = user,eprint etc.
# =cut

sub get_citation_spec
	my( $self, $dsid, $style  ) = @_;

	$style = "default" unless defined $style;

	my $spec = $self->{citation_style}->{$dsid}->{$style};
	if( !defined $spec )
		$self->log( "Could not find citation style $dsid.$style. Using default instead." );
		$spec = $self->{citation_style}->{$dsid}->{default};
	return $spec;

sub get_citation_type
	my( $self, $dsid, $style  ) = @_;

	$style = "default" unless defined $style;

	my $type = $self->{citation_type}->{$dsid}->{$style};
	if( !defined $type )
		return "default";
	return $type;

# $success = $repository->_load_templates
# Loads and caches all the html template files for this repository.

sub _load_templates
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach my $langid ( @{$self->get_conf( "languages" )} )
		my $dir = $self->get_conf( "config_path" )."/lang/$langid/templates";
		my $dh;
		opendir( $dh, $dir );
		my @template_files = ();
		while( my $fn = readdir( $dh ) )
			next if $fn=~m/^\./;
			push @template_files, $fn if $fn=~m/\.xml$/;
		closedir( $dh );

		#my $tmp_session = EPrints::Session->new( 1, $self->{id} );

		foreach my $fn ( @template_files )
			my $file = $self->get_conf( "config_path" ).
			my $id = $fn;

			my $template = $self->_load_template( $file );
			if( !defined $template ) { return 0; }

			$self->{html_templates}->{$id}->{$langid} = $template;
			$self->{text_templates}->{$id}->{$langid} = _template_to_text( $template );

		if( !defined $self->{html_templates}->{default}->{$langid} )
			EPrints::abort( "Failed to load default template for language $langid" );
	return 1;

sub _template_to_text
	my( $template ) = @_;

	my $doc = $template->ownerDocument;

	$template = EPrints::XML::clone_and_own( 
			1 );

	my $divide = "61fbfe1a470b4799264feccbbeb7a5ef";

        my @pins = $template->getElementsByTagName("pin");
	foreach my $pin ( @pins )
		my $parent = $pin->getParentNode;
		my $textonly = $pin->getAttribute( "textonly" );
		my $ref = "pin:".$pin->getAttribute( "ref" );
		if( defined $textonly && $textonly eq "yes" )
		my $textnode = $doc->createTextNode( $divide.$ref.$divide );
		$parent->replaceChild( $textnode, $pin );

        my @prints = $template->getElementsByTagName("print");
	foreach my $print ( @prints )
		my $parent = $print->getParentNode;
		my $ref = "print:".$print->getAttribute( "expr" );
		my $textnode = $doc->createTextNode( $divide.$ref.$divide );
		$parent->replaceChild( $textnode, $print );

        my @phrases = $template->getElementsByTagName("phrase");
	foreach my $phrase ( @phrases )
		my $parent = $phrase->getParentNode;
		my $ref = "phrase:".$phrase->getAttribute( "ref" );
		my $textnode = $doc->createTextNode( $divide.$ref.$divide );
		$parent->replaceChild( $textnode, $phrase );

	_divide_attributes( $template, $doc, $divide );

	my @r = split( "$divide", EPrints::XML::to_string( $template,undef,1 ) );

	return \@r;

sub _divide_attributes
	my( $node, $doc, $divide ) = @_;

	return unless( EPrints::XML::is_dom( $node, "Element" ) );

	foreach my $kid ( $node->getChildNodes )
		_divide_attributes( $kid, $doc, $divide );
	my $attrs = $node->attributes;

	return unless defined $attrs;
	for( my $i = 0; $i < $attrs->length; ++$i )
		my $attr = $attrs->item( $i );
		my $v = $attr->nodeValue;
		next unless( $v =~ m/\{/ );
		my $name = $attr->nodeName;
		my @r = EPrints::XML::EPC::split_script_attribute( $v, $name );
		my @r2 = ();
		for( my $i = 0; $i<scalar @r; ++$i )
			if( $i % 2 == 0 )
				push @r2, $r[$i];
				push @r2, "print:".$r[$i];
		if( scalar @r % 2 == 0 )
			push @r2, "";
		my $newv = join( $divide, @r2 );
		$attr->setValue( $newv );


sub _load_template
	my( $self, $file ) = @_;
	my $doc = $self->parse_xml( $file );
	if( !defined $doc ) { return undef; }
	my $html = ($doc->getElementsByTagName( "html" ))[0];
	my $rvalue;
	if( !defined $html )
		print STDERR "Missing <html> tag in $file\n";
		$rvalue = EPrints::XML::clone_and_own( 
			1 );
	EPrints::XML::dispose( $doc );
	return $rvalue;


=item $template = $repository->get_template_parts( $langid, [$template_id] )

Returns an array of utf-8 strings alternating between XML and the id
of a pin to replace. This is used for the faster template construction.


sub get_template_parts
	my( $self, $langid, $tempid ) = @_;
	if( !defined $tempid ) { $tempid = 'default'; }
	my $t = $self->{text_templates}->{$tempid}->{$langid};
	if( !defined $t ) 
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
Error. Template not loaded.
Language: $langid
Template ID: $tempid

	return $t;

=item $template = $repository->get_template( $langid, [$template_id] )

Returns the DOM document which is the webpage template for the given
language. Do not modify the template without cloning it first.


sub get_template
	my( $self, $langid, $tempid ) = @_;
	if( !defined $tempid ) { $tempid = 'default'; }
	my $t = $self->{html_templates}->{$tempid}->{$langid};
	if( !defined $t ) 
		EPrints::abort( <<END );
Error. Template not loaded.
Language: $langid
Template ID: $tempid

	return $t;

# $success = $repository->_load_namedsets
# Loads and caches all the named set lists from the cfg/namedsets/ directory.

sub _load_namedsets
	my( $self ) = @_;

	# load /namedsets/* 

	my $dir = $self->get_conf( "config_path" )."/namedsets";
	my $dh;
	opendir( $dh, $dir );
	my @type_files = ();
	while( my $fn = readdir( $dh ) )
		next if $fn=~m/^\./;
		push @type_files, $fn;
	closedir( $dh );

	foreach my $tfile ( @type_files )
		my $file = $dir."/".$tfile;

		my $type_set = $tfile;	
		open( FILE, $file ) || EPrints::abort( "Could not read $file" );

		my @types = ();
		foreach my $line (<FILE>)
			$line =~ s/\015?\012?$//s;
			$line =~ s/#.*$//;
			$line =~ s/^\s+//;
			$line =~ s/\s+$//;
			next if $line eq "";
			push @types, $line;
		close FILE;

		$self->{types}->{$type_set} = \@types;

	return 1;


=item @type_ids = $repository->get_types( $type_set )

Return an array of keys for the named set. Comes from 


sub get_types
	my( $self, $type_set ) = @_;

	if( !defined $self->{types}->{$type_set} )
		$self->log( "Request for unknown named set: $type_set" );
		return ();

	return @{$self->{types}->{$type_set}};

# $success = $repository->_load_datasets
# Loads and caches all the EPrints::DataSet objects belonging to this
# repository.

sub _load_datasets
	my( $self ) = @_;

	$self->{datasets} = {};
	foreach my $ds_id ( EPrints::DataSet::get_dataset_ids() )
		$self->{datasets}->{$ds_id} = EPrints::DataSet->new( $self, $ds_id, $self->{types} );

	return 1;


=item $dataset = $repository->get_dataset( $setname )

Returns the cached EPrints::DataSet with the given dataset id name.


sub get_dataset
	my( $self , $setname ) = @_;

	my $ds = $self->{datasets}->{$setname};
	if( !defined $ds )
		$self->log( "Unknown dataset: ".$setname );

	return $ds;

# $success = $repository->_map_oai_plugins
# The OAI interface now uses plugins. This checks each OAI plugin and
# stores its namespace, and a function to render with it.

sub _map_oai_plugins
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my $plugin_list = $self->{config}->{oai}->{v2}->{output_plugins};
	return( 1 ) unless( defined $plugin_list );

	foreach my $plugin_id ( keys %{$plugin_list} )
		my $full_plugin_id = "Export::".$plugin_list->{$plugin_id};
 		my $class = $EPrints::Plugin::REGISTRY->{$full_plugin_id};
		if( !defined $class )
			$self->log( "OAI Export plugin: $plugin_id not found." );
		my $plugin = $class->new();
		$self->{config}->{oai}->{v2}->{metadata_namespaces}->{$plugin_id} = $plugin->{xmlns};
		$self->{config}->{oai}->{v2}->{metadata_schemas}->{$plugin_id} = $plugin->{schemaLocation};
		$self->{config}->{oai}->{v2}->{metadata_functions}->{$plugin_id} = sub {
			my( $eprint, $session ) = @_;

			my $plugin = $session->plugin( $full_plugin_id );
			my $xml = $plugin->xml_dataobj( $eprint );
			return $xml;

	return 1;


=item $confitem = $repository->get_conf( $key, [@subkeys] )

Returns a named configuration setting. Probably set in

$repository->get_conf( "stuff", "en", "foo" )

is equivalent to 

$repository->get_conf( "stuff" )->{en}->{foo} 


sub get_conf
	my( $self, $key, @subkeys ) = @_;

	my $val = $self->{config}->{$key};
	foreach( @subkeys )
		return undef unless defined $val;
		$val = $val->{$_};

	# handle defaults
	if( !defined $val )
		if( $key eq "variables_path" )
			$val = $self->get_conf( 'archiveroot' )."/var";


	return $val;


=item $repository->log( $msg )

Calls the log method from for this repository with the 
given parameters. Basically logs the comments wherever the site admin
wants them to go. Printed to STDERR by default.


sub log
	my( $self , $msg) = @_;

	if( $self->get_conf( 'show_ids_in_log' ) )
		my @m2 = ();
		foreach my $line ( split( '\n', $msg ) )
			push @m2,"[".$self->{id}."] ".$line;
		$msg = join("\n",@m2);

	$self->call( 'log', $self, $msg );


=item $result = $repository->call( $cmd, @params )

Calls the subroutine named $cmd from the configuration perl modules
for this repository with the given params and returns the result.


sub call
	my( $self, $cmd, @params ) = @_;
	my $fn;
	if( ref $cmd eq "ARRAY" )
		$fn = $self->get_conf( @$cmd );
		$cmd = join( "->",@{$cmd} );
		$fn = $self->get_conf( $cmd );

	if( !defined $fn || ref $fn ne "CODE" )
		# Can't log, as that could cause a loop.
		print STDERR "Undefined or invalid function: $cmd\n";

	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
        	my( $msg ) = @_;
        	print STDERR " (while in configuration subroutine $cmd) $msg\n";
	local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
        	my( $msg ) = @_;
        	print STDERR " (while in configuration subroutine $cmd) $msg\n";
		exit 1;

	return &$fn( @params );


=item $boolean = $repository->can_call( @cmd_conf_path )

Return true if the given subroutine exists in this repository's config


sub can_call
	my( $self, @cmd_conf_path ) = @_;
	my $fn = $self->get_conf( @cmd_conf_path );
	return( 0 ) unless( defined $fn );

	return( 0 ) unless( ref $fn eq "CODE" );

	return 1;


=item $result = $repository->try_call( $cmd, @params )

Calls the subroutine named $cmd from the configuration perl modules
for this repository with the given params and returns the result.

If the subroutine does not exist then quietly returns undef.

This is used to call deprecated callback subroutines.


sub try_call
	my( $self, $cmd, @params ) = @_;

	return unless $self->can_call( $cmd );

	return $self->call( $cmd, @params );


=item @dirs = $repository->get_store_dirs

Returns a list of directories available for storing documents. These
may well be symlinks to other hard drives.


sub get_store_dirs
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $docroot = $self->get_conf( "documents_path" );

	opendir( DOCSTORE, $docroot ) || return undef;

	my( @dirs, $dir );
	while( $dir = readdir( DOCSTORE ) )
		next if( $dir =~ m/^\./ );
		next unless( -d $docroot."/".$dir );
		push @dirs, $dir;	

	closedir( DOCSTORE );

	return @dirs;


=item $size = $repository->get_store_dir_size( $dir )

Returns the current storage (in bytes) used by a given documents dir.
$dir should be one of the values returned by $repository->get_store_dirs.

This should not be called if disable_df is set in SystemSettings.


sub get_store_dir_size
	my( $self , $dir ) = @_;

	my $filepath = $self->get_conf( "documents_path" )."/".$dir;

	if( ! -d $filepath )
		return undef;

	my @retval = EPrints::Utils::df_dir $filepath;
	return undef unless @retval;
	return (@retval)[3];


=item $domdocument = $repository->parse_xml( $file, $no_expand );

Turns the given $file into a XML DOM/GDOME document. If $no_expand
is true then load &entities; but do not expand them to the values in
the DTD.

This function also sets the path in which the Parser will look for 
DTD files to the repository's config directory.


sub parse_xml
	my( $self, $file, $no_expand ) = @_;

	my $doc = EPrints::XML::parse_xml( 
		$self->get_conf( "variables_path" )."/",
		$no_expand );
	if( !defined $doc )
		$self->log( "Failed to parse XML file: $file" );
	return $doc;


=item $id = $repository->get_id 

Returns the id string of this repository.


sub get_id 
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{id};


=item $returncode = $repository->exec( $cmd_id, %map )

Executes a system command. $cmd_id is the id of the command as
set in SystemSettings and %map contains a list of things to "fill in
the blanks" in the invocation line in SystemSettings. 


sub exec
	my( $self, $cmd_id, %map ) = @_;

	return EPrints::Platform::exec( $self, $cmd_id, %map );

sub can_invoke
	my( $self, $cmd_id, %map ) = @_;

	my $execs = $self->get_conf( "executables" );

	foreach( keys %{$execs} )
		$map{$_} = $execs->{$_};

	my $command = $self->get_conf( "invocation" )->{ $cmd_id };
	return 0 if( !defined $command );

	$command =~ s/\$\(([a-z]*)\)/$map{$1}/gei;

	return 0 if( $command =~ /\$\([a-z]*\)/ );

	return 1;


=item $commandstring = $repository->invocation( $cmd_id, %map )

Finds the invocation for the specified command from SystemSetting and
fills in the blanks using %map. Returns a string which may be executed
as a system call.


sub invocation
	my( $self, $cmd_id, %map ) = @_;

	my $execs = $self->get_conf( "executables" );
	foreach( keys %{$execs} )
		$map{$_} = $execs->{$_};

	my $command = $self->get_conf( "invocation" )->{ $cmd_id };

	$command =~ s/\$\(([a-z]*)\)/$map{$1}/gei;

	return $command;


=item $defaults = $repository->get_field_defaults( $fieldtype )

Return the cached default properties for this metadata field type.
or undef.


sub get_field_defaults
	my( $self, $fieldtype ) = @_;

	return $self->{field_defaults}->{$fieldtype};


=item $repository->set_field_defaults( $fieldtype, $defaults )

Cache the default properties for this metadata field type.


sub set_field_defaults
	my( $self, $fieldtype, $defaults ) = @_;

	$self->{field_defaults}->{$fieldtype} = $defaults;


=item $success = $repository->generate_dtd

Regenerate the DTD file for each language. This file is used when
loading some of the XML files. It contains entities such as &ruler;
and &adminemail; which make maintaining the XML files easier.

The entites in the DTD file are configured by get_entities in the module.

Returns true. Might return false on error (not checking yet).


sub generate_dtd
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $dtdfile = $self->get_conf("lib_path")."/xhtml-entities.dtd";
	open( XHTMLENTITIES, $dtdfile ) ||
		die "Failed to open system DTD ($dtdfile) to include ".
			"in repository DTD";
	my $xhtmlentities = join( "", <XHTMLENTITIES> );

	my $file = $self->get_conf( "variables_path" )."/entities.dtd";
	my $tmpfile = $file.".".$$;
	open( DTD, ">$tmpfile" ) || die "Failed to open $tmpfile for writing";

	print DTD <<END;
	XHTML Entities

	*** DO NOT EDIT, This is auto-generated ***

		print DTD <<END;

	Generic XHTML entities 

	print DTD $xhtmlentities;
	close DTD;
	move( $tmpfile, $file );

	return 1;



